Sea buckthorn candles in gynecology and not only


A few centuries ago, pure sea buckthorn oil was tested and evaluated as an anti-inflammatory, regenerative, antimicrobial agent, and from traditional medicine gradually passed into official medicine, being in several of its subsections at once. In gynecology, candles with sea buckthorn oil have been used for a long time - manufacturers assure their full safety, as well as the almost immediate effect of the application.

The use of sea buckthorn candles in gynecology

Use of sea buckthorn candles

The use of sea buckthorn candles in gynecology

The main attraction of this tool is their leave without a doctor's prescription, allowing you to start self-treatment. As far as is reasonable - the question remains open, but judging by the comments of women, sea buckthorn candles are not in vain in high demand.

  • The tool is primarily focused on the treatment of erosion, colpitis and endocervitis, for which vaginal candles are purchased. At the same time, in addition to sea buckthorn oil, analgesic components and anesthetics may be present.
  • It is possible to use vaginal sea buckthorn candles and as a fairly natural contraceptive, which also necessarily contains bactericidal components.
  • Rectal candlesticks with sea buckthorn oil are indicated for ulcers and fissures of the rectum, proctitis, hemorrhoids, as well as painful bowel movements. Anesthetic components may also be present.
  • Perhaps the appointment of a doctor of this tool and as a healing after cauterization erosion.
  • If you use candles on your own, for the treatment of colpitis, it is first necessary to carry out the procedure of douching with warm water, then quickly insert the suppository into the vagina, trying to bury it well.
  • Introduction of sea buckthorn candles with any of the goals is desirable to make at bedtime or to make sure that after the procedure it will be possible to maintain a prone position for 30-40 minutes, until the candle completely dissolves.

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Sea buckthorn candles in gynecology: consumer reviews

Sea buckthorn candles in gynecology

  • Renata: Sea buckthorn candles helped me to solve a delicate problem: during pregnancy, as many people know, the chair is broken. In my case, it was permanent constipation. An obstetrician friend advised me to take candles with sea buckthorn oil. Put them for 10 days, daily for 1 pc. There were no problems, and relief was already felt on the 2nd day.
  • Irina: I would never have thought that such a penny means would help to cope with cervical erosion! The main treatment was carried out under the supervision of a physician - it was necessary to do cauterization, and then the process of recovery of the mucous membrane went. It was here that I had to resort to sea buckthorn candles. They are easy to put on, I did it for the night, but I need to immediately put on a gasket - the oil flows out, and on the first night I had a lot of bedclothes for myself. A course of 10 suppositories was sufficient: the examination showed complete healing. True, there is an unpleasant moment - a slight burning sensation of the vagina, but perhaps this is my sensitivity played a role.
  • Daria: After active tests of an expensive hemorrhoid remedy, I asked the pharmacy to pick up something natural: a pharmacist offered candles with sea buckthorn oil. Packing on 10 pieces cost. only 45 rubles., so I did not lose anything. I used the entire contents of the package, it became easier already on the 4th day, by the end of the course I did not even remember about hemorrhoids.

Side effects and contraindications for use in gynecology candles with sea buckthorn oil do not have, even their use in pregnant and lactating women is allowed - there should be a note on the package on the package. But before the purchase of funds recommended to consult with your doctor.