Quail eggs


Quail eggs as a useful and tasty product became known to people many years ago. Even in the ancient papyrus and in the popular medical recipes of China there are references to quail eggs. Quail eggs gained popularity after being studied by the Japanese - they took them out of China for scientific research.

The Japanese concluded that regular use of quail eggs has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, nervous system, and also helps the body cope with radionuclides. In Japan, this product is widely distributed and much appreciated due to its nutritional properties. We have tiny eggs have not long taken root, were considered a delicacy and were used mainly for baby food. Nowadays, the popularity of quail eggs is growing, since there is no such unique combination of useful substances in any product.

Quail eggs: composition

Quail eggs contain many proteins that are rich in substances such as lysine, tyrosine, glycine, and tyrosine. The content of vitamins quail eggs are much higher than chicken: vitamin A is more than 2 times, B - 2.7 times, B2 - 2.3 times. Iron, phosphorus and calcium more than five times! Also higher content of cobalt and copper.

Quail eggs: properties

Quail Eggs Properties

Doctors recommend quail eggs are regularly eaten within 4 months, as they strengthen the bones, improve the work of the heart, kidneys, liver, stomach and prostate gland. For a health effect, it is better to eat them raw before a meal and drink water.

Unlike chicken eggs, quails cannot have salmonellosis - quails do not get sick of them, so it is not dangerous to eat them raw. You can add them raw to cereal, mashed potatoes or make an omelet. But do not forget that with long processing (more than 15 minutes) all the useful substances disappear.

How are quail eggs useful?

  1. Perfect for bodybuilders to increase the amount of protein in the body, because quail eggs are absorbed by 80% and do not cause diathesis when taken in large doses.
  2. In them high content of vitamin B, which improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Phosphorus, potassium and iron in eggs help improve memory, and during pregnancy protect the teeth from destruction.
  4. In quail eggs practically no cholesterol so harmful to our body.

Due to the high content of lysocin, eggs have a long preservation - up to two months in the refrigerator. Lysocin does not produce harmful microflora, both in eggs and in humans.

How to eat quail eggs?

  1. Small and weak children are better to introduce quail eggs in the diet, starting with half an egg.
  2. Children 1-3 years old - 1-2 eggs are possible daily,
  3. Children 3-10 years old - 3 eggs are possible,
  4. Children 10-18 years old - 4 eggs are possible,
  5. Adults can eat 4-6 eggs.

After two weeks of regular use of quail eggs, you can already notice their therapeutic effect. Especially useful quail eggs in old age - joint pains are reduced, impaired vision and hearing are restored. This product is irreplaceable for pregnant - helps with difficult pregnancy, toxemia and the threat of fetal failure.

Quail eggs: application in traditional medicine

  1. To raise vitality: Take 4-5 eggs and mix them with 100 gr. any fruit and vegetable juice, add honey and eat in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. With belching, heaviness in the stomach and weak potency It is useful to eat 4 beaten eggs before meals, adding 30 gr. brandy and 1 h. Spoonful of sugar. Only when taking such a cocktail it is necessary to include bread with bran in the diet.
  3. To return shine to dry and lifeless hair, beat 5 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 5 quail eggs and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Beat the mixture evenly over hair and scalp, then put on a plastic cap to keep warm. Wait an hour and wash it off with warm water. After this procedure, the hair will find softness and shine.

Quail eggs: good

What is useful quail eggshell?

  • In addition to the eggs themselves, quail shell is also useful, which mainly consists of calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is well accepted by the body. Also in a shell many other useful substances: copper, fluorine, sulfur, silicon and zinc.
  • According to its composition quail eggshell is very similar to the composition of teeth and bones in the human body. It is very useful to include the shell in the diet of a growing child, as they require a higher amount of calcium for bone growth.
  • In order to prepare a healthy shell, first clean it from the egg, then pour it with cold water, bring to a boil and wait 5 minutes. Then pour the hot water, pour it cold and boil again for 5 minutes. After the water is drained, give the shell to cool and add apple cider vinegar for a day. Then the vinegar is drained, the shell is rinsed, dried in a dark place and ground to a fine powder on a coffee grinder.
  • Children with calcium deficiency give half a spoonful of powder, adding a few drops of lemon juice.
  • With poor condition of nails and hair, heartburn, bleeding gums, nervous breakdowns, sleep disorders and fractures for quick bone repair Doctors advise to use 1 teaspoon of shell a day with a sour juice.

Quail eggs: harm

Do not feed quail eggs to children under 1 year old. Also a contraindication to the use of individual intolerance, although it is extremely rare.

When buying quail eggs, be careful: in the box there may be cracked specimens due to the fragility of the shell, and there may be stale eggs. To avoid this, study the expiration date and the suspension of a box of eggs, dried old eggs will be by weight, like a feather.

Quail eggs are added to food on the basis that five quail eggs equal one chicken. Eating quail eggs for food, you will improve the nutritional properties of the dish, you can also decorate the festive table with them. Quail eggs are an excellent natural remedy for strengthening immunity and health!