Herpes ointment on the lips


Herpes is a contagious disease., which is transmitted through common things touching the lips. It is not dangerous, but causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience. Many people suffer from herpes on the lips. To cope with this disease can only help a qualified doctor, so you need to seek medical help so that he can prescribe an effective treatment.

Herpes ointment on the lips is a mandatory component in the treatment of herpes and is included in the list of drugs prescribed by the doctor, therefore, when herpes appears on the lips, you can use it and alleviate the discomfort on the lips, speeding up the healing process.

Herpes on the lips: what you need to know?

To avoid the appearance of herpes on the lips, it is advisable to carry out prevention, which will help support the body and strengthen the immune system, especially during the cold season. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest during colds and sore throats and not to carry them on your feet, as many are used to doing.

Herpes on the lips

To avoid the aggravation of herpes and its strong rash on the lips, you can use hardening. Equally important is the correct diet, which should consist of a large amount of vegetables and fruits and reduced consumption of strong tea, coffee, complete absence of alcohol and smoking. Also it is easier to deal with herpes if the menu includes a large amount of dairy products, supporting the intestinal microflora in a healthy state.

Ointment from the pharmacy of herpes on the lips

Treatment of herpes on the lips is carried out with the help of tablets and special ointments, which include antiviral elements. Using the ointment with the pills and means that strengthen the immune system, you can very quickly get rid of herpes on the lips.

It is often used to treat herpes. Famciclovir. It is prescribed for the first signs of herpes on the lips, which include itching and slight tingling. It normally interacts with other antiviral drugs and has very few side effects.

Herpes ointment on the lips

Well proven and Acyclovir, which consists of elements that negatively affect the virus and stop its spread. Now there are a lot of ointments, both foreign and domestic production, created on its basis. Its Indian counterpart is Vivoraks, Germanic Atsiklostad, Hexal, and English - Zovirax. But the existing domestic analogues are not inferior to them in quality, but are much cheaper.

A large number of herpes ointments on the lips come in the form of lipsticks with a tube case. All these herpes ointments can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. But in any case, all the same It is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if you suffer from frequent allergic reactions to medications or are pregnant.

Herpes ointment on the lips of Zovirax

ZoviraxAvailable in tablets and as an ointment for external use. It consists of components that have a pronounced effect against all major viruses that are the causative agents of any type of herpes.

But this ointment has overdose and side effects: diarrhea, dizziness, increased drowsiness. Very often, these symptoms appear in patients suffering from renal failure.

Herpes ointment on the lips of Zovirax

Herpes ointment Viru Merz

A special place among the herpes ointments on the lips is Viru Merz.Its main component is thromantadine, which has an active antiviral effect on herpes pathogens. After applying this ointment for 2 days, the general condition improves. If the ointment does not help, then you need to consult a doctor.

The main side effect of Viru-Mertz ointment is dermal dermatitis.

All herpes ointment must be applied to the lips several times a day.

Herpes ointment on the lips: reviews

  • Inessa: "I used Zovirax for herpes on the lips, Acyclovir did not help."
  • Mila: "Oxolinic Ointment helped me."
  • Helen: "I took Acyclovir tablets and used the ointment Acyclovir, herpes was gone."
  • Hell: "I use acyclovir lipstick."
  • Anna: "Neither Zovirax nor Acyclovir helped me. Saved only Cycloferon, but not ointment, but liniment."
  • Alyona: "I use hydrocortisone eye ointment for herpes on the lips. The effect is completely satisfactory."
  • Marika: "My mother and I are only helped by Acyclovir-Acre ointment in a blue tube. Other ointments do not help."

Herpes ointment on the lips: reviews

  • Lisa: "I use Herperax ointment, and the next day there is no trace of herpes on the lips."
  • Alina: "The acyclovir Hexal ointment saves me."
  • Irina: "A good ointment against herpes on the lips is Zinc, and inexpensive, and effective."
  • Diane: "I used the Info Gel ointment, helped very quickly. But in general, the doctor said that you should not get involved in ointments, as it drives herpes back into the blood. You need to fight it from the inside, taking immuno-strengthening drugs and antiviral pills."
  • Alya: “I used to use only Zovirax, but I couldn’t find it, and I was asked to try a new drug, Fenistil Penzivir, at the pharmacy. The effect is excellent, it removes all the symptoms of herpes very quickly.”
  • Inga: “I just recently tried a new HerpatchSerum ointment. I really liked it. After 5 applications, herpes disappeared from the lips completely. And after applying the ointment, it turns into an invisible film, you can not wash it and go about your business.”

Fully recovering from the herpes virus is not yet possible, but You can get rid of herpes on the lips with strict observance of the recommendations of the attending physician and the use of special ointments.

In most casesherpes on the lips can be managed using any antiviral ointment, It will help to achieve a positive result faster and is very easy to use. But only the complex treatment correctly selected by the doctor will strengthen the immune system and reduce the incidence of herpes on the lips.

The causes of herpes, its symptoms, as well as methods of treatment of folk remedies You will find in the article Herpes on the lips: how to treat it ?. Health to you!

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