List of diseases


The meaning of the well-known proverb: "From prison and prison do not promise," can also be attributed to disability. This is due to misfortune or disease. The status "invalid" has a certain social and legal meaning. Let's find out its nuances and the list of diseases for which they give a disability.

This terrible status

list of diseases for which give disability

A disabled person with a modern interpretation is a person with disabilities. In other words, it is an individual who has specific limitations resulting from a defect or violation, which makes it impossible for him to fulfill a generally accepted normal role in society. A person is simply not able to perform one or several types of activity at once - physical, mental and mental.

The state takes care of such people by providing assistance to those in need with proper confirmation of the status of "disabled". Assignment of a certain category is carried out according to the results of the examination. This gives certain benefits - retirement benefits, limitation of efficiency and ability to work. Thus, the group number 1 is assigned in case of loss of the ability to care for yourself. Diseases in which give 2 disability group, do not require constant outside help to the patient.

At what disease give 3 group of disability? It is prescribed for a disease, as a result of which, due to the state of health, a person is not able to perform work in his specialty, but at the same time does not require outside help.

List of diseases

Consider an approximate and generalized list of diseases that give the right to disability.

Pathology of internal organs:

  • third degree arterial hypertension with organic changes in the human body;
  • coronary insufficiency accompanied by abnormalities of the heart and blood flow disorders;
  • heart defects with third-degree blood flow disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys of the chronic course as a result of violations of their functions;
  • chronic lung diseases with the development of persistent impairment of cardiac performance;
  • cirrhosis accompanied by disorders of the portal blood circulation;
  • cancer that cannot be cured;
  • hyperglycemia (severe forms of the course);
  • conditions following resection of the lung and extirpation of the stomach.

Neurosis and mental disorders:

Neuroses and mental disorders

  • Infections of the central nervous system - encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, if there is a disorganization of the main functions of the body, accompanied by developing hydrocephalus.
  • Brain injury with an outcome in the form of a decrease in mental activity, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, speech disorganization.
  • Brain injury with penetration and the presence of a foreign body in the medulla.
  • Paralysis - progressive and accompanied by a clear decline in intelligence.
  • Pathology of cerebral vessels with paralysis of half of the body, hemiparesis, mental disorder with a clear decrease in mental activity arising from the disruption of cerebral blood supply.
  • Spinal injuries and pathologies with distinct injuries to the pelvic organs and impaired locomotor functions.
  • Epileptic seizures with frequent seizures and a marked decrease in mental activity.
  • Developing pathologies of the central nervous system, having a chronic course, paralysis with embodied disorganization of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Injuries to nerves that do not enter the nervous system in parts of the brain with irreversible effects.
  • Reduction of mental abilities after the disorganization of the coherence of mental processes and the decline of this activity.
  • Stages oligophrenia.
  • Brain tumors - both brain and spinal, operations on which will not bring the desired effect.
  • Congenital deafness is bilateral.

Flaws and deformities in human anatomy


  • loss of hand;
  • violation of the continuity of the tubular bone of the forearm and the emergence of unusual mobility;
  • stiffness of the elbow joint;
  • disorganization in the joint of the elbow or shoulder as a result of resection is a pathological condition with a clearly increased number of passive movements and the complete impossibility of active ones;
  • loss of phalanges of four fingers with a large one;
  • loss of 3 fingers along with a big one;
  • loss of thumbs on both hands;
  • stiffness in the joint of the thumb and index finger, or three fingers in a position that limits functionality.


depending on the type of amputation of a part of the hip, tibia, foot

  • depending on the type of amputation of part of the thigh, tibia, foot;
  • false joint of the thigh, both bones of the tibia;
  • pathological, after resection, an increase in passive, in the complete absence of active movements in the knee or hip joint;
  • limited passive movements or fusion of the articular ends of the bones of the ankle, which disrupts motor function, the same applies to the hip joint;
  • stiffness in the knee, fixation of the joint less than 180 degrees;
  • reduction in leg length to 70 mm or more due to resection of the joint.


  • incurable fistula;
  • foreign bodies in the outer connective membrane of the heart or muscle tissue;
  • a defect in which even the prosthesis cannot regain the ability to chew;
  • removal of ribs - five or more, which is accompanied by respiratory failure: chest deformity due to surgical treatment.

ENT diseases:

  • removal of the upper part of the respiratory neck.
  • Diseases and lesions of the visual organs:
  • absolute bilateral blindness;
  • changes without the ability to initial recovery, leading to a steady decline in vision quality to 0.03;
  • absolute blindness of one eye, as well as a decrease in the quality of vision to 0.02, with no possibility of adjustment.

An exhaustive register of diseases, the presence of which in the adult’s medical history makes it possible to assign a group, is not fixed in the by-laws. There is no approved list of diseases for which children are disabled. Experts in their activities use the following criteria as criteria:

  • the severity of the disease;
  • features of the disease, not giving the individual to have a full life activity;
  • restrictions provoked by the disease and not allowing a person to serve themselves;
  • the root cause of the disease.

The commission is held during the month from the moment the documents are submitted in full. It assesses the severity of the disease, the presence after treatment of functional disorders in the body, which have a direct impact on the ability to work and livelihoods of a person.