How to dry rosehip


Rosehip is a flowering shrub of the Rosaceae family, the fruits of which have many beneficial properties. To preserve vitamins and trace elements in the berries, they must be properly dried.

Useful properties of wild rose

The berries of the plant contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, K, P, E, as well as vitamins of group B. In addition, wild rose is rich in microelements, which include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum and copper. The berries also contain tannins, sugar, pectins, essential oils and organic acids. All these substances and elements help to maintain the normal functioning of the body and increase immunity.

How to dry dogrose?

Due to the large number of beneficial vitamins and trace elements, rose hips are used to treat various diseases. So, for example, he It has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and kidneys. Eating berries prevents the development of inflammatory processes and destroys harmful bacteria.

Vitamins P and K contribute to the acceleration of the regeneration and accretion of bones. Rose hips strengthen blood vessels, eliminate disorders of the genitourinary system, improves the condition of malaria, anemia, lowers blood pressure.

How to dry the hips?

  • To prepare wild rose for the winter, It is recommended to dry. To do this, you can use a variety of ways. Each of them is good in its own way, but they all retain the beneficial properties of wild rose. Dry berries should be immediately after collection. The room for harvesting fruits should be dark, avoid contact with raw materials, even a small amount of light.

How to dry dogrose?

  • Collected wild rose must be sorted.Remove all damaged fruits, leaves, twigs and small debris, otherwise, during drying it will start to rot.
  • The easiest and most convenient way to harvest berries - using the oven. It significantly reduces the time of preparation of fruits for winter storage. Spread the berries evenly on the baking sheet, put it in the oven. The optimum temperature for drying is about 50 degrees. Dry dog ​​rose about 8 - 10 hours. In the process, gradually increase the temperature. It is important that the oven is slightly ajar. Rosehip should not burn, so periodically shake the baking tray with berries. When the fruits become hard and hard, they are ready.
  • After that, place the dried rosehip in a closed box made of wood or cardboard with a lid for 3 hours. It is impossible to open the container at this time.
  • Store the finished fruit should be in a dry and clean bags or cans in a dark place. Dry Rose Hips retains the beneficial properties of the berries for 2 years.
  • Raw materials can be dried on any surface. Spread the berries in a well ventilated, dark and dry room. This method will take about 3 weeks to dry. In the process, the fruit must be constantly mixed.

Read also:

  • How to dry cherries?
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  • How to dry prunes?

Is it possible to freeze wild rose?

The fruits of the plant can not only be dried, but also frozen. Before freezing the berries, they need to prepare. Only ripe fruits are suitable for harvesting. They need to be carefully picked, removing excess debris and immature berries.

When you prepare the dogrose, rinse it thoroughly with running water, then drain it in a colander and allow to drain off the excess water. Leave the berries for some time to dry.

Is it possible to freeze wild rose?

When the water is completely drained, transfer them to a large plate or bowl that fits in the freezer. Put the berries in an even layer into a container, put them in the freezer and wait until the fruits are completely freezing.

When the dog rose freezes, remove it from the freezer and quickly transfer it into small plastic bags. Keep the blanks in packages need in the freezer. If you follow all the rules of freezing, your berries will be crumbly and suitable for use.

It is possible to freeze not only fruit, but also pulp. To do this, clean the berries from seeds and hairs. Put the cleaned rose hips in a porcelain bowl, cover with water and place in a cool place for 3 days. Stir the berries every day. When the flesh softens, strain it through a sieve, remove the skin and put it in a freezer plate. Place the pulp container in the freezer for freezing. Remember, it is impossible to re-freeze the wild rose, otherwise it will lose useful properties!

See also:How to cook broth hips?

Billet for the winter- The first step towards combating vitamin deficiency and many illnesses. This berry is a real storehouse of beneficial vitamins and trace elements. After drying, it is possible to make tea, compote, jam, tinctures and decoctions from the dog rose. Frozen fruits can be eaten without processing, pre-thawing.