Mouse fever in adults


Many people dislike rodents because of their appearance. However, experts are more confused by those infectious diseases that carry these ubiquitous animals. For example, it is important to recognize the symptoms of mouse fever in adults as soon as possible, because the consequences of this disease are very serious.

How does the infection occur?

symptoms of mouse fever in adults

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, popularly known as "mouse", affects the vessels of internal organs and systems, especially the kidneys, the central nervous system, heart, pituitary gland. Signs of mouse fever at the onset of the disease manifest themselves in the form of an acute respiratory disease, which makes it difficult to diagnose at this stage.

The risk of infection is most susceptible to people in rural areas, anglers, lovers of picking mushrooms, or simply relaxing in nature. City dwellers are much less likely to become infected, since it is precisely the wooded landscapes that are dangerous. In this case, the infection itself is transmitted precisely from animals, but not from people.

Among vectors of the disease, the red vole is recognized as the most dangerous. In addition to these rodents, you can get from rats and bats. It is noteworthy that animals do not experience any symptoms of the disease, being simply carriers of the pathogen. The virus is released in the waste products of rodents.

A person can become infected in one of the following ways:

  • air-dust path, suggesting the inhalation of dust containing mouse excrement;
  • the alimentary method, that is, the entry of the virus into the body along with contaminated food or water;
  • contact path in which damaged skin is in contact with infected objects or animals.

The incubation period usually lasts 3-4 weeks. However, in rare cases, the disease manifests itself after a week from the moment of infection.

Mouse Fever Symptoms

Treatment of hemorrhagic fever should begin as early as possible, and for this it is important to recognize its manifestations in time.

In the initial period, which lasts from 1 to 3 days, the symptoms of mouse fever in adults are as follows:

  • increased body temperature - up to 40 degrees;
  • chills;
  • photosensitivity;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • redness of the skin of the neck and face;
  • weak cough;
  • dry mouth;
  • headaches;
  • general intoxication;
  • visual impairment.

Mouse Fever Symptoms

At the next stage, dubbed "oligouric", a person has signs of inflammation of the kidneys and hemorrhagic symptoms, that is, bleeding of the mucous membranes. This period usually starts from 4-7 days of illness. So, characteristic signs:

  • severe pain in the lumbar spine;
  • small rash on the skin, in particular, on the sides of the abdomen and in the armpits;
  • eye pain and conjunctivitis;
  • swelling of the face;
  • reducing the amount of urine;
  • blurred vision;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • eye hemorrhages;
  • nausea and gagging.

From 10-13 days of the disease, the polyuric stage begins - the period of recovery. It is characterized by the cessation of pain in the lower back and abdomen, the disappearance of vomiting, normalization of appetite, restoration of the functioning of the kidneys. The patient feels weak even before the 20-25 day of illness.

In addition to general intoxication, the disease in case of untimely medical measures is dangerous because of its deplorable consequences for the kidneys - in particular, renal failure or complete organ dysfunction, which can be fatal.

Special attention to the symptoms of murine fever should be paid to men aged 17 to 50 years. It is this group that is most often exposed to infection with a dangerous disease.

Methods of treatment and prevention of mouse fever

Methods of treatment and prevention of mouse fever

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is treated in the infectious disease ward of the hospital. The complex of medical measures includes:

  • mandatory bed rest for 1-3 weeks;
  • detoxification products;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • painkillers and antipyretic drugs;
  • infusion therapy;
  • restoration of water-salt balance;
  • sometimes hemodialysis is used;
  • in the case of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, blood thinners are prescribed;
  • vitamin complexes.

It should be understood that the algorithm for treating a disease is developed individually for each patient. The complex of therapeutic measures depends on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the organism and the patient's age, the likelihood of complications.

Infection prevention

Preventive measures are aimed primarily at eliminating human contact with sources of infection. If you know that there are any rodents in your home, it is worth throwing your strength to destroy or expel these animals.

A city dweller should be careful when driving outside the city limits, in particular, in country houses. Given the dusty way of infection, it is important to clean the room from dust and dirt. Before wet cleaning, be sure to protect your respiratory organs with a gauze bandage, and your hands with rubber gloves. It is also desirable to dislodge the bedding from the dust, then let them warm up in the sun for at least 4 hours.

For residents of rural areas, it is important to carry out deratization in time, that is, a comprehensive event for the destruction of pests. To do this, they use both pesticides and various traps, traps and scaring devices. When choosing chemicals, focus on those that have passed the appropriate certification.

Do not forget that rodents are attracted to garbage. Under polluted conditions, mice and rats breed much more actively, which means that it will be more difficult to eliminate them. Also it is necessary to protect food and drinking water from rodents, using a closed container.

Of course, it is better to prevent infection than to deal with the alarming symptoms of mouse fever. However, even in the event of a virus infection, it is important not to become confused and immediately hospitalize the patient. Remember that harmless-looking rodents harm not only agriculture, but also potentially dangerous to human health in any locality.