Daikon benefit and harm. useful properties and


Under the mysterious word "daikon" hides a large root vegetable, very similar to the familiar radish or carrot. Differently daikon is called "Japanese" or "Chinese radish".

He was taken out once in Japan, but the Chinese root vegetable was taken as the basis for this.

What is useful daikon?

Daikon - the record for the number of vitamins that are included in its composition.Vitamin C in combination with vitamin B have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, restore mental balance and concentration. Daikon is the leader among vegetables and its calcium content, indispensable for teeth, bones and hair. Therefore, the phrase "the use of Japanese radish" can be considered sustainable.

Daikon benefit and harm

The main merit of daikon is to use it as a good liver and kidney cleanser. Under its influence, sand and stones that are formed in the kidneys are well dissolved. Daikon has excellent antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Due to the presence of a special substance - isorodanova acid, Japanese radish is a very effective tool for the prevention of cancer.

Fiber, which is rich in Japanese vegetable, is indispensable in the diet. The more of it in the consumed products, the less hunger you feel. In addition to fiber, radish contains enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of starch, and it also contains iron, manganese, zinc, copper, sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. To all other, low-calorie vegetable, daikon calories just 21 kcal per 100 g of product.

Daikon: useful properties

As for the nutritional value of Japanese daikon, then everything is unique. Although it is very difficult to say what, after all, tastes more like daikon - radish or radish, but it is absolutely definitely devoid of their obvious bitter taste. This makes it possible to use raw root vegetables in healthy vitamin salads. At the same time, the unique properties of Chinese radish are preserved in full. Used in cooking and tops of this vegetable, before eating it, as a rule, fry in vegetable oil.

Scientists have conducted many studies, after which they recognized that raw daikon is capable of excreting radioactive and toxic substances from the body, as well as eliminating excess cholesterol. Long-term and regular consumption of this product is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Root crops are also used externally, for example, compresses of grated radish accelerate wound healing, strengthen hair and help get rid of freckles.

Among the vitamins that make up the radish are PP, H, E, C, B9 (folic acid),

B6, A and mn. other

Japanese vegetable is a low-calorie product, but 300 g of daikon contain a daily dose of vitamin C.

Useful properties and contraindications

Phytoncides, which are part of radish, have a bactericidal effect, well protect the body from infections.