

Bleeding gums is familiar to everyone, and, as a rule, at least once in life, but we have come across such a manifestation. When referring to a dentist with a similar symptom, first of all we will speak about gingivitis, which is called gingivitis in medicine.

Gingivitis is a collective term characterized by inflammation of the gum tissue of any etiology. Whether it is microbial, viral inflammation or very specific causes - mechanical trauma, for example, when wearing dentures or teething. Or, in case of hormonal disruptions - during pregnancy, menopause or transitional age.

Gingivitis: the main symptoms

Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

It is worth noting that gingivitis is typical for both adults and children. Moreover, the frequency of occurrence in these age groups is about the same. Explain so much the wide spread of this disease can be an extensive list of causes. Some of them will be more typical for children, others for adults.

During teething in babies, you can see localized gingivitis - in the area of ​​the appearance of the future zubik. The eruption site becomes inflamed - becomes red, swollen. When wearing dentures - inflammation will have a large area, the gums are also hyperemic (red), swollen, which makes the use of any orthodontic structures significantly difficult.

Children also have gingivitis due to stomatitis. Adult stomatitis is much less common. Against the backdrop of a fading disease, the baby’s gums begin to inflame. The inflammatory process can be spilled, that is, affect all the gums - the upper and lower jaw. The main symptoms are swelling, redness, bleeding in any mechanical injury, sometimes pain may occur.

A common cause of gingivitis is microbial or viral inflammation, for example, against the background of stomatitis, as discussed above. And actually provoke inflammation can the presence of dental plaque and the lack of satisfactory oral hygiene. Dental calculus has a double effect, firstly, it is a mechanical trauma, and secondly, plaque is nothing but an accumulation of microorganisms and hardened food debris. Symptoms of such inflammation will be characterized by the omission of the gums, redness, swelling, and an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity appears.

Gingivitis can develop against the background of other infectious and somatic diseases - ARVI, parotitis, diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes, etc.

If you have the following symptoms, you need to contact your dentist:

  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth, in the fight against which brushing and rinsing helps;
  • Bleeding gums that occur when brushing your teeth, taking hard food, etc. In severe cases, such as ulcerative gingivitis, bleeding can be without a reason;
  • The gums become swollen, redness appears (hyperemia of the mucous membrane).

All of these symptoms, or some of them, indicate the presence of inflammation. It is important to pay attention to them, because despite its harmlessness, gingivitis is a disease that is a launching pad for more serious pathologies. In the end, everything can end sadly, even the loss of a tooth or several teeth.

How to treat gingivitis in children?

Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Treatment of gingivitis, in many respects, will depend on its cause. In the treatment of children's gingivitis, it is not always possible to immediately get rid of the provoking factor, for example, when it comes to teething. In this case, treatment should be aimed at improving the condition of the child.

Most often, children are prescribed applications from decoctions of medicinal plants - chamomile, sage, etc. At 1 tbsp. water is brewed 1 bag of chamomile tea, and the resulting broth is smeared on the affected gums of the baby. If the child can rinse the mouth, then the procedure should be carried out 3 to 6 times a day, after meals. On 1 rinse should go - 200 ml of chamomile broth.

In addition, some gels during dentition may contain anti-inflammatory elements, such as Cholisal, Baby Doctor, etc. In addition to pain relief, these drugs also help with inflammation.

Particular attention in case of gingivitis should be paid to oral hygiene - daily, thorough cleaning of the teeth - 2 or more times a day, with toothpaste, which will contain anti-inflammatory components. This is usually a remedy with the addition of medicinal plants. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the work of immune protection, especially if the child has stomatitis and gingivitis are not very rare diagnoses. The decision to stimulate the work of immunity can only doctor.

Features of the treatment of adults

Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

In adults, the most common cause of gingivitis is the presence of dental deposits. For these reasons, the first thing to start treatment is to visit the dentist’s office in order to remove them. To remove tartar can in several ways - mechanical, with the help of special tools, or by laser. Which way to choose to decide only the doctor, in some cases simply can not do without a combination of these methods.

After the removal of tartar, as the main provocative factor, it is necessary to maintain this condition - regularly visit the dentist, improve the hygiene of the mouth, and if necessary, give up bad habits (smoking).

In achieving positive results when brushing your teeth, additional items of hygiene can be assigned - the use of dental floss, tooth brushes or irrigators. Medicinal substances are often used as a solution.

Further local treatment continues - in the form of rinsing with decoctions of herbs and solutions. It can be decoctions of chamomile, sage, or prefabricated composition of industrial production - rinsing.

The treatment cannot be successful without stopping chronic diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract, etc. In addition, it has been proven that in people with multiple caries, gingivitis is much more common, for these reasons, it is advisable to sanitize the oral cavity.

Among adult patients, it is necessary to note the treatment of a specific type of gingivitis - "pregnant gingivitis." The reason for this type of pathology is hormonal failure, restructuring, which occurs during pregnancy or menopause. In addition, this type of gingivitis is characteristic of adolescents, during puberty. Symptoms are swelling and gum overgrowth, the appearance of bleeding, in some cases, an unpleasant smell from the mouth can be observed.

The cause of this disease is not always possible to remove, it remains only to alleviate the patient's condition. The first is the removal of dental plaque, the establishment of oral hygiene, the use of herbal preparations with anti-inflammatory action. Usually, these are local remedies that do not penetrate the general bloodstream and, therefore, cannot cause harm to the fetus if pregnancy occurs.

In some cases, physiotherapy can be prescribed - treatment with currents, cryotherapy, or the use of irrigators with therapeutic solutions.

Gingivitis: photo

Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Gingivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

See also: Causes and treatment of bleeding gums

Whatever the causes and symptoms of gingivitis, it is necessary to consult a specialist who can correctly assess the condition of the oral cavity and select the treatment. Indeed, many types of illness will be somewhat different in treatment. But the most important attention must be paid to oral hygiene. By the way, this measure is not only medical, but also preventive. In case of gum diseases, whether it is gingivitis or its complications, dentists may recommend specific methods for cleaning the teeth.