Comfrey medicinal


Traditional medicine has found this plant effective application in the healing of joints. At the same time, from the point of view of general qualities, such a representative of flora is considered poisonous. We offer a closer look at the unique properties that Comfrey has, study its photo and description, and also learn how its benefits and harms manifest themselves.

"Portrait" of our hero

comfrey grows in damp areas

To find our hero in even in the diverse world of flora is easy: a comfrey grows in damp areas, usually near reservoirs, swamps. The plant lives in the temperate zone and subtropics of Europe and Asia, it is found in Africa and Japan, New Zealand and America. Botanists studied in detail the comfrey medicinal - the photo and description can be seen in reference books, encyclopedias, and specialized online resources. Although science considers this plant to be poisonous, medicine has long discovered and actively exploited its valuable qualities for the healing of certain diseases.

The Latin name of the plant means "splice", "connect." Such a “speaking” name is based on the therapeutic influence of this representative of the flora on the condition of the joints. In the vocabulary of folk healers, it can be found as a bone-cutting, visas, borage, shooting.

Having considered the difference between the comfrey medicinal, having studied the photo and description where it grows, the assistant of the joints (and not only) you will surely recognize it:

  • This is a perennial plant whose height can reach 1 m;
  • on straight, branched stems are many hard hairs;
  • leaves differ roughness, rigidity, impressive size;
  • comfrey flowering can not be called very expressive: the flowers are small, tubular-bell-shaped, connected in curls-inflorescences. In shades are pink and yellow-white, purple;
  • fruits - fairly large black nuts with the inclusion of 1 seed;
  • the roots are of considerable length, and the rhizome is short, saturated with juice. It is this part (roots with rhizome) that are involved in healing.

Comfrey medicinal: application for use

Comfrey medicinal: application for use

Knowledge of what features are allocated comfrey, what are its useful properties and contraindications, folk healers use a bone-healing agent in the treatment of many diseases. Recognized the effectiveness of the use of rhizomes of plants with such health problems:

  • injuries of various kinds (fractures, sprains, bruises, sprains);
  • malfunctions in the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, gout, arthrosis, rheumatism);
  • inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, digestive organs, skin.

Most often comfrey medicinal apply to the joints, and this treatment is very effective. After all, this healing plant promotes healing, regeneration, elimination of inflammation. Prepare from it ointments, tinctures, decoctions. For example, it is recommended to prepare the tincture according to this scheme. For it you will need a fragment of a plant dug in spring or autumn.

Peel and chop fresh rhizome of comfrey.

  1. Tightly lay in a glass jar.
  2. Pour vodka.
  3. Leave for 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Strain, rhizome re-pour alcohol (the procedure can be repeated 3 times).
  5. The resulting tincture is used for rubbing.
  6. You can use the means inside - 10 drops to 1 tbsp. l water 2 times a day.

When salt deposits, inflammations of the digestive organs, ulcers will be useful the following recipe:

  1. Mix equal portions of liquid honey and grated comfrey root.
  2. Insist 14 days.
  3. Take 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.
  4. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Mix equal portions of liquid honey and grated comfrey root

If you need to treat skin diseases, burns, wounds, bruises, abrasions, a comfrey-based ointment is useful:

  1. Rhizome peretert in powder.
  2. Mix 1 part of the powder thoroughly with 4 pieces of litch.
  3. Means to simmer in the oven for 30 minutes.
  4. In the hot state, strain, pour into glass jars.
  5. Use to eliminate inflammation, bleeding, improve tissue regeneration.

Caution is required!

Be sure to take into account that the plant contains toxic substances. Its use must be agreed with the doctor, controlled by a specialist. If too large a dose of comfrey gets into the body, it will have a very negative effect on the liver. Overdose can cause severe disruption of the central nervous system and cause paralysis. It is strictly forbidden to take comfrey during pregnancy and lactation.

Comfrey - one of the amazing gifts of nature, which can help the human body. This is not a rare plant can be found in areas rich in moisture. Traditional medicine has long been used comfrey to cure many diseases, in particular, to help the joints. Substantial benefits can be gained from the plant. However, it is very important to use tools based on comfrey with caution, as recommended by specialists.