"phosphogliv" or "essentiale" - which is better


Many believe that alcohol abuse is the basis of liver problems. However, this is not quite true. Every day we absorb pollutants with air and food. A negative diet and medications also have a negative effect on the liver. But it is not all that bad. How to effectively support the regeneration of the liver? Which is better - "Phosphogliv" or "Essentiale"?

What drug to choose to restore the liver?

What's better -

The liver is one of the most important organs of a person when it comes to maintaining health. The number of toxins that are daily filtered through the liver cells from the blood increases steadily throughout our lives. In addition to the body's internal toxins, alcohol, nicotine, drugs and medicines of all kinds are placed on the liver as a huge burden.

In addition, ikishechnye problems, such as abdominal distention, pesticides in food, as well as environmental pollutants - heavy metal and drinking water and much more, do not add to health.

The sooner you help your liver build cells and restore them naturally, the faster your whole body will benefit. These goals serve a separate group of drugs called hepatoprotectors. They stimulate the regeneration of damaged liver cells, normalize its functioning and protect against the harmful effects of harmful substances.

Today, the pharmaceutical market is saturated with similar preparations of both domestic and foreign production. Especially popular "Phosphogliv" and "Essentiale-Forte N", and which of them is better, now find out.

Which is better - "Phosphogliv" or "Essentiale"?




The drug is quite unique, above all, a high content of essential phospholipids. They are involved in the restoration of cells and the normalization of metabolism. The drug reduces the intensity of the replacement processes of healthy cells with connective tissues.

Active combined hepatoprotector, which includes, in addition to phospholipids, glycyrate. This substance provides immunomodulating properties of the drug, inhibiting the development of viruses and stimulating the production of interferon.

Indications and contraindications

It is used in degenerative fatty lesions of the liver, including diabetes, intoxication, cirrhosis, hepatitis of various forms, cellular tissue necrosis, psoriasis, hepatic coma.

The tool is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.

Capsules are prescribed for the treatment of chronic hepatitis and chronic liver cirrhosis. The drug is used in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acute liver intoxication and the organism as a whole.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. During lactation, its use is possible only with the suspension of breastfeeding.


  • Consists exclusively of natural ingredients.
  • This is the first choice for autoimmune lesions of the liver and hepatitis of various nature.
  • It has good tolerability rates for both adults and children.
  • The drug is allowed pregnant and lactating.
  • It can be used as a prophylactic or adjuvant in the treatment of psoriasis, radiation and gallstone disease.
  • Stimulates digestive fermentation.
  • Used to prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack by reducing cholesterol levels.
  • The possibility of widespread use in the treatment of hepatitis viral etiology and various pathological lesions of the liver, including alcohol, toxic or medicinal.
  • Used in the treatment of neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema as an aid.
  • Practically has no side effects and is well tolerated by patients of different age categories.


Possible side effects in the form of allergies, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

  • Contraindicated in hypertension.
  • It prevents the removal of fluid from the body.
  • Possible skin reactions in the form of a rash.

What are analogs?


In addition to the two considered drugs, the pharmacy chains offer a large selection of drugs that are analogues of Fosfogliva and Essentiale:

  • "Heptral" - hepatoprotector with antidepressant properties, has a neuroprotective, antioxidant, detoxifying effect. Actively stimulates the regenerative processes in the liver.
  • "Kars" - is used both for the regeneration of liver tissue and for the prevention of pathological changes.
  • "Hofitol" - vegetable hepatoprotector with choleretic effect. In addition, the drug has a moderate diuretic effect. A therapeutic effect of the drug provides artichoke leaf extract.

User Reviews

For completeness and the final choice, which is better - "Phosphogliv" or "Essentiale", consider the reviews of those who took these drugs:

  • Snezhana: "After my father began to lose weight rapidly, he was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver in the initial stage. For us, it was just a shock! They prescribed treatment, as they say, heaps of medicines. Among them, Essentiale." 10 years of treatment for three months with a thirty-day break. His condition is stable, the disease does not progress, we hope for recovery. "
  • Larisa: "He was given hepatitis C through blood transfusion during childbirth. Phosphogliv was prescribed for treatment: first intravenous injections and then capsules. Since then, I have been taking this remedy twice a year during periods of spring and autumn exacerbations. Constant monitoring of tests confirms positive effects of the drug. The disease does not develop, I feel good. "

Each of the proposed drugs has its positive and negative sides. If you say that one of them is better, it means that the other is considered worse, and this is not so. The decision on the use of a drug should be made only by a doctor, taking into account individual indications and contraindications. Be healthy!