Do i need to decant after each feeding - advice komarovsky


When breastfeeding from the health and tranquility of the mother directly depends on the well-being of the child. To protect herself and the baby from unnecessary worries, a woman must be confident in the correctness of her actions. One of the most common questions that nursing mothers ask is whether you need to decant after each feeding.

Stinging: traditional and modern approaches

Stinging: traditional and modern approaches

The decanting of milk after each feeding causes a lot of controversy today. Conservative point of view - this procedure is a necessity. It is pumping that will protect a woman from lactostasis, mastitis and similar health problems.

A progressive look at this procedure is recommended to express milk only in certain situations. This position is defended by most modern pediatricians. According to the doctors, accompanying each of the feeding by decanting does not bring any benefit.

Drain your time

Modern breastfeeding specialists say that you shouldn’t constantly express yourself. After all, a greater amount of artificially released milk causes an increase in its production. This feature has been proven in the course of scientific research and confirmed in practice by more than one generation of mothers. Therefore, in medicine today they adhere to the point of view that ending each feeding with decanting is an outdated requirement that unreasonably takes away women's time and effort.

If a child behaves actively, demonstrates a healthy appetite and gets enough milk, there is no need to empty the breast after the baby. However, there are times when you cannot do without such a procedure. About the circumstances under which you need to decimate after each feeding - the advice of doctors.

constantly do not stand up

  • In the first days after the birth of the child. During this period, there is a lot of milk, and the newborn can not cope with such a quantity. In this case, there is no doubt about the need for pumping. At the same time, according to the recommendations of most specialists, it is not necessary to carry out the procedure with each feeding - 3 times a day is enough. It is advised to venture to relief.
  • "Do I need to decant after each feeding?" - Komarovsky, a popular children's doctor, offers his own recommendations on this. He emphasizes that mandatory breastfeeding, like breast massage, should be performed by all mothers in the first 3-4 weeks after delivery. The amount of milk, in his opinion, is not a decisive factor, the procedure should be carried out regularly. In this way, inflammations of the mammary gland are prevented, the process of lactation is improving.
  • If a premature baby is born, or if there are any other difficulties, pumping will be the right decision. This is necessary to normalize lactation. The resulting milk is fed to the baby, using a syringe without a needle, a probe, a spoon.
  • If after birth mother and child spend a long time apart from each other. Such circumstances are accompanied by the fact that milk is produced either in very small or in excessive quantities. In order to prevent violations of the mammary glands, pumping is recommended in the hospital, and after discharge.
  • Do I need to decant after each feeding with increased lactation? Such a question is solved individually. It all depends on the reasons that cause hyperlactation. If milk arrives too much due to regular pumping, it is recommended that these actions be phased out.

Front and rear milk: feeding wisdom

Front and rear milk: feeding wisdom

This is the nature of wise nature, that at the beginning of feeding milk of a bluish tint is produced, and at the end - white liquid, thicker in appearance. These conditional species are called front and back milk, although it is impossible to precisely determine the boundary between them. Each "product" has its own characteristics:

  • front milk nourishes the baby’s body with protein and lactose, covers the body’s need for fluids;
  • the back contains fats in significantly larger quantities (3-4 times) than the front. This milk provides the child with calories, energy.

For infants, front and back milk are equally important - how to feed them properly in order to provide the infant with all the necessary substances? It is recommended to rarely change the breast during feeding. It is desirable to offer the same mammary gland to the child 2-4 times in a row, if it is applied for a short time. Or in case feeding takes about 30 minutes. It is important to ensure that infants do not just suck, but fully swallow. It is believed that at night more nutritious milk is produced. To decant the front "product" should not be, because at the expense of him the child receives the necessary rate of fluid.

There is no unanimity in questions of the need for decanting at each feeding between specialists. Most modern pediatricians believe that the procedure is not mandatory. It is important to determine the individual needs of the mother and baby, in order to prevent health problems. There are a number of cases where pumping becomes a rational solution. This process, like all that is associated with breastfeeding, is justified only in a situation when its benefits are beyond doubt.