Neurologist and neurologist


Infrequently, with the appearance of headaches, we rush to the attending specialist. But when diseases of the central nervous system prevent us from fully enjoying life, we, of course, rush to the hospital. And before each of us the question arises: who should we contact - a neurologist or a neuropathologist? The difference in these professions raises many questions.

Neurologist and neuropathologist - minor differences and tremendous similarities

Neurologist and neuropathologist - minor differences and tremendous similarities

Many of us, faced with pathologies of the central or peripheral nervous system, are sent to a hospital. On the way to the hospital, we ask ourselves what kind of treating specialist to go to. And the matter concerns not only the qualifications or professional experience of the doctor. Healers of the nervous system are two doctors - a neurologist and a neurologist.

Surprisingly, but a fact: until 1980 in the Soviet Union, a specialist in the treatment of pathologies associated with the functioning of various parts of the nervous system was called a neuropathologist, and later we increasingly heard the profession of a neurologist. As such, there is no difference between a neurologist and a neurologist.

So, to sum up all of the above, we conclude that a neurologist (neuropathologist) is engaged in the treatment of the brain and spinal regions of the brain, as well as the peripheral parts of the nerve fibers. This profile is quite wide. The doctor of such specialization can be a person who has received a medical higher education in the relevant direction. So, people with neuropathology are educated in the specialties of “Medical” and “Pediatrics”. To do this, you only need to pass the residency in the appropriate department.

Doctors of the nervous system, or what does a neurologist do?

Healers of the nervous system, or what a neurologist does

As we have already found out, there is no significant difference between a neurologist and a neurologist. Both of these doctors treat the pathologies of the nervous central and peripheral systems. You should contact them when symptoms associated with neurological pathologies appear. The main symptom is the appearance of pain syndromes in the neck, articular tissues, head, etc.

A neurologist (neurologist) is most often referred to by people who have suffered injuries of varying intensity, strokes, osteochondrosis and a number of other pathologies. The neurologist directly cures the following pathological conditions:

  • pain syndromes on the face or in the head, in particular, paralysis, nervous-type tics, tremors, etc .;
  • convulsive states;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • impairment or loss of consciousness;
  • pain in various segments of the back - radiculitis, osteochondrosis, hernial neoplasms;
  • Parkinson’s pathology;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Also, people who have suffered a stroke resort to the help of neurologists. In addition, in addition to neurological disorders, mental disorders can appear in the background of a head injury in a person. In this case, a neurologist and a psychotherapist will come to the rescue.

When do you need help from a neurologist?

When do you need help from a neurologist?

Unfortunately, an ordinary person does not possess the necessary amount of medical knowledge. Because of our incompetence, we often miss the moment when it is necessary to consult a specialist and begin treatment. We have already found out that there is practically no difference between a neurologist and a neurologist, so any of them can be addressed. In what cases should I resort to their help? We list them:

  • with the onset of migraine;
  • in case of any violations of a full sleep mode;
  • with the systematic occurrence of headaches of strong intensity;
  • in case of tingling sensation in the upper or lower extremities, as well as their pathological numbness;
  • in violation of coordinating movements;
  • in case of systematic fainting and dizziness;
  • with frequent tinnitus.

If you doubt that in these cases you need the help of a neurologist (neuropathologist), initially you can make an appointment with a general practitioner who will determine the specialization and direct you to the right doctor.

We go to the reception to the neurologist

Before we go to an appointment with the attending specialist, we think about how this happens and what we should be prepared for. I would like to note that there will not be any painful manipulations or procedures when examined by a neurologist (neuropathologist). As a rule, reception at the neuropathologist passes in several stages:

  • patient survey;
  • history taking;
  • inspection;
  • direction for the delivery of various tests;
  • appointment of the treatment course.

The treatment course is developed in each case individually. It depends on the diagnosis and the severity of the development of the disease. In rare cases, a doctor may prescribe a surgical treatment that a neurosurgeon specializes in.

Diagnostic methods: note to patient

What is the difference between a neurologist and a neurologist

Along with the aforementioned methods for diagnosing pathologies, a neuropathologist (neurologist) prescribes additional tests to detect the disease and determine the degree of its development. Most often in medical practice, the neurologist uses the following diagnostic techniques:

  • Lectroneuromyography. During this procedure, a special impulse passes through the nerve fibers, which makes it possible to evaluate the functionality of the NCS and muscle tissue.
  • Rheoencephalography. This diagnostic method is aimed at assessing the state of cerebral vessels, as well as the usefulness of blood circulation.
  • Electroencephalography. This manipulation allows the neurologist to assess the state of the brain as a whole. Through this diagnostic, the attending specialist will be able to detect any pathological foci in the brain, their localization, reactivity, etc.
  • Myelography. Such a diagnosis is carried out in cases of suspected spinal cord pathology. To do this, a liquid of a contrasting shade is injected into the spinal cord, which makes it possible to detect the pathology of the nerve root. By the type of carrying out this procedure resembles an X-ray.
  • Echoencephaloscopy. This procedure can be attributed to a number of ultrasound studies. During this manipulation, a neurologist (neuropathologist) can assess the state of the brain substance, as well as identify the pathology.
  • Radiographic study. This diagnostic method is used most often in cases where the pathology of the central or peripheral nervous system has developed as a result of injury.
  • Computed tomography. This method of diagnosis is considered the most informative and popular in neurology. Typically, this method of diagnosis is used to confirm the diagnosis, which was made on the basis of previously obtained research information.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. As medical practice shows, this method of diagnosis is very effective for detecting neoplasms.
  • Angiography. Using this type of diagnosis, a neurologist (neuropathologist) can assess the condition of the vessels. It is necessary to diagnose their functionality and the state of connective tissues.

Neurologists (neuropathologists) advise people in order to prevent a number of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system to carefully select their bed. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, avoidance of stressful situations and sports are the key to the full functioning of the nervous system. Now you are aware that there is no significant difference between a neurologist and a neurologist. Therefore, if you experience any symptoms, you can contact either one or the other doctor who specializes in neurology. Be healthy!