Cracks in the anus


Many of us have heard about such an intimate problem as hemorrhoids. However, not every adult knows that symptoms such as burning, pain, or itching may be associated with the appearance of a crack in the anus. As you already understood, today we will talk about this ailment and how to treat it.

What is the reason? We learn the opinion of experts

Anal fissures are related to the pathologies of the rectum.

Cracks of the anus are related to pathologies of the rectum, and most often this ailment is treatable by surgical intervention. They are shaped like lines and are formed on the mucous covering of the anus or directly on the skin of the anus. Due to the fact that the cracks have different depth, shape and length, only a doctor can prescribe a full treatment.

As medical practice shows, such a disease often occurs in an acute form and lasts up to four weeks. Less common are chronic forms of pathology. In this case, the patient's condition periodically deteriorates and stabilizes.

Let's find out for what reasons may appear cracks in the anus. The following are the most common ones:

  • Chronic constipation. Due to the presence of a disorder in the natural process of defecation, excessive pressure is put on the walls of the rectum, as a result of which cracks may appear.
  • Mechanical injuries. These factors include the dense and hard consistency of fecal masses, the use of poor-quality paper, rectal examination with the help of special medical instruments, anal sex.
  • Delivery Due to the physiological characteristics of the female body, the attempts and the process of delivery can also provoke the appearance of cracks.
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene and the frequent occurrence of diaper rash in the anus.
  • The course of inflammatory processes in the intestines associated with the development of dysbiosis, diarrhea, proctitis.
  • Often the cause of the appearance of cracks, is worm invasion.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease

diagnose the presence of a crack in the anus

As already mentioned, to independently diagnose the presence of cracks in the anus is impossible. Often, people are embarrassed to contact a proctologist with such a problem and begin treatment with medication drugs aimed at combating hemorrhoids. Indeed, the symptoms of cracking in the anus are very similar with the formation of hemorrhoids. In order to properly diagnose pathology, it is necessary to undergo a procedure of rectoscopy.

In which case should you rush to the proctologist? Listen to the signals of your body. With the development of cracks in the anus, specific symptoms appear, in particular:

  • Pain sensations. Initially, the appearance of cracks painful attacks are periodic. A person experiences pain mainly during stool. With the development of the disease pain syndrome increases and can accompany a person 24 hours a day. The characteristic signs of the presence of cracks are pain associated with itching, burning, tingling and swelling.
  • Itching and discomfort. These symptoms occur as a result of the constant wearing of underwear, which squeezes the anus or is made of non-natural fabrics. The larger the area of ​​anal fissure, the more itchy.
  • Blood discharge. Scarlet blood may appear during bowel movements. It is not mixed with feces and stands due to the destruction of capillary vessels. Most often, spotting occurs when trying to empty the intestines.
  • Dark thick blood. This symptom appears as a result of rupture of the venous walls. This symptom is similar in nature to hemorrhoids. Impurities of blood appear in the feces.

As already mentioned, self-treatment should not begin. Initially, you need to be examined and made an accurate diagnosis. This is primarily due to the fact that bleeding from the anal passage may also occur with the development of serious and life-threatening ailments, in particular, oncological pathologies of the intestine.

With the appearance of a crack in the anus in a chronic form, the symptoms of such an ailment remain unchanged, except for some moments:

  • bouts of spasms in the anal sphincter are mild;
  • during stool from the back of the hole may appear impurities of pus.

Qualified treatment of anal fissure fissure

Qualified treatment of anal fissure fissure

To understand how to properly treat an anal fissure, a specialist must diagnose and determine the form of the development of the disease. In most cases, the treatment of this pathology is differentiated and combines the use of pharmacological preparations, the use of suppositories and rectal ointments, as well as adherence to the diet.

In the early stages of the development of pathology, conservative treatment methods are mainly used. It is at this stage that the cracks coalesce better. If a fissure in the anus develops in a chronic stage or has a large area, then the attending specialist may recommend surgery.

To date, leading manufacturers of pharmacological drugs offer a wide range of ointments from cracks in the anus. The following pharmaceutical products are considered the most popular and effective:

  • "Ultraprokt";
  • "Bepanten";
  • "Aurobin";
  • "Methyluracil";
  • "Solcoseryl";
  • "Levomekol";
  • "Proktozan" and others.

Any pharmacological agents can be prescribed only by a specialist, taking into account the specifics of the manifesting symptoms. In some cases, ointments for treating cracks in the anus are ineffective and the patient is prescribed the use of suppositories.

There is no clear diet for treating cracks. The doctor prescribes a diet based on the characteristics of the patient's chair. Everyone is recommended to eliminate the use of spicy foods and alcoholic beverages. The daily diet should be enriched with fruits and vegetables to normalize the natural process of bowel movement.

Talk about the secret

If you still decide to treat the anal fissure at home, you should first consult with a proctologist. You should not harm yourself. When increasing the area of ​​the crack or the formation of so-called watch rollers in most cases only surgical treatment is required.

To get rid of pain associated with the formation of anal fissures, at home you can do rectal baths. To carry out this manipulation using a manganese solution. You can also insert tampons soaked in nitroglycerin ointment into the anus. This pharmacological drug has an analgesic effect and helps to eliminate spasms.

Some pharmacological agents used in the cardiological field, for example, calcium antagonists, have also been recognized as useful in the treatment of anal fissures. Such drugs are taken orally, but first you need to consult with the proctologist.

Potato swabs have gained widespread popularity among home cracking treatments. Starch has a wound healing effect. A small potato bar is introduced into the anus before a night's sleep, and in the morning it goes out in the process of defecation.

In the treatment of anal fissures on the positive side, baths from herbal remedies have also recommended, in particular:

  • yarrow;
  • camomile pharmacy;
  • Hypericum;
  • calendula

After consultation with a specialist at home, you can make microclysters using sea buckthorn oil, chamomile decoction, liquid honey. If the crack is located on the outer part of the anus, then compresses based on propolis will assist in the treatment.

Despite the fact that cracks in the anus are considered a delicate and intimate problem, it is still not worthwhile to delay the visit to the proctologist. Any, even a minor illness, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to the development of complicated consequences. Be healthy!