Laryngitis in children


Kids under the age of 3 years often suffer from diseases of the nasopharynx. This is due to the anatomical structure of this body. Any inflammatory process can develop into laryngitis in children. The treatment of this disease has its own characteristics that parents should know.

Symptoms under the microscope

treatment of laryngitis in children is carried out at home

Laryngitis is a pathology of the larynx and vocal cords that occurs in the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane. The reasons for the occurrence of such an illness, the most diverse. Most often, the disease laryngitis becomes a consequence of acute respiratory or catarrhal pathologies. The younger the child, the stronger the symptoms, and the disease is more complicated.

Like any other pathology, laryngitis can occur in two forms:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

In most cases, the treatment of laryngitis in children is carried out at home, but under the supervision of a physician. Parents should know the symptoms of acute laryngitis in babies. This knowledge will help to relieve symptoms in a timely manner, provide the necessary assistance to the crumbs, or contact a medical institution.

As medical practice shows, laryngitis occurs suddenly and develops rapidly. The primary and characteristic feature of this disease is the change in voice timbre. In addition, the following symptoms are inherent in this pathology:

  • change in the normal respiratory process (difficulty or increase in inhalation-exhalation);
  • dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • the appearance of edema in the nasopharynx and larynx;
  • redness of the mucous coating of the throat;
  • in the area of ​​localization of inflammation may appear bloody discharge;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • tickle;
  • slight increase in subfebrile temperature;
  • headaches of varying intensity.

When the primary symptoms of acute laryngitis occur in children, treatment should begin immediately, since edema and laryngeal spasms can lead to negative consequences, in particular, to suffocation.

In newborns, the symptoms of laryngitis are somewhat different. That is why it is so important for parents to pay attention to the slightest changes in the behavior of the crumbs. In infants with laryngitis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • anxiety;
  • crying and screaming;
  • runny nose;
  • wheezing;
  • snoring during sleep;
  • Blue skin in the nasolabial triangle.

To protect your baby from the development of complicated consequences, parents should take immediate action. Before starting treatment, the baby should be shown to a specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a full and comprehensive course of therapy.

We go to the pharmacy: what will crumbs from laryngitis help?

treatment of laryngitis in children with drugs

Many parents, faced with such a disease in their baby, ask a completely logical question: what is the treatment of laryngitis in children? As practice shows, babies need hospitalization only in extreme cases when a developing ailment poses a serious threat to health. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home.

Be sure the attending specialist prescribes pharmacological agents. As already mentioned, the treatment of laryngitis in children with drugs has its own characteristics, therefore, it is extremely undesirable to choose pharmaceutical products on their own. As a rule, the therapy should be comprehensive in order to minimize the symptoms that have appeared and eradicate the cause of the development of the ailment.

So, for the treatment of laryngitis in children, the following pharmacological agents are used:

  • Means of antihistamine type to eliminate swelling of mucous coatings, for example, "Claritin", "Zodak", "Zyrtec", "Klarotadin", etc.
  • Pharmaceuticals with expectorant effects. There is a huge amount of them, so only the attending specialist will be able to prescribe a suitable drug. This group of drugs can be attributed "Lasolvan", "Bronkhosan", "Sinekod", etc.
  • Expectorants and antitussives in the form of candy. When choosing such drugs you need to pay attention to the annotation. As a rule, they are contraindicated in children of the age category up to 5 years.
  • Drugs that have a local anti-inflammatory effect. The most commonly used aerosols, for example, "Lugol", "Miramistin".
  • Means for lowering elevated subfebrile temperature. A pediatrician may recommend taking medications such as Paracetamol or Efferalgan if the temperature threshold reaches 38 °.

For the treatment of laryngitis in children, antibiotic drugs are rarely used. The attending specialist can prescribe them, provided that the development of the disease is caused by bacterial inflammation or intoxication. Preparations of this type there is a huge amount, but most often used "Augmentin", "Amoxiclav", "Ecoclav".

Folk remedies in the fight against laryngitis

Parents should certainly know that the effectiveness of treatment and the speedy recovery of the crumbs depend entirely on them. In order for the treatment course to be truly effective, it is necessary to combine the use of pharmacological preparations and traditional medicine.

Treatment of laryngitis in children at home has a number of features that must certainly be followed. In addition to receiving medicines prescribed by the pediatrician, you can do the following procedures:

  • inhalation over potato vapor;
  • warm compresses on the neck;
  • putting mustard packs on the back;
  • foot bathing using warming mustard powder;
  • gargling with broths.

Inhalations are considered to be a very effective method of treating laryngitis in children. Boiled potatoes in their skins should be laid out on mint leaves, eucalyptus or chamomile. You can gargle with various decoctions made from herbal teas. Beetroot freshly squeezed juice, as well as honey is considered very useful.

We learn the opinion of Komarovsky E. O.

Folk remedies in the fight against laryngitis

In order for the treatment of laryngitis in children to be effective, Komarovsky Ye.O. gives parents several tips:

  • the baby should definitely be given plenty of drink, but in no case should the baby be drunk with sweet and soda drinks;
  • food should be warm, so as not to irritate the mucous coating of the throat;
  • the air in the room should always be humidified;
  • with the baby you need to spend more time on a walk;
  • The vocal apparatus of the baby should be protected as much as possible from the loads during the treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky pays special attention to first aid during an attack. Laryngitis can provoke the development of so-called pseudo-croup, and if the crumbs do not help in time, this can lead to cardiac arrest or suffocation. It is necessary to perform all actions immediately, as the attack develops rapidly within 2-3 hours. So, before the ambulance team arrives, parents must complete the following steps:

  • the baby should be drunk with water on an alkaline basis, for example, "Borjomi" or soda solution;
  • baby feet can be placed in a warm bath;
  • in the room it is necessary to humidify the air;
  • the baby needs to take an antihistamine pharmacological agent to relieve puffiness;
  • if the respiratory process is difficult, the baby can be given a drug that eliminates spasms, for example, "No-silo", "Papaverine", etc.

Komarovsky E. O. draws the attention of parents to the fact that the baby must be shown to a specialist. Only a full-scale examination will determine the causes of the disease. As for walks, during the peak of the development of the disease the baby is better to be at home. With the improvement of well-being, the crumbs should be taken out for 10-15 minutes. Choose places for walking that are far from the industrial zone and highways.

As you can see, laryngitis is practically a children's disease. At risk are children under the age of 3 years. Do not attempt self-medication. The health of the crumbs is completely dependent on the parents. Remember that uncontrolled use of pharmacological drugs can lead to the development of complicated consequences. Health to you and your children!