Antifungal drugs for the legs. features of the choice of


Various kinds of mycoses are known to medicine for a long time. Mycosis is a lesion of the skin of any organ with fungal agents. Currently, these diseases are successfully treated with antifungal drugs. Therapy is most effective in the early stages of the disease.

Mycoses of the feet: causes and symptoms

A large number of microorganisms and various types of fungi inhabit the skin of the foot, this microflora is conditionally pathogenic. During normal operation of the immune protection and with the observance of the elementary rules of hygiene, these microbes and fungi live quietly, without bringing any negative consequences.

But as soon as conditions change, microflora can cause various skin lesions, including inflammatory ones. At first glance, it is difficult to say which group of fungi provoked mycosis. And in order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs.

Infection with fungus can occur in swimming pools, saunas, baths and on beaches. The microorganism can also be relocated from household items. There is a risk of infection in nail salons.

Antifungal medications for the feet

The incubation period can last from six months to one and a half years. And during this time, the disease can manifest itself in the form of flaking, the formation of cracks on the heels. In the absence of treatment, the fungus can gradually migrate to the nail plate. And most often, the infection begins with a thumb.

Foot mycosis can manifest itself in different ways. On the one hand, the initial sign of a fungal lesion is the appearance of cracks, painful or itchy blisters, diaper rash, coarsened skin, such as corns. After the affected skin areas soften, turn white and begin to peel off with flakes. An almost constant and most obvious sign of mycosis is itching, burning, and an unpleasant smell.

Antifungal medications for the feet: how to choose?

  • Gels, sprays, creams, ointments are most often used to treat the affected feet. In some cases, antifungal agents in tablets can be used. The main goals of treatment are the removal of inflammation, the destruction of the fungus and, of course, the prevention of recurrence of the disease.
  • The treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist who, after research, will select those antifungal drugs that will be most effective. In the case of self-treatment there is a high risk of selection of low-cost funds, therefore, the condition can only worsen.
  • When choosing a method of treatment and the preparations themselves, it is necessary to take into account the shape and area of ​​the affected skin, and, of course, the degree of prevalence of the fungus. You can not ignore the comorbidities and the age of the patient.

Remedies for fungi on the legs: description

Antifungal drugs can be local and internal. Preparations for external, local use are effective only in the early stages of inflammation. But for more complex situations it is necessary to use an integrated approach - a combination of local and internal treatment.

It is worth remembering that before you start taking tablets of antifungal drugs, you should consult with a specialist. In addition, there is a specific list of rules that must be followed.

At the time of taking antifungal drugs should stop taking other medicines with the only exception of life-saving. Moreover, antifungal drugs should be taken for a long time, under the supervision of a doctor, until the fungus disappears completely.

Antifungal medications for the feet

In order to control the treatment process, it is necessary to undergo examinations by a doctor. For the first time they should be held 1 time per couple of weeks, after 1 time per month. Control scraping should be removed six months after the end of treatment. If the fungus is detected again, the treatment is repeated.

Today, dermatologists consider impulse therapy to be the most effective treatment method. This technique involves taking the drug at long intervals. Sometimes a weekly course of therapy is prescribed, after 3 weeks of rest, and again a course of treatment. During this week of taking the drug accumulates in the body, and during the 3 weeks in which it is not taken, the therapeutic effect continues.

Most often, the full course of treatment is designed for 3 months. But even after completing the course of treatment, the drug continues to act and save from recurring illness for a year.

Ointment from the fungus on the legs: a list

  1. When nails are damaged, not only drugs for oral administration are used, but also various kinds of medicinal varnishes, patches and ointments. As varnishes, most often use 5% batrafen, which is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail and the nail bed.
  2. In pharmacies, you can buy a special tool, ointment, which is intended for the treatment of nails "Mikospor". In its composition is an antifungal component, which also has a keratolotic effect (healing).
  3. Ointment "Candide" is successfully used in the treatment of nail fungus, foot and other skin areas. "Candide" as well as "Exoderil" destroys the cell membrane of the fungus, which leads to its death. Exoderil is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and create a depot of the active drug there.
  4. Ointment from the fungus is applied to the affected and adjacent areas of the skin, in a thin even layer. The application procedure is repeated 2 times a day. The course of treatment may be different, but most often ranges from 2 weeks to a month.

Cream of fungus on the feet: proven brand

  1. In addition to ointments, various kinds of local action cream are also used. An example of such a cream could be "Lotseril". It should be applied daily on the affected skin, the average duration of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks. If we are talking about the treatment of feet, then therapy can last up to 6 weeks.
  2. No less effective drugs can be called "Nizoral-cream" (there is shampoo, gel, ointment), "Pimafucin-cream" (there is also baby powder), "Lamisil" (produces in a wide range - spray, gel, solution, etc. ), "Exoderil" (there is a solution), etc.
  3. If the heels are affected and there are rough skin on them, then this layer should be softened before using the ointment. For this, baths or special creams may be suitable.

Foot Fungus: Prevention and Treatment Tips

Antifungal medications for the feet

In the process of treating a fungal infection, it is very important to disinfect everything that the fungus and affected skin areas come into contact with. Under the disinfection must fall flat, with special attention to the shower, bath, slippers, personal belongings.

In order to prevent infection of the feet, it is recommended to follow some simple rules. Firstly, you must use your own shoes. Do not wear tight shoes, especially not breathing. The fact is that it is long-lasting moisture, which is good for the reproduction of the fungus.

Active people who often put saunas, swimming pools, baths, sports complexes are recommended to use local antifungal ointments as a preventive measure.

See also: Pyrantel: how to take the drug to children and adults

In order to cause the development of foot fungus, it is necessary to take timely treatment measures. It is worth remembering that it cannot be complete without adherence to preventive measures and the elimination of all provoking factors.