How to wash the nose with saline at home for adults and


Not everyone knows how to prevent nasal congestion or get rid of the agonizing head cold quickly and without the use of expensive drugs. To do this, you can resort to long-known, simple and very effective means. Having learned how to flush the nose with saline, anyone can perform this procedure on their own.

Irrigation of the nasal sinuses with saline is done to prevent or treat

Irrigation of the nasal sinuses with saline is done for the prevention or treatment of:

  • colds;
  • flu;
  • bacterial and allergic rhinitis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • dry nasal mucosa;
  • sinusitis

After this procedure:

  • harmful bacteria are dying;
  • useful microflora is restored;
  • inflammatory process stops;
  • mucus and pus in the nose and paranasal sinuses become more liquid, which facilitates their removal;
  • decreases swelling;
  • allergens are removed;
  • moisturized mucous membrane of the nose.

A medicine that everyone can prepare

Saline solution consists of ordinary table salt (NaCl) and distilled water. 9 g of salt is put on 1 liter of water, therefore on the bottle it is indicated that the solution is 0.9% - this concentration corresponds to the content of sodium chloride in the blood. This is the simplest medicine in every pharmacy. But those who do not have the ability or desire to purchase it, can easily prepare the drug at home.

Sodium chloride solution

  1. Boil 1 liter of water, then let it cool to 30 ° C.
  2. Put in water 1 tsp. salt and wait until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Use only fresh solution transferred into a disinfected vessel.

Is saline safe?

Is saline safe?

0.9% saline does not harm the human body and can not cause an allergic reaction. Rinse the nose with saline can be almost all, including pregnant women, nursing mothers and even newborns, but it is important to monitor whether the procedure is carried out correctly. But if a patient has severe heart failure and severe renal impairment, salt should not be ingested in large quantities. Therefore, you should reduce the dosage of saline used during washing.

Do not do the washing for 1.5 hours before bedtime or before going out. You can bury any nasal drops only 15 minutes after the procedure. It should also be borne in mind that rinsing the nose with any therapeutic agent or water is contraindicated for:

  • tendency to nasal bleeding;
  • polyps or nasal tumors;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • severe swelling of the nasopharynx.

"Nasolite" his illness

At home, you can rinse the nose with saline as well as in the otolaryngologist's office.

  1. Purchase a special device for flushing the pharmacy or take a clean teapot with a long narrow neck.
  2. Open a small metal cap on the cork of the medicine bottle and draw up the liquid with a syringe - thus the remaining solution will retain its properties for a long time.
  3. Fill the device with a pharmaceutical preparation heated to 27-30 ° C or warm freshly prepared saline solution.
  4. If you have a cold, blow your nose beforehand, and then wash your hands.
  5. Bend over the sink and turn your head to the side.
  6. Insert the tip of the device or teapot 4-5 mm into the nostril, which is located above.
  7. Slowly pour in the solution - it should begin to flow from the other nostril.
  8. The pressure should not be too strong, otherwise the mucous membrane of the nose can be damaged.
  9. So that the liquid does not fall into the mouth, you can continuously pronounce the sound "and" or the syllables "kuku".
  10. If there is still saline in the mouth, spit it out.
  11. Repeat for the other nostril.
  12. The procedure needs to be done until the nose begins to leak fluid without mucus and clots.
  13. Blow your nose to remove remnants of the preparation from the sinuses.

We wash the nose kids

how to properly wash the nose with saline to the child

Caring parents need to know how to properly flush their nose with saline to a child of a certain age. If the baby has not yet reached the 3-year bar, you need to be very careful so that he does not choke on the liquid. Act as follows:

  1. Fill a sterilized pipette with warm medicine.
  2. Lay the baby on its side and insert the tip of the pipette into the nasal passage.
  3. The dosage should be minimal - drop 3-4 drops of solution into each nostril.
  4. Clean the nose using a cotton swab, nasal suction or aspirator.

If a child is older than 3 years:

  1. Put the little patient on a stool and place a bowl in his hands.
  2. Let him tilt his head so that his chin touched his neck, and slightly opened his mouth.
  3. An adult should, using a syringe without a needle or a rubber pear under a very weak pressure, inject the salt solution into one nostril — the liquid will flow out of the other.
  4. Repeat the procedure for the other nostril.
  5. After washing, the child should blow his nose and raise his head.

A person who knows how to flush his nose with saline at home, without the help of an ENT doctor, gets the opportunity to repeat this procedure quite often. This will help him avoid allergic attacks, runny nose and fungal infections of the nasal mucosa, enhance the effect of drugs taken in case of serious nasopharyngeal diseases. Do not forget that the simplicity of the tool is not at all synonymous with low efficiency.