Blood test for bilirubin


We all periodically take a blood test, but few of us pay attention to all its components and know their rate. And if you still decide to study your results, it is unlikely to correctly decipher them. Therefore, we always turn to a specialist with relevant questions and among them can be found: what is the norm of bilirubin in the blood of women?

What is bilirubin, what is its value in the body?

Blood test

If you ask a doctor, he will tell you that bilirubin is a pigment produced by several organs and tissues, is the result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. This component can be found in blood and bile.

Based on this, we can conclude that the role of bilirubin is in the utilization of hemoglobin. And if you turn to modern research, they will show that it is also a good natural antioxidant.

In humans, you can find:

  • Direct bilirubin (coupled);
  • Indirect (free).

The latter is the one that appears immediately after the destruction of hemoglobin through a chemical reaction. It is poisonous and dangerous to the central nervous system. Therefore, bilirubin in our liver takes on a different form - direct, thanks to the substances found in this organ. And so it can be said that poisonous bilirubin is neutralized. After that, it enters the bile and leaves the body naturally. It is because of bilirubin that the feces are brown, and depriving it of such color can tell about the appearance of diseases (for example, biliary tract or the same liver).

As you can see, bilirubin is important for the body and can indicate health problems, so it is important to take a blood test and pay attention to the quantitative content of this component.

The rate of bilirubin in the blood of women, depending on age

To see the number of bilirubin in a particular patient, you can use a biochemical blood test, which is taken from a vein. To make the results more accurate, you should go on an empty stomach for this procedure, that is, do not eat food 8 hours before blood collection.

The amount of bilirubin in the blood of a newborn girl significantly exceeds the rate of bilirubin in women. And this is absolutely predictable and commonplace, since after the birth of the baby’s body, it is occupied with the destruction of red blood cells, which causes an increase in bilirubin and the well-known normal jaundice of newborns. The number of bilirubin will change in the child in the first month of life, and the norm will be:

Indicators of the norm of bilorubin

  • 1-2 days: 50-60 µmol / l;
  • 2-7 day: 0-250 µmol / l, and if the child was born ahead of time - up to 170 µmol / l;
  • 10-30 day: should be reduced to 20 µmol / l.

Next, a girl up to 12 months old should have bilirubin in the range of 7.16-17.90 μmol / l. From 12 months to 14 years, this value will change, will look like this: 8.95-21.48 μmol / l.

Good indicators for girls over 14 years old are 8.5–20.5 µmol / L. These same figures will talk about the rate of bilirubin in the blood from a vein in women after 50 years.

All of the above concerned the total bilirubin and its rate (such bilirubin, as a rule, is counted in polyclinics). But there are diseases that require a detailed study and determination of a separate amount for free and bound bilirubin. In this case, the following will be considered a normal ratio - 75% (free) and 25% (linked):

  • 3.4-15.4 μmol / l - free;
  • 1.7-5.1 μmol / l - bound.

If bilirubin is elevated

The rate of bilirubin in women in the blood can tell us when it becomes high. And the causes of this phenomenon are called various factors and diseases, among them are:

  • Improper destruction of red blood cells, a common cause of this is hemolytic anemia;
  • Liver diseases: cirrhosis or cancer of the organ, viral hepatitis;
  • Gilbert's syndrome: when the liver does not have the necessary enzyme;
  • Impaired decay of bile;
  • A low content in the body of vitamin B12;
  • Poisoning by alcoholic beverages, drugs or chemicals;
  • Jaundice in newborns.

A woman can find out about all these changes even before a blood test is performed on the following symptoms:

  • The whites of the eyes are yellow;
  • The skin has a sunny shade;
  • Belching, vomiting and nausea possible;
  • A condition that can be characterized as weak;
  • Urine has a dark color;
  • Cal has no color, similar to clay.

An increase in bilirubin in the blood, if not taken the necessary measures, can lead to the appearance of toxic substances in the body, which is very bad for the brain and tissues.

Advice and treatment for elevated bilirubin

Elevated bilorubin

If you have high bilirubin, you certainly need to consult with a specialist, who, depending on the history, will prescribe the appropriate treatment and give you competent advice. If, in addition to this, you want to use the folk methods, among them are the following:

  • A diet that involves the exclusion of fried, fatty, smoked, salty and other junk food. Eat vegetables, fruits, drink more pure water;
  • If you use sugar, then give preference to cane;
  • Eliminate bad habits: cigarettes and alcohol;
  • Consult a doctor about the course of the vitamin complex.

If bilirubin is lowered

Previously low levels of bilirubin in the blood were quite rare and doctors did not associate this fact with some possible diseases. However, today the situation has changed and such an analysis result may indicate that:

  • The patient is depressed;
  • Tuberculous intoxication can be traced in the body;
  • You have coronary heart disease;
  • The patient has anemia;
  • Attention should be paid to the disease - liver carcinoma.

Also, a reduced level of bilirubin may be due to the fact that a woman wants to be slim and therefore resorts to exhausting diets. And it can also indicate that a beautiful lady drinks more than 0.5 liters of good natural coffee per day.

Bilirubin is an important pigment that can be detected in the blood and bile, it is responsible for the disposal of hemoglobin. It is important to know and follow the general rate of bilirubin in the blood of women, and in some cases, free and bound bilirubin. It is necessary to do this in order to identify possible diseases in time and take measures to treat them. However, in any case you should not engage in self-addressing health problems; if you have increased or decreased bilirubin, you should always consult a specialist.