Heel crack ointment


Cracks on the heels - an urgent problem that concerns not only the fair sex, but also men. This is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of health. Cracks can cause discomfort and pain. In addition, people who are faced with this symptom are forced to refuse to visit the pool, public baths and saunas, as well as walking barefoot on the beach.

To get rid of this problem it is necessary to approach treatment comprehensively. One of the main treatments is ointment. They can be purchased in stores or cook at home.

Why do cracks appear on heels?

The causes of the problem can be many. Sometimes it is just a lack of hydration of the skin of the feet. In this case, you can simply lubricate the heels with a rich cream, and the problem will be solved by itself. But most often you have to seek medical help from specialists.

Heel Crack Ointment

  1. The main reason for the appearance of cracks are seasonal features. In summer, the reason is hot weather and open shoes. Heels are injured, which provokes the appearance of microcracks. In addition to open shoes, dryness and hot weather can provoke a problem. Under the action of sunlight, the skin of the heels becomes thinner and loses its protective properties. Such cracks can be overcome if you regularly use moisturizers and lotions.
  2. The second reason may be synthetic socks and uncomfortable shoes. Synthetics do not allow air, feet do not breathe, as a result, the skin dries out much. As a result, cracks appear on the heels. Because of the uncomfortable shoes, the foot surface is injured, as a result - an unpleasant problem. In this case, it is enough to give preference to comfortable shoes and socks made from natural materials.
  3. Third the reason lies in insufficient or improper care behind the feet. Do not forget to make emollient baths, exfoliate dead skin, use moisturizing and nourishing creams. Cracks on the heels can appear in people suffering from skin diseases, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, gastritis, or problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, only the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.
  4. Cracked heels are often caused by fungal infection.. You can become infected in a public pool, bath, sauna, gym, on the beach, etc. In this case, only a dermatologist will help you deal with the problem. He will scrape the skin, determine the extent of the lesion, and prescribe the correct treatment.
  5. Improper nutrition can also cause cracking. For example, a lack of vitamins A, D, and B may have a similar symptom. Be sure to include in your diet foods rich in retinol, tocopherol and carotene. These substances are contained in fermented milk products, butter, cheese, eggs, liver, carrots, tomatoes, greens and fruits.

How to cure cracked heels: ointment

Currently, pharmacies offer a wide selection of ointments aimed at combating dryness and cracking of the skin.

Heel Crack Ointment

  • Balzamed - contains a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin. Saturated with softening and moisturizing ingredients. The ointment contains vegetable oils, water, urea, provitamin B5, vitamin E, glycerin, lactic acid, vitamin A, tromethanol, decylolet, cetyl stearin alcohol, propyl paraben and methyl paraben.
  • Radevit is an ointment containing vitamins A, D and E. It promotes cell regeneration, has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting action. The tool is used for the treatment and prevention of cracks.
  • Lamisil cream - a drug that heals cracks and microraniums. The cream eliminates the itching and peeling of the skin of the feet. It is used as a prevention and treatment problem.
  • Dardia Lipo Balsam is a product designed for dry skin. The balm contains effective ingredients that help maintain the natural moisture of the epidermis. The main components are urea, liquid paraffin and microcrystalline wax.

How to remove cracked heels?

First of all, we recommend trying a remedy proven by many women - SOSU pedicure socks. After 5-7 days of using socks you will forget about cracks in the legs.

Foot baths

  1. Soothing. Add sea salt and 1 tbsp to warm water. soda Dip your feet in the cooked bath for 20 minutes.
  2. Therapeutic. It is useful to make trays of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.). Brew one of the herbs to choose from, strain and pour into a bowl of hot water. Dip your legs in it for 20 minutes.


Treat the heels in the bath with a pumice stone or a special brush. This procedure is recommended to do 2 times a week (in summer), and in the winter - once a week. Moisturizing

The skin of the feet after peeling, must be thoroughly moisturized. For this you need a special foot cream. Grease them abundantly with feet, put on warm socks. The procedure is recommended at night .;

How to cure cracked heels: folk remedies


To cope with the problem will help not only pharmaceutical ointments and balms, but also folk remedies, time-tested.

  • Compresses. Steam your feet in hot water. Heat any vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, coconut, corn, linseed, caraway, peach, etc. Soak cotton socks in oil and put them on your feet. Over socks - plastic bags. Leave a compress all night.
  • Honey mask. Mix 2 tbsp. cottage cheese, sour cream and honey. Apply the mask to the pre-steamed and treated feet. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the mask, you can apply a moisturizer.
  • Propolis ointment. Heat 50 g of vaseline in a water bath, add chopped 10 g of propolis. Boil the ointment for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Strain the product and lubricate the cracks on the heels.
  • Wound healing ointment. Melt pork fat in a water bath. Grate the carrot on a fine grater and add to the melted fat. Put the mass on the fire and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Remove the carrot with a slotted spoon, strain the ointment and pour it into a clean glass jar. Apply the prepared product on the cracks, put a plastic bag on top and wrap with a bandage. It is best if you use this ointment before bedtime.
  • Glycerin ointment. Mix in equal proportions glycerin and ammonia. Before applying the ointment feet should be well washed and treated with pumice. Leave the product on the skin until completely dry.
  • Onion ointment. Finely chop the onion. Fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown. Let the onions stand for a while, then strain it through cheesecloth. In the remaining oil, add 30 g of wax. Put the mass on a slow fire until boiling. Lubricate cracked heels with prepared ointment.

SOSU pedicure socks

Cracked heels are an unpleasant phenomenon that many people face. As a rule, damage occurs due to improper skin care of the feet or uncomfortable shoes. To cope with the problem, you can use traditional methods or medications. In any case, before practicing self-treatment, consult a doctor to rule out foot fungus or other serious diseases.