Coffee raises or lowers blood pressure.


Coffee is a favorite drink of many of us. But, perhaps, not everyone thought that, under certain circumstances, a cup of coffee can have a negative impact on health. Among scientists, and in everyday life, there is an opinion that a coffee drink affects the level of blood pressure. Let's see, does coffee increase or decrease pressure?

That's the topic for conversation.

How does coffee affect pressure?

The main component contained in the coffee drink is caffeine.

The main component contained in the coffee drink is caffeine. Its composition is considered a natural stimulant. Some of us use coffee to cheer up, and people suffering from high or low blood pressure, drink it to bring it back to normal.

For several decades now, scientists have been debating about the effect of coffee on blood pressure. Under the influence of the active components, a cup of drunk coffee constricts blood vessels, thereby increasing the intensity of peripheral circulation. As a result, increased blood pressure levels.

In small doses, coffee is even considered a useful drink, since natural grains contain phosphorus, potassium and nicotinic acid. But it is better not to use sublimated or ground coffee at all, since during processing useful substances are evaporated from the grains, caffeine and acids remain. In addition, under the influence of caffeine, the adrenal glands, which release the hormone adrenaline, begin to work actively. With such a surge, it is impossible to deny the effect of coffee on the level of blood pressure.

Medical scientists have repeatedly conducted experimental studies, during which it was found that in hypertensive patients the pressure rises sharply and much, but in hypotensive patients - for a short while and very little. The effect of coffee on the body depends on the diet, psychological state and a number of other factors.

An interesting fact was revealed by scientists: people who use a coffee drink at least 3 times a day are not subject to jumps in blood pressure. Over time, the circulatory system becomes accustomed to intensive production of adrenaline, and the vascular walls do not respond to caffeine. If you use more than 3 cups a day, you can face diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even a favorite drink you need to drink in moderation.

Does coffee increase or decrease blood pressure?

Perhaps many of you are interested in the answer to the question: coffee lowers or increases human pressure

Perhaps many of you are interested in the answer to the question: does coffee lower or increase human pressure? Unfortunately, there is no definite and reliable answer today. Only indicative conclusions can be made on the basis of research and experiments. Let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Is it possible and how much to drink coffee at high pressure?

As already mentioned, when caffeine enters the body, the adrenal glands are stimulated and there is a spasm of blood vessels. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute form, it is highly undesirable to use this drink. Many hypertensive patients have an increase in blood pressure after drinking coffee. Moreover, in some cases, its level approaches the critical (deadly) mark.

Scientists have found that if you drink a maximum of 2 cups of freshly brewed coffee beans a day, the level of blood pressure is normalized. However, it is best to consult with your healthcare professional. If you suffer from hypertension, then you may need to give up coffee, especially when weak vascular walls and there is a risk of atherosclerosis.

During research, another fact was established: caffeine suppresses the production of adenosine. This substance is produced by our brain, signaling a person about tiredness and the need for sleep. Many of us take coffee to cheer up and increase brain activity. In extreme cases, and very rarely, such methods of dealing with drowsiness can be resorted to, but not always, otherwise in a few days you will fall down from exhaustion and complete exhaustion of the body.

Hypertensive patients can drink no more than 2 cups a day and only before lunch. If you drink your favorite drink at night, it threatens the onset of serious consequences, in particular:

  • acceleration of the heart muscle;
  • spasms of the vascular walls;
  • excessive activity;
  • a sharp and possibly fatal increase in blood pressure;
  • psychomotor type excitation.

two mugs of coffee drink per day have practically no effect on the level of blood pressure

But hypotensive develops a completely different picture. After lengthy research, it was found that two cups of coffee drink per day have virtually no effect on blood pressure. If its increase occurs, it is extremely insignificant. Many attending specialists advise people with low blood pressure to drink only green coffee. This drink is considered to be more useful and fortified than roasted coffee beans.

If you have a low blood pressure level, then drink no more than 2-3 cups of green coffee, and you will immediately notice a positive result, in particular:

  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • normalization of pressure in the cerebral vessels;
  • stimulation of brain centers responsible for motor and respiratory functions.

Most scientists have concluded that coffee affects blood pressure, but some of them defend the opposite position. If you look at additional studies, you can find out an interesting fact: caffeine has a personal effect on a person, that is, some people have increased blood pressure, while others do not feel anything and no changes in the blood circulation and cardiac muscle are observed. Therefore, if you suffer from such a disease, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Contraindications to receive coffee

Despite the fact that the coffee drink can change the level of blood pressure, it can still be used by people suffering from hypotension or hypertension. The treating experts came to the unanimous opinion that it is undesirable to drink the coffee flavored drink to children as well as elderly people. This is primarily due to its effect on the central nervous system.

It is also not recommended to drink coffee in such cases:

  • with the development of diseases of the heart muscle in an acute form;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • in case of a disease of a renal failure;
  • with elevated cholesterol;
  • with the development of glaucoma;
  • with atherosclerosis.

Coffee and pressure addiction

Caffeine not only affects blood pressure, but also causes addiction

Caffeine not only affects blood pressure, but also causes addiction. Moreover, the attending specialists consider kofemaniyu pathology. This disease is like any other addiction. With excessive use of coffee, a person has a strong effect on his nervous system, suppressing natural signals and disrupting vital processes.

In just one day, acute intoxication can occur, which will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • excessive agitation;
  • pathological insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • muscle spasms.

If you have consumed coffee for a long time, and then abruptly stopped taking it, then you may experience excessive nervousness, nausea, headache, and in rare cases vomiting. To avoid such consequences, coffee should be drunk in moderation. 2 cups of coffee a day, no more than 70 ml - this is the optimal dosage of this flavored drink for humans.

Drink coffee with pleasure, but only in reasonable quantities. Then this drink will really be useful, and not vice versa. If you have concerns about your health, then before using this drink, consult with your healthcare professional, pass an examination. Be healthy!