Spondylosis of the cervical spine


Today, one of the most frequently encountered groups of ailments is back problems. And here many are lost in the causes, in the symptoms, and in the choice of competent treatment. Not distinguished by the simplicity of diagnosis and therapy and cervical spinal spondylosis.

For a start, let's see what it really is and what these 4 words mean.

Spondylosis is a generalized concept that speaks of diseases of the spine that appear as a result of the natural aging of the body. Therefore, such a diagnosis is often found in people who have already turned 50 years old.


Experts distinguish spondylosis by its location:

  • Cervical;
  • Thoracic;
  • Lumbar.

Sometimes doctors use the term "deforming spondylosis", it is not a separate disease, but a synonym, it is permissible in pronunciation, since this disease causes deformation of the human spine.

Thus, spondylosis of the cervical spine is a disease arising from bone growths that squeeze nerves, blood vessels and even the spinal cord. Usually the disease attacks this particular place of our body due to the fact that:

  • The vertebrae here are less strong compared to the others, which is further aggravated by the weak muscles of this area;
  • There are no discs between the skull and the first three vertebrae;
  • The nervous and vascular system of this place is unique, located in a confined space and at the same time slope to spondylosis;
  • The neck is very mobile and undergoes daily heavy loads.

How to avoid becoming a victim of treacherous spondylosis?

sitting posture

In order not to take a turn among those who have been thrown back by spondylosis of the cervical spine, now suffer from pain, you need to take care of yourself in advance. And it is possible to do it right from today by observing some simple rules:

  • We do not refuse to charge in the morning, walks in the open air, team sports, gym, swimming;
  • We get an orthopedic mattress;
  • If your work involves sitting posture almost the whole day, then all the more you should think about your lifestyle. Several times in the office day, get up and do not hesitate to warm up;
  • Do not forget to observe your posture;
  • Personal menu is also not ignored, it should contain all the important vitamins and minerals.

Why did spondylosis of the cervical spine come to you?

Of course, this is the failure of preventive measures. Also, the following reasons can lead to this disappointing result, which are most often found in the aggregate:

  • Natural aging of the body;
  • The spine was often very loaded, for example, work in the office, the result - constantly sitting position;
  • Injuries of a different nature;
  • Bad metabolism;
  • Spinal curvature and flat feet;
  • Hypothermia

All these factors open up the following picture: the discs are destroyed, and the spine is no longer flexible, like in a healthy person. The body reacts and begins to create additional bone tissue, which later will begin to compress the nerves, blood vessels and leads to adverse effects.

General symptoms of spondylosis and cervical lesions

The symptoms of this disease manifest themselves clearly and openly, among the general ones the following can be distinguished:

  • Pain. It can manifest itself in different ways, be of a very different nature, make you at any time of the day, both in motion and in peace;
  • Mobility begins to have boundaries. The patient does this unconsciously, that is, in a certain way he begins to move less so as not to experience pain. But after a while, mobility ceases to be dominated by man;
  • Wrong posture.

Deforming spondylosis of the cervical spine has its own symptoms:

  • Worried headache and dizziness;
  • Vision impairment, tinnitus (often when the neck does not move);
  • Problems with pressure: sharp jumps;
  • The sensitivity of the neck ceases to be normal;
  • Sometimes a crunch is heard in the cervical region;
  • Pain, stiffness or tingling in the neck, and can also be in the back of the head, hands;
  • The neck muscles became weak.

What is the danger of this disease?

Each disease entails not the best consequences, if it is not treated in time and properly started, spondylosis of the cervical spine is no exception. His danger lies in the fact that patients are beginning to see poorly, they are tormented by tinnitus, unstable pressure, pain. As the extra bone tissue grows, so-called “false lameness” may appear, which is accompanied by the fact that one or both legs sometimes become “wooden”. The pain accompanies the person, both in motion and in pauses.

Spondylosis can also lead to a herniated disc. And that is why it is so important to do everything possible in order not to become sick with such a diagnosis. And if they could not, then in time to turn to a professional who will diagnose and prescribe a competent treatment.

Comprehensive Diagnostics


In order for the treatment to be correct and effective, you need to make a good diagnosis. Of course, the doctor will listen to all your complaints and symptoms, as well as examine in his office. But this is not enough, with spondylosis of the cervical spine, specialists resort to:

  • X-ray This will allow you to see your spine and hostile bone outgrowths, as well as to establish their location and size;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. This method will give a more detailed picture, which will allow you to calculate the size of growths to ml;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Electrocardiogram;
  • Laboratory research.

What ways to investigate you will decide the doctor, based on history, and the results will establish the full picture and begin a comprehensive treatment.

Treatment: how to proceed?

Naturally, the sooner you contact a specialist, and treatment begins, the less likely the occurrence of complications. And here every patient asks a question: how to treat it properly?

Spondylosis of the cervical spine includes 3 areas in which you can be treated:

  • Prescription medications;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Surgical intervention.

Of course, it is not necessary to choose one, as a rule, they are combined.

Medicinal preparations are prescribed to make life easier for the patient: eliminate pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation, strengthen bones. Among the drugs are often found such as: Analgin, Ibuprofen, Novocain.


Therapy includes:

  • Exercise therapy;
  • Swimming;
  • Massage that allows blood and nutrients to flow freely to the affected area;
  • Manual therapy (for example, dry extension) and acupuncture;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Wearing a special corset.

These procedures help to strengthen the muscles of the neck, relieve the spine, to form the correct posture.

Medicine resorts to surgery only in the most difficult and neglected cases, when other methods will definitely fail.

Often patients are interested in non-traditional methods for recovery, among them osteapathy can be distinguished (a complex of special effects that improve metabolism and relieve the disease). You can also find a lot of recipes for the preparation of ointments and compresses from medicinal herbs. However, all popular methods are temporary and, moreover, will not help to remove serious pain. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell on generally accepted medical care.

Spondylosis of the cervical spine is a disease caused by age and the appearance of excess bone tissue. This disease can be avoided if you follow the above mentioned preventive measures. And if you still have symptoms, you should immediately visit a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe a treatment that will relieve pain and the development of the disease.