How to get rid of cough at home


A sudden onset of a cough can be a sign not only of a cold, but also of allergies or some kind of irritation (for example, due to ingress of a foreign body or due to smoke). It can cause a lot of inconvenience.

In addition, during this action, pathogenic bacteria and microbes get from the body into the air and can cause other people to become infected. Cough is able to provoke choking, interfere with sleep at night, put a person in an awkward position in conditions where you need to keep quiet.

In this article we will talk about how to get rid of cough at home quickly in 2 hours. How to quickly cure folk remedies for cough for adults, what medications without a prescription should be taken in this case?

What is a cough, what is it like?


In most cases, cough directly indicates a pathological lesion of the respiratory tract. With the appearance of such a symptom often need the help of a doctor. True, we already know so much about cough and associated symptoms that we learned to solve a health problem at home. To understand how and how to treat the disorder, it is necessary to determine the nature of the ailment.

Note that for a number of characteristics, it is possible to determine with almost one hundred percent whether a cough is caused by a disease. After all, as mentioned, its nature is not always associated specifically with the disease.

Symptom Characteristics

  • Duration

According to the duration there are acute, prolonged and chronic cough. Sharp in shape is a symptom of acute respiratory viral infections and inflammation of the airways. It is long and is present almost constantly throughout the length of the disease. As a rule, this is a manifestation of the body's defensive reaction, which through such manipulations tries to get rid of the pathogen. Again, it promotes sputum removal.

Protracted coughing may not be directly related to the disease. It may disturb at a specific time of day or due to deterioration. This is usually evidence of a slow course of the respiratory tract disease.

Chronic form of cough, the duration of which is more than 3 months, directly indicates the transition of the disease to a chronic stage (permanent). It also appears in people whose respiratory organs are constantly susceptible to irritation: smokers working in hazardous occupations, residents of megacities, or people living next to hazardous industries (smog). The symptom appears more often under the influence of irritants or at a particular time of day. This form is dangerous because it can cause serious disturbances in the respiratory system.

  • Strength.

Depends on cough form. "With strain" is more common in acute disorders. But in chronic it is usually a slight cough, an attempt to clear the airway.

  • Timbre.

It can be ringing, chest, rough and barking, cause hoarseness of the head or be accompanied by a ringing breath. May be muffled or provoke suffocation. The timbre depends on the nature of the disease and its course.

  • Exacerbation time.

For ARVI and allergic reactions, the time of day, when tormented by cough, does not matter. Allergies are peculiar to seasonal exacerbations. Morning, evening or night - often a sign of chronic disorder, including cancer.

  • Wet or dry.

The characteristic difference is the presence of sputum. A wet cough allows the body to more effectively get rid of pathogenic microbes and toxic products of their life. Selected chronic diseases are characterized by dry coughing attacks, while others, on the contrary, are wet with heavy expectoration.

  • The presence and nature of sputum.

During the course of some diseases, there is a transition from dry to wet cough with a change in the nature of sputum, for example, from watery to purulent.

  • The presence of other manifestations of the disease.

Due to the complex nature of the symptom, is it possible to solve the problem without going to a doctor? Is it possible to get rid of cough at home quickly, for example, in 2 hours?

Medicamentous way to quickly solve the problem

cough medicine

Perhaps, each of us in the home first-aid kit has a couple of cough medicines. This may include as lozenges or lozenges and lozenges, as well as various syrups (mixtures). People with allergic and chronic coughing disorders usually have sedatives and inhalers on hand.

Many of their effective agents have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. Others contribute to the dilution of sputum and improved expectoration.

Knowing the nature of your disorder, you can quickly get rid of the unpleasant manifestation. If respiratory tract irritation is caused by smoke or other external factors, in this case, you should protect yourself from such exposure.

Without having in stock the necessary medicines, you can safely resort to some folk remedy. Note that there are many of them: from tinctures and decoctions to compresses, rubbing, wraps and inhalations. Further, some folk remedies for cough are suggested for adults, which usually help to heal quickly.

Folk cough disposal methods

folk cough treatments

One of the most effective means to quickly get rid of dry cough at home is, perhaps, in every refrigerator. This is the usual milk (cow, goat). The product reduces irritation of the larynx, contributes to the dilution of sputum and its effective removal. Milk should be consumed warm or even hot. Before use - be sure to boil. The drink can be consumed at different times of the day: during the day, during a coughing attack, as a mixture for half an hour before meals, and always before bedtime. To heighten the effect of the liquid is mixed with other products:

  1. with figs (fresh or dry fruit is used for the infusion; boiling for a few minutes and brewing is required);
  2. with honey or propolis (cinnamon, nutmeg powder, baking soda, allspice and bay pepper can be added to the drink);
  3. with butter (you can use cocoa butter or coconut, it is important to respect the proportions - for 250 ml of liquid no more than 50 g of butter, and use before bedtime);
  4. with ginger (better to use fresh ginger root, insist on milk with the addition of green tea and honey);
  5. with garlic (decoction is taken in small portions, not more than 1 tablespoon at a time, with 1 hour reception intervals);
  6. with onions (chopped onions (0.5 kg per 1 liter of liquid) should be boiled for 3 hours, then strain, sweeten with sugar or honey and take 1 tbsp every hour).

The second most popular product, which is especially used during the period of winter catarrhal exacerbations, is black radish juice. You can get the juice in different ways, the easiest way is to rub the root, squeeze the liquid. Or peel, cut into slices, sprinkle with sugar and wait for the selection of the juice. Take should be 1 tsp. several times a day, sweetened with sugar or honey.

The second method of "extraction" of juice will require some time. The radish should be washed, cut off the top of it and remove about a third of the pulp from the middle. The tail also needs to be cut. Next, honey is placed in the recess not to the brim, but the radish itself is in a glass of water. After a few hours, the released juice will appear above the honey - just scoop and take. One such radish can be used several times.

But another quick remedy for dry cough at home, it is considered traditional. This is inhalation in pairs of potatoes. Easier recipe you can imagine. Unpeeled potatoes need to be washed and boiled. Then over a saucepan cover with a towel over your head and breathe for a while.

A similar method of inhalation - a solution of baking soda and iodine in 1 tbsp. hot water. Inhale the vapors until steam is released.

In fact, there are so many home remedies for coughing that you can't list them all. Many of them are based on the preparation of drugs from the stems, leaves, bark, seeds, roots and fruits of medicinal plants. Coniferous and eucalyptus essential oils help cough effectively.

It is important to remember the following: when applying folk remedies for treatment and prophylaxis, one should understand that this is not a panacea. If home therapy for a long period of time does not bring improvement, you should consult a specialist. It is within the competence of the physician, both to establish the nature of the disorder, and to prescribe a more adequate treatment.