Obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns


The diagnosis of obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns is scary for the parents. In modern medicine, the disease is called "dacryocystitis." Obstruction occurs in 1-5% of babies and is successfully eliminated both by surgery and by folk remedies. The most frightening in its treatment for worried adults seems to be probing, which they are trying to avoid. Should I be afraid of the procedure and what is it? Is it possible to do without sensing?

The reasons

Dacryocystitis is an inflammatory process in the lacrimal sac that provokes obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns. To understand why a disease occurs, it is necessary to study the anatomy of the eye.

In any person, tears pass into the nasal cavity through the tear ducts, which consist of:

  • two tear points;
  • two tear ducts;
  • lacrimal sac;
  • lacrimal nasal canal.

Obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns

The tears are collected along two tubules into a sac, and then they go out into the tear-nasal canal. While the baby is in the womb, this passage is closed with a gelatinous film. Due to this, the lacrimal canals are protected from amniotic fluid and infections. After birth, the film breaks and the tubules begin to function. However, if the film does not break, it becomes stagnant. An infection in the eye increases the inflammation, and dacryocystitis occurs. To solve the problem, you need to remove the gelatinous film.

Symptoms and effects

Suspect the disease mother or doctor may still in the hospital for such symptoms:

  • purulent discharge in the corners of the eye;
  • lacrimal discharge when the child is at rest;
  • swelling of the eye.

However, dacryocystitis may also appear at a later age. The signs of obstruction are very similar to conjunctivitis. In the early stages of the disease, tearing can occur to an insignificant degree, for example, only while walking. Discharge of pus is absent and protrude if pressure is pressed on the lacrimal sac.

If the eye has already been treated, the symptoms may be muffled. To clarify the diagnosis, an ophthalmologist tests. To do this, a small wick is inserted into the nasal cavity, the eyes are instilled with a solution based on a collar. If after 10-20 minutes the tip of the wick does not turn red, the doctor will diagnose dacryocystitis. But since the degree of obstruction cannot be determined by this procedure, it will be necessary to consult an ENT doctor.

If the disease is not treated, fistulae (purulent formations) may occur on the lacrimal sac with time, preceded by fever and anxiety of the child. In a state of neglect, the disease can lead to loss of vision, so at first suspicion parents should not delay the visit to the doctor.

Traditional treatment

Obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns: drops will help

If obstruction of the lacrimal canals was seen in the maternity hospital, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. Up to 2-3 months (in some cases up to six months), the film is still tender and can be easily broken through massage and washing. Let us dwell on these procedures.

  • Washing. For this purpose, use the infusion of chamomile flowers, strong brewed tea, furatsilinovy ​​solution or water boiled for a long time. Swab cotton wool dip in the solution and remove the selection. You need to wash both eyes so that the infection does not spread further. For each eye, use a separate swab. During the procedure, you need to make sure that the fluid does not leak into the second eye or ear, otherwise the inflammation will progress. Washing should be done, even if there is no pus.
  • Eye drops. To stop the development of infection, doctors recommend to bury eyes with disinfectants. This may be Albucid, Vitabact for newborns. Very popular is Tobrex - eye drops, the instruction to which allows the use of medication for infants. The duration of use and dose is determined by the ophthalmologist.
  • Massage. The purpose of the procedure is to clean the nasal canal and break through the gelatinous membrane. If you decide to massage yourself, it would be nice to study the structure of the lacrimal canals and know their location. Next, the doctor must show how to perform the procedure. Improperly performed massage not only will not bring benefits, but also harm.

Order of conduct:

  1. Wash your hands well, cut your nails, wear sterile gloves.
  2. Gently squeeze purulent contents from the lacrimal sac.
  3. Rinse with furatsilina solution using a swab.
  4. Massage jerky movements with your index finger from the top of the eye to the sinus 5 times without a break.
  5. Make the final push upwards.
  6. Massage about 5 times a day.

If after 2 months of the procedure the film is not broken, the doctor will recommend to probe the tear channel.

How is probing

Parents are usually afraid of this manipulation, however, it is carried out painlessly for 5 minutes, and after the intervention, the baby can go home with his mother. A visit to the ENT doctor before surgery is mandatory. He will determine if there is an infection or pathology in the nasal cavity. Baby also have to pass a blood test.

Contraindications to sounding - a curvature of the nasal septum and pathology of the lacrimal canals. Such children at 5-6 years old are assigned a special operation - dacryocystorhinostomy.

Sounding of the lacrimal canal is carried out in several stages:

  1. As anesthesia, drops with the effect of anesthesia are used.
  2. The child must be tightly swaddled. Mom or nurse hold the head so that the baby does not move.
  3. With the help of conical probes, the lacrimal punctures and tubules are expanded.
  4. A long probe is inserted into the nasal duct. His task is to break through the film.
  5. The channel is disinfected with an antibiotic solution.

After the operation, it is recommended to massage and rinse the eyes for a week so that adhesions do not form.

No matter how terrible this disease may seem to parents, one should not lose hope. Trust the doctor, follow his recommendations and trust in your child!