

Today, ginseng is a particularly popular tonic. Its range of application is so wide that it covers almost all areas of medicine. However, ginseng has not only beneficial properties, but also has a number of contraindications. How widely therapeutic use of ginseng, so varied forms and methods of its use. Therefore, we will try to understand in more detail the peculiarities of the impact on the body of this miraculous root of life.

So, ginseng: beneficial properties and contraindications.

What is ginseng?

What is ginseng?

Ginseng as a medicine appeared in China more than 5,000 years ago and was considered a miraculous root of life. It was used to treat various diseases. There are myths that the ginseng root could bring even a terminally ill person to his feet.

However, for a long time the full composition of ginseng has not been fully studied. And only in the middle of the 20th century, scientists from different countries of the world discovered its full structure. As it turned out, ginseng is just full of rich composition of nutrients and additives.

Enumerate them all does not make sense. In short, the composition of ginseng includes:

  • ginsenosides (panaxosides) are the main active substances of ginseng;
  • vitamin composition of groups A, B, C, D, E, F;
  • acids: pantothenic, folic, nicotinic, biotin;
  • a huge number of micro and macro elements: phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, cobalt, and others;
  • oak substances and pectin, metallic germanium, starch, sulfur and tar, various essential oils.

A characteristic feature is that the pharmacological composition of the root and leaves of ginseng is almost the same. That is why modern pharmacology uses both ingredients to produce drugs.

Useful properties of ginseng

Useful properties of ginseng

It is thanks to the rich pharmacological composition of ginseng has almost unique properties, which can be talked about endlessly. Various preparations of ginseng is used as a biostimulating and tonic agent. They stimulate the brain, strengthen the immune system, help the body better tolerate stressful situations and strong physical exertion.

Recently, various ginseng-based dietary supplements have become especially active in sports. Doctors recommend ginseng as a reducing agent after surgery or long-term illnesses and with severe physical and mental fatigue.

Drugs based on ginseng will be useful for people suffering from pressure drops, as well as elevated blood sugar levels. Ginseng has a beneficial effect on blood composition: it reduces the amount of cholesterol and glucose, it is an excellent active substance to stimulate the function of the adrenal glands.

In addition, ginseng increases male sexual desire and increases sperm motility. Recent scientific studies have shown some benefits of ginseng in the fight against cancer.

How to take ginseng: release form and dosage

How to take ginseng

Preparations based on ginseng in Russian medicine are classified as prophylactic tonic agents. Pharmaceuticals produces ginseng in various forms, such as:

  • tablets in the form of blister packs of 10 pieces - 0.15 g each (ginseng tablets have mostly positive reviews);
  • tincture in dark glass bottles from 25 to 50 ml, where the percentage of alcohol is 1:10 (as a rule, ginseng tincture is contraindicated);
  • ointments, creams and gels in tubes from 30 g;
  • capsules are available in dark glass bottles of 24 pcs. packaged;
  • Herbal tea is both packaged and crumbly.

Positive reviews also noted vitamins in pills based on ginseng.

Preference in choosing a drug is better to give certified products with an active substance content of at least 5-10%. Various means of ginseng extract with additives contain too low percentage of active substances and in practice are ineffective.

First of all, it should be clearly understood that depending on the weight, age and purpose of taking drugs based on ginseng, the duration of the course and dosage may vary. The drug is best to start with the minimum dose and gradually increase to obtain the desired result. After a course of treatment with ginseng, the body needs to take a break for a period of 1 week to several months.

Rules for taking ginseng:

ginseng root tablets

  • Tincture of ginseng is recommended to be taken orally by mouth for half an hour before meals. The daily dose is 50 drops 2-3 times a day. The maximum possible dose of the drug - 200 drops. People with liver pathologies, epilepsy and alcoholism should stop taking tincture even in minimal doses.
  • Ginseng capsules are advised to take 0.5-1 g 2-3 times a day for meals to get the best effect. The course of treatment is from 25 to 30 calendar days.
  • The daily dose of ginseng in the form of tablets is 1-2 pcs. in the first half of the day.
  • In the prevention of acute infectious diseases, especially during seasonal exacerbation, herbal and teas with ginseng help. It is recommended to drink tea throughout the month 2-3 times a day with meals.
  • To relieve chronic fatigue and increase the efficiency of the brain, ginseng is taken at 400 mg every day for one month.
  • For the prevention of stressful situations and the maintenance of body tone in general, ginseng is dosed in doses of 100 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
  • To improve male sexual function and sperm ginseng is recommended to take 600 mg.

To establish the daily dose of taking any remedy based on ginseng is best to consult with your doctor. Overdose can lead to side effects such as migraines, insomnia, nausea, increased pressure, weakness.

Who is contraindicated for taking medication with ginseng?

Despite the many beneficial properties of ginseng root, there are several contraindications to use. It is not recommended to take drugs based on it in such cases:

  • children under the age of 16;
  • during lactation and pregnancy;
  • hypertension, convulsions, hyperthyroidism;
  • during the exacerbation of diseases with increased body temperature;
  • in case of individual intolerance;
  • in combination with other medications that affect the formation of platelets;
  • if malignant neoplasms develop in the reproductive system of the body;
  • patients with pathologies in the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous system.

For the recovery of the body with ginseng-based preparations, it is best to choose a cool season. You must refuse to accept any alcoholic beverages and other stimulants and tinctures, and it is also desirable to reduce the daily dose of caffeine and strong black tea.

Ginseng can be used in the prevention and complex treatment of various diseases. But it should be remembered that ginseng root has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. This is a potent drug and it must be taken strictly according to the instructions and purpose.