The benefits of garlic for the human body. who is harmful


Back in the days of Pythagoras, garlic was called the "king of seasonings." It is considered an important and useful vegetable in the diet of a healthy person. Nowadays, there are about 30 varieties of this plant, which are widely used in medicine and cooking. The benefits of garlic for the human body is undeniable and time-proved.

The benefits and harm of garlic to the human body

The benefits and harm of garlic to the human body

The composition of garlic includes a large number of beneficial trace elements, minerals and, of course, vitamins. That is why the benefits of garlic, like onions, for the human body consists in a number of medicinal properties:

  • due to its bactericidal properties, garlic successfully fights against microbes and fungi, viruses and bacteria;
  • its external use contributes to the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • increases the activity of cells that stimulate the immune system;
  • inhibits the processes of decay and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used as a disinfectant;
  • with regular use lowers cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • interferes with the formation of blood clots and dissolves existing ones, reduces vascular spasms;
  • promotes liquefaction and separation of sputum, relieves inflammation in the throat;
  • as a prophylactic agent fighting cancer cells in the bronchi and oral cavity;
  • promotes the development of digestive enzymes necessary for the normal assimilation of food, enhances the work of the muscles of the intestine, improves appetite, metabolism;
  • is a choleretic agent that prevents the formation of gallstones;
  • prevents dementia in old people;
  • is a means to fight worms;
  • contributes to longevity;
  • in men, it restores and increases potency, promotes vasodilation and normalizes the blood circulation of the genitals;
  • in women it prevents malignant tumors of the breast and uterus, prevents the appearance of osteoarthritis, strengthens hair, prolongs youth and beauty;
  • effective remedy for scaling and vitamin deficiencies.

It is also worth noting that with its aroma and specific taste, garlic has found wide application in cooking. It is used in the preservation of cold appetizers and vegetables, is part of a variety of dishes and seasonings, and pickled garlic arrows - just delicious.

However, the composition of garlic includes harmful substances that have a negative impact on the human body. The main cause of garlic damage is unpleasant odor and toxicity. Natural sulphides in its composition, cause migraine, slow down the reaction and contribute to confusion.

The harm of this product is observed in such diseases as:

  • obesity;
  • epilepsy;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • liver disease;
  • asthma.

Contraindications to eating garlic

Contraindications to eating garlic

Although garlic is considered a useful natural product, it also has contraindications for its use:

  • With deviations in the digestive system, garlic irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, while increasing the production of gastric juice, which provokes the aggravation of diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastritis, increased acidity.
  • With calculous cholecystitis, the essential oils in garlic increase the secretion of bile in the gallbladder. This can trigger the movement of stones from the bladder and close the bile duct. This process is very dangerous for the patient.
  • People with a large body weight and watching their figure eating garlic is contraindicated, as it increases appetite.
  • The existence of intolerance to the smell of garlic. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, many advise to chew parsley or a slice of lemon or drink milk. However, from these actions, the smell will only be less, but will not evaporate completely. The blood should be cleansed of sulfur, obtained with a portion of garlic, and only after that the smell will disappear.
  • In diseases of the pancreas and kidneys, fresh-squeezed garlic juice is not recommended, and the reason is sulfanyl-hydroxyl ions, which enter the blood and are irritants. Fresh juice has a negative effect on the digestive system, kidneys.
  • When violations in cardiac activity (hypertension and hypotension), liver, gastric ulcer, viral hepatitis, infectious diseases, as well as skin infections, there are contraindications to the use of alcohol garlic tincture.
  • During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, the use of garlic increases uterine activity, as a result of which the risk of premature birth increases. Also, garlic helps to thin the blood, and for pregnant women suffering from nosebleeds, it is very dangerous.
  • When breastfeeding garlic spoils the taste of milk, and the baby can refuse the breast.
  • In case of allergic reactions to the essential oil contained in garlic.

How much garlic can I eat per day?

How much garlic can I eat per day?

You can eat as fresh garlic in the form of cloves and green leaves, and canned. Raw garlic, rich in beneficial vitamins, will be much more beneficial than heat-treated. The amount of garlic for each person is an individual indicator.

But even if you are a completely healthy person, do not abuse this useful product. Limit your intake to two or three teeth. If you want to have a good and restful sleep, do not eat garlic in the evening. This product, eaten at night, can increase blood pressure, cause heartburn and cause insomnia.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the benefits of garlic for the human body is great. However, applying it for medicinal purposes, be sure to listen to the reactions of your body, and if necessary, consult your doctor.