How to treat urethritis in men and women


Inflammation of the urethra with the same frequency are representatives of both sexes. The causative agent is most often transmitted sexually, and the incubation period can be several months, as a result of which it is not easy to correlate the sudden symptoms of disorders with a specific disease. How does urethritis occur in men, how to cure it?

Symptoms of male urethral inflammation and diagnosis of the disease

Symptoms of male urethral inflammation

Urethritis can be infectious in nature, and can be non-infectious, when injuries, pelvic congestion or allergies become the prerequisite. Since, one way or another, in case of non-infectious etiology, subsequent infection with staphylococcus or another pathogenic bacterium does occur, it acquires the status of secondary bacterial.

  • If you affect infectious urethritis, which is transmitted during intercourse, its symptoms do not appear immediately. Often in one person, it can proceed without any manifestations, but the one who was infected will receive absolutely all the symptoms. In addition, they do not appear immediately, the incubation period varies from a couple of hours to several months, so it is not easy to recognize the disease.
  • Most often, women have no symptoms of urethritis completely, or they appear rather late, which does not allow starting timely treatment. In addition to discomfort during urination, reddening of the external genital organs can occur, whitish or dark yellow pus can appear. Menstruation is accompanied by severe itching of the genitals.
  • In men, due to the specificity of the anatomy, the symptoms of urethritis appear quite clearly: burning during urination or even severe pain, the inflammatory process is expressed in redness of the skin of the urethra along its edge. There may be mucus secretions that have a blue-green tint, as well as an unpleasant odor, if the disease has acquired the status of secondary bacterial.
  • Diagnosis is carried out through the collection of urine, but for a more accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to test the discharge from the urethra. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles can also be tested.

How to cure urethritis

The classic signs of a general inflammatory process — weakness, fever, headache — are not peculiar to urethritis, therefore, it is often noticed at the last stage. Moreover, it begins extremely "rosy": the causes of anxiety suddenly disappear - no sensations during urination, no discharge. An illusion of self-healing of the body is created, however, in fact, it is only the elimination of the inflammatory process, and the pathogen remains and moves to a new place: to the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland.

All signs of urethritis with a double force will manifest either with new sexual intercourse, or at the time of hypothermia, or with alcohol intoxication, but they will be supplemented with prostatitis and / or epidemic that will develop into sterility. Thus, the missed opportunity to eliminate the seemingly insignificant disease in the embryo leads to serious consequences.

How to cure urethritis?

Therapy and treatment of ureaplasma in men, as well as the duration of the course are selected individually, depending on the pathogen and the nature of the disease. Antibacterial drugs are required to be prescribed, as well as a diet involving the refusal of food rich in spices and salt. A lot of liquid must be present in the patient's diet: this is pure water and fruit or vegetable juices, but not packaged, but natural.

  • Hospitalization is almost never performed, since urethritis can be treated at home. However, the presence of abundant purulent complications may require the transfer of the patient to the hospital and the introduction of a urinary catheter.
  • In the urethritis treatment regimen, it is necessary to act on the inflammatory focus and restore the damaged urethral mucosa. For this reason, not only antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, penicillins), but also multivitamins, immunomodulators, and various enzymes should be present among urethritis drugs. Also required are antiseptic solutions injected into the urethra.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the use of antibiotics should not last longer than 10 days. If the drug does not have the desired effect on the infection, it is replaced in order not to cause addiction and does not increase the side effect. In order to avoid negative consequences do not engage in independent selection of antibiotics against urethritis and do not delay the visit to the doctor.