Sore tailbone


Many people complain that the tailbone hurts when you sit and get up, but they don’t hurry to see a doctor, believing that the reason for such sensations is ordinary fatigue, overstrain. We must not forget that the tailbone is a section of the spine, and the appearance of pain in this part of the body always indicates a problem worthy of attention.

The rudimentary vertebrae that make up the tailbone provide for the attachment of muscles and ligaments involved in the work of the urogenital system and the movement of the buttocks. In the life of a modern person, this part of the spine is often subjected to excessive load, so the situation when it hurts to sit, because the tailbone hurts, is not uncommon. The cause of such pain can also be the pathology of individual organs and body systems. To eliminate the problem, people resort to different methods, ranging from a short medication treatment to surgical intervention.

What are the pain signals of the lower vertebrae?

Sore tailbone when you sit and get up

In medical science, to refer to this symptom use the terms:

  • coccygodynia - pain, localized directly in the coccyx, due to injuries, changes in the joints, neuralgia and scaling;
  • anorectal pain, or pseudococigodynia - pain in the anus or rectum, which give to the lower vertebrae.

The occurrence of pain in the tailbone area can be caused by the following factors.

Overload and injury

Optionally, the victim suffered a stroke, pelvic injury, or a fall — the tailbone can be injured if:

  • cycling on a rough road;
  • management of large vehicles (armored personnel carriers, tanks, tractors);
  • prolonged abnormal position of the body while sitting on a chair (when the pelvis is shifted down);
  • the formation of adhesions, scars and scars after surgery.

As a result of cartilage deformation, the soft tissues and nerve plexuses are compressed, and the person feels discomfort. Permanent overload and damage to the coccyx can lead to inflammatory processes resulting in suppuration and the formation of a fistula or cyst. For cracks, fractures or the tailbone offset, there is a sharp pain when standing up.

Spinal deformity

The spine changes shape when:

  • scoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondyloarthrosis and other diseases.

Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, the nerves are pinched, the blood circulation and oxygen supply to the tissues are disturbed. Therefore, cartilage and bones are destroyed, which is naturally accompanied by pain.


Coccygodynia possible if nerves are inflamed

Coccygodynia is possible if the nerves that come from the sacral or lumbar spine are inflamed.

Proctological diseases

Pain can be given to the tailbone if the patient has:

  • cracks in the anus;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • fistula, nodes or tumors of the rectum.

Gynecological pathology

Anorectal pain may be disturbed by:

  • diseases of the urinary organs;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • enlarged uterus during gestation;
  • tissue hemorrhage and pelvic injury during childbirth;
  • omission of the perineum.

In case of proctological and gynecological ailments, pain in the rudimentary vertebrae is complemented by the appearance of discharge, painful defecation and fever.

Salt deposits, frequent diarrhea, diseases of the digestive system (especially dysbacteriosis), inflammation of the joints and impaired blood circulation are also reasons why the tailbone hurts when you sit.

Medical care is not desirable but obligatory.

Attempts to independently establish the cause of this disease are usually useless - it is best to immediately consult a doctor and undergo diagnostic tests:

  • palpation of the site of pain;
  • X-ray of the sacrum and coccyx;
  • sigmoidoscopy, sphincterometry, balloonography, rectoscopy to assess the state of the anus and intestines;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

To avoid an error in the diagnosis, you need to visit a traumatologist, proctologist, neurologist, urologist and gynecologist. In case of serious injuries, ulcers or tumors, a surgeon will have to seek help.

The tailbone hurts when you sit and get up - what to do

Spinal curvature and slight deformation of the coccyx, muscle spasms should be eliminated by resorting to:

  • massage;
  • swimming;
  • physiotherapy.

To eliminate neuralgia, inflammation of the joints, in addition to manual therapy, nonsteroidal drugs are used:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprfen;
  • Piroxicam.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories and rectal darsonvalization will help to cope with proctological problems.

If the cause of pain in the coccyx is normal physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, then nothing needs to be done.

Diseases of the genitourinary system are treated by antibiotic therapy or the use of antifungal agents.

Enriching the diet with fermented milk products will help to avoid intestinal malfunctions. If the dysbiosis, despite the new menu, is preserved, you can begin to take probiotics and prebiotics. You also need time to get rid of other pathologies of the digestive system - according to the recommendations of the doctor.

Whatever diagnosis is made, you should not neglect the treatment, which reduces pain, which includes:

  • analgesics;
  • UHF-therapy;
  • mud tampons;
  • applications and blockades.

Anyone who finds that the tailbone hurts when you sit or get up is recommended to spend less time sitting and improve your blood circulation while doing physical therapy. However, gymnastics elements should not include:

  • fast walking;
  • run;
  • jumps;
  • sharp movements and jerks;
  • lifting dumbbells, weights and other weighting.

What if the tailbone hurts when you sit? It can not do without medical care. After establishing the cause of treatment should be carried out immediately, because the aggravation of the situation leads to impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system. To alleviate your condition or to prevent such troubles as pain in the coccyx, you need to lead an active lifestyle, maintain a straight posture and avoid injury.