How to collect a complete urinalysis in adults (including


When referring to doctors, each patient is given a referral for general tests. Most often this is done to compile a clinical picture of the patient's health. That is why it is important to know how to properly collect a complete urinalysis, so that a specialist can get the most reliable, not distorted information about the condition and functioning of organs.

Experts say that taking the urine to the laboratory to study its properties once a year is useful for all patients, regardless of gender and age. This helps to identify the slightest deviations or the development of any pathological processes in the kidneys and bladder. Chemical study of the properties of urine allows you to identify some serious diseases at their initial stage. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • various diseases provoked by metabolic disorders.

During treatment, urinalysis is required to pass more often. This helps to track the effectiveness of the drugs taken by the patient.

How to properly collect urine for general analysis?

How to properly collect urine for general analysis?

It is important for each doctor to get correct, not distorted research results, therefore they recommend to follow certain rules:

  • immediately before collecting the analysis, avoid eating fruits, vegetables of red and yellow color, changing the color of urine, as well as highly carbonated beverages with preservatives and artificial dyes, citrus and vegetable juices;
  • avoid excessive consumption of products exhibiting a diuretic effect, and medical drugs with a similar effect;
  • taking pain-relieving, antipyretic drugs, vitamins is undesirable;
  • if you have recently undergone a procedure such as cystoscopy, then the urine for analysis can be collected no earlier than 5-7 days after it;
  • if you are taking certain medications in a course, warn a specialist about this so that he takes into account possible side effects in the results of the analysis;
  • Avoid excessive physical exertion before analysis, because it helps to detect protein in the urine;
  • female patients are advised not to pass urine for laboratory diagnosis during menstruation.

Urine analysis collected in the morning, immediately after sleep. Allowed 2 ways to collect urine.

Method number 1

In a sterile container for analysis (you can buy it at any pharmacy) all the quantity of morning urine is collected. Next, all you need to shake up and pour out excess liquid, leaving about 100 ml. This amount is quite enough for analysis.

Method number 2

This is the most common option when a small amount of urine is flushed down the toilet, then a sterile container is inserted and filled in about half. Then the container is tightly sealed and handed over.

In many cases, a specialist can reassign urine delivery for microscopic analysis due to high protein and white blood cell counts.

Features of collecting biomaterials from adults

How to properly collect a general urine test in adults?

How to properly collect a general urine test in adults? Immediately before collecting urine, it is imperative that you thoroughly wash your genitals with soap and wipe dry after washing.

During urination, women need to maximally dissolve the labia toes, so that the liquid immediately from the urethra falls into the container without washing them.

How to collect urine for a general analysis of pregnant women is a matter of concern to many expectant mothers. The entire period of gestation, the kidneys are working in an enhanced mode, experiencing heavy loads, so many women feel the frequent urge to urinate even at night. In no case do not have to endure until the morning. This will only lead to a worsening of tests due to the urine stagnant in the bladder. Therefore, the urine for analysis is collected in the early morning, after sleep, following all hygienic rules.

When urinating, men should completely remove the foreskin of the penis so that urine immediately falls into the container. Then the results will be as reliable as possible and will not show an excessive number of leukocytes.

Parents for a note

Children in the period up to a year have to pass urine for a general analysis every 3 months. After a year, this type of analysis is done less frequently. It is important for young parents to know how to prepare the child for delivery of the analysis and to collect urine so as to exclude possible distortions of the clinical picture.

It is most convenient to collect urine from a baby into a sterile polyethylene collection bag sold in each pharmacy. It is equipped with a special adhesive tape that tightly attaches the device to the skin, which is very convenient in the case of newborns.

Before collecting the urine, the child must be washed with soap and wiped dry. Next, a disposable urinal is attached to the skin, around the genitals of the child. When the device is filled, urine is poured into a plastic sterile container. Next, the child must again undermine and process its genitals with baby cream, so that there is no irritation.

It is not allowed to collect urine by draining it from oilcloth, on which the child pees, from a pot, squeezing out of a diaper. In these cases, no matter how carefully you treat the surface, microscopic dirt particles and tissue fibers will still be in the urine, which distorts the results.

How to store collected urine?

How to store collected urine for analysis?

Urine for general analysis can not be collected in advance. It should be delivered to a medical facility for diagnosis within 1.5 hours after collection. Otherwise, irreversible changes in physical and chemical properties begin to occur in the fluid: the cells are destroyed, bacteria begin to multiply. These factors adversely affect the overall picture of the analysis.

Transportation analysis should be carried out in an airtight plastic container, tightly wrapped in a plastic bag. As for the air temperature, there are no uniform violations of the elements during cooling, provided that the analysis will be delivered to the medical institution for the appropriate period.

Even Hippocrates in 400 BC, when there was no laboratory research, could tell what a person is sick with, what the severity of the disease is, only on one physical properties of urine. With various ailments, it changes its color, transparency and acidity. That is why it is very important to know how to collect a general analysis of urine so that the fluid does not change its physical and chemical properties.