Barley porridge


Today, little-known, several centuries ago, barley porridge was a sign of belonging to a prosperous class: it was not to meet a peasant at the dinner table (except on a holiday), and it was considered far from a simple dish. Subsequently, it was supplanted by buckwheat and rice groats, as well as millet and oats, but unfairly. The yachts have no less useful properties than the rest of cereals, and it is also highly valued for dietary nutrition.

Barley porridge: chemical composition and calorie content

Barley porridge: chemical composition and calorie content

Barley grain is the closest relative of pearl barley, as it is produced from barley. However, if in order to obtain pearl barley it is polished, then the yachka goes through only the stage of crushing, which allows it to save more vitamins and minerals. The whole process is as follows: the harvested barley grains are sifted, deprived of the floral casing, and then, avoiding the polishing stage or the active polishing, are crushed. The output turns out to be croup, which is not divided into varieties, but is classified according to numbers, which determines the size of the elements: from 1 to 3.

  • Barley croup gives long-term saturation and is recommended for dietary nutrition, all the more so because of all cereals it is the easiest: in 100 g of dry product, only 317 kcal, of which 65.4 g is given to carbohydrates, 10 g to proteins, and only 1.3 g - fats. The proportion of fiber (dietary fiber) - 8.1 g.
  • In 1 tsp. dry cereal - 19 kcal, 1 tbsp. - 63 kcal, and in 1 st (200 ml) - 454 kcal.
  • In the process of cooking, the barley grain is well boiled soft, the weight is reduced 4 times: the caloric content of the barley porridge cooked in water is only 76 kcal per 100 g of the finished product. The use of milk or the addition of fats can significantly increase this indicator: for example, barley porridge cooked with milk of 3.2% fat (without combining with water) will already weigh 108 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is remarkable: if you cook barley porridge on milk, the percentage of fat in it will increase, but the proportion of carbohydrates, on the contrary, will decrease - in comparison with the indicators for a dish boiled in water.

Barley porridge is well suited for diet, however, like other members of the cereal group, requires to comply with the measure in its use. The ways to use it to improve the shape and restore metabolic processes will be discussed in more detail later.

  • As for the chemical composition, phosphorus (343 mg) occupies a leading position in it, followed by potassium (205 mg). It is worth mentioning the high content of sulfur, calcium, magnesium, copper, fluorine. Barley is valued as a source of vitamin B9 (folic acid), as well as vitamin PP.

The benefits and harm of pots from yachki

The benefits and harm of barley porridge

Should I enter the barley porridge in your diet? Of course, the answer is unequivocal: it deserves its place in the diet of absolutely any person. Among the traditional for most cereals useful properties yachki have several interesting abilities that can not be overlooked.

  • Natural antibiotic. Of course, in terms of its degree of effectiveness, it cannot be compared with a synthetic medicine, however, a negative reaction of the body cannot be expected. Scientifically proven the presence in the chemical composition of the grain substance Gordetsin, which has activity against fungal pathogens and bacteria, especially those that contribute to the development of skin diseases.
  • Detoxification. In the case of barley groats, the purification effect extends not only to the distillation of slags and toxins (which is undoubtedly important), but also to the possibility of lowering the strength of allergic reactions of the body. Barley grits itself is safe for people with gluten intolerance, which also makes it attractive.
  • Diuretic action. Among the croup, no one except the yachka has this ability: a decoction based on it (including regular mucous porridge with a large amount of liquid) allows normalizing stools (in case of frequent constipation), cleansing the kidneys, and even expelling stagnant fluid from the tissues. Such properties of cereals allow you to use it to relieve swelling and inflammation, as well as improve the condition at any stage of urolithiasis.
  • The beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Of all the existing cereals, barley is the lightest not only in its caloric value, but also in its effect on the digestive tract: it does not harm even the damaged mucous membrane: on the contrary, it envelops it, soothing and protecting it. Gluten contained in the grain gives saturation without overloading, and also removes the fat deposited in the body and prevents the formation of new. Barley porridge is a rare dish, allowed for patients undergoing surgery during the recovery period.

Also, doctors note the ability of barley porridge to positively influence the state of the vascular walls, normalize blood pressure and sugar level, so that the product is recommended for people with diabetes. In addition, yachka may be useful in prophylactic therapy against cancer.

Is barley porridge suitable for weight loss?

Is barley porridge suitable for weight loss?

If you look only at the calorie content of barley cereals, you can agree that the product does not harm the diet: 60-70 grams (in dry form) is enough even for an adult for long-term saturation. This volume when boiling on water will be equal to 222 kcal, which is even less than the recommended "energy weight" of a large meal in a healthy diet - breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, given the fact that the cereal group is predominantly carbohydrate, it should be placed in the morning or in the afternoon so that the energy obtained is spent correctly.

  • Outside the classical rules of healthy eating, there are also methods of losing weight, implying the use of barley porridge: these are mono-diets, and more balanced options designed for 3-5 days.

Any of the algorithms for weight loss on barley porridge (even a healthy diet) puts forward some rules for preparing this dish.

  • Boil barley porridge for diet should be only on water or in half with milk, but not necessarily adding butter or sugar. You can put some honey or dried fruit, but it is better to pour cinnamon.
  • The ratio of water and cereal is 5: 1, cooking is carried out on low heat until thickened, after which the dish is left in the pan for another 2-3 hours, wrapped in a towel.
  • To get the maximum effect, correct the diet as a whole: remove fast carbohydrates, give up smoked and fried.
  • If the diet involves the daily use of barley porridge, other cereals in this menu are not included. But this technique is allowed only for a short time - otherwise its negative side will be revealed.

As for strict short-term diets on barley porridge, the most balanced and safe - the one that allows you to use a number of other products in the diet.

  • Breakfast. Barley porridge on the water, green tea or sourdough (200 ml). Allowed to add cinnamon, honey.
  • Lunch. Any non-starchy fruit or vegetable - orange, kiwi, carrot, etc.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad and barley porridge on the water (serving 2 times less than the morning).
  • Dinner. Natural yoghurt and a portion of barley porridge (volume - as daily).

The total caloric intake of a daily ration should be no more than 1,400 kcal: on this basis, the amount of cereal per day is calculated. To adhere to such nutrition can be no more than 3 days.

Barley porridge is an excellent dietary product that can be recommended to everyone. However, it should be remembered that its use is limited during pregnancy, and the cereal itself should not be combined with egg white. Other restrictions and contraindications are individual and may be indicated by the attending physician or nutritionist.