Allergic cough in adults


If you are awakened by coughing attacks at night, but there is not a single sign of ARD, then be careful. Perhaps it is an allergy! One of its symptoms is an allergic cough. Treatment in adults will benefit only if it is possible to identify the culprit. Who will help to do this and what medicines and folk remedies will save from such a misfortune?

How terrible is the enemy?

mechanism of development of allergic cough

Describe the mechanism of development of allergic cough is not difficult. When an allergen (a substance that causes a hyperreaction in the body) enters the mucosa of the respiratory tract, it causes dilation of blood vessels and stagnation of blood in them. There is swelling. The body is trying with all its might to remove the irritant, so the cough begins.

Today, allergies are frequent among the adult population. This is due both to the general deterioration of the environment, and with the increase in the number of non-natural components in products, the craze for drugs, and stress.

Allergic coughing is not such a threatening symptom, as some mistakenly believe. It can be transformed first into chronic bronchitis, and later into bronchial asthma, and this is a completely different story. Therefore, never leave without attention allergic cough. Treatment in adults will be long, it will take months or even years, but this is the only way to maintain health and avoid dangerous consequences.

Provocateurs trouble: the most common culprits

Among the irritants, the fault of which develops an allergic cough, the following substances are leading: house dust, wool and feathers of pets, flower and tree pollen, chemistry, antibiotics, tobacco smoke. Food allergies are less common. It should be especially noted strawberries, strawberries, eggs, nuts, citrus, fish, tomatoes.

Allergy or bronchitis: can it be understood without diagnosis?

Allergy or bronchitis: can it be understood without diagnosis

Some people develop allergies from childhood, while others develop it in adulthood. Very often, the first sign of it is a cough. But how do you know that this is the reason, and not pneumonia, cold or even more dangerous ailments? Immediately warn: it is better not to try to do it yourself, because even the doctor can sometimes find it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. But, so that you do not begin to treat allergies with colds, it is better to remember the distinctive signs of allergic cough in adults just in case. They are:

  • there is no fever and irritability that inevitably accompany ARVI;
  • cough is in the nature of attacks. Appears against the background of normal health and suddenly subsides by itself. If a person encounters an allergen, then his condition worsens markedly;
  • no sputum. The cough is dry and exhausting, barking in nature. That is why sometimes even a specialist can not immediately diagnose an allergic cough, because its symptoms in adults are very similar to those of bronchial asthma;
  • it happens that a certain amount of sputum is still released, but it is very small, it is transparent, it does not contain pus and other impurities;
  • along with cough, other manifestations may be present: rhinitis, lacrimation, sneezing, itching sensation in the nasopharynx;
  • due to swelling of the larynx, difficulty breathing occurs. It sometimes even comes to suffocation;
  • seasonal nature;
  • Regular medications do not give any relief, but the condition improves when taking antihistamines.

Survey to confirm

To find an effective cure for allergic cough in adults, you will have to undergo a thorough examination, including scratch test. Their meaning is that small doses of various allergens are injected under the skin and monitor the body's reaction. Diagnostics must include a chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, a blood test and spirography.

What medicines will heal?

how to treat allergic cough in adults

Even if you have some idea how to treat an allergic cough in adults, do not try to do this without the advice of a doctor. Antiallergic drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects. They "sow" the liver, interfere with immunity, so if you suspect allergies, the route should go not to the pharmacy, but to the office of the allergist.

In order for seizures to occur as rarely as possible, you must try to eliminate or limit the effect of the irritant.

The list of appointments may include the following groups of funds:

  • antihistamines - Claritin, Tsetrin, Zirtek, Zodak, Eden, Tavegil, Suprastin, Peritol;
  • bronchodilators - Eufillin, Beclomethasone, Salbutamol;
  • mucolytic - Mukaltin;
  • expectorants - Ambroxol, Lasolvan.

In difficult cases, when drugs from allergic cough do not help, for adults, hardware methods of blood purification are used - immunosorption or hemosorption. In short, their essence can be described as follows: human blood is passed through special sorbents, as a result of which it is purified.

Several recipes from the national directory

Great success can be achieved by seriously and methodically carrying out the treatment of allergic cough in adults using traditional methods. Adopt these homemade methods:

  • Coming from the street, rinse your mouth and throat with warm water (follow these procedures several times a day);
  • inhale with potatoes. Cook cleaning, add thyme and eucalyptus leaves to the water, hold on the fire for another 5 minutes. Drip a few drops of fir oil. Breathe in vapors of this mixture;
  • To stop a coughing attack, rub the breast with camphor oil, then put mustard plasters;
  • eat 1 tbsp daily l mixture prepared from lemon, 2 tbsp. l honey and 4 tbsp. l water (mix all ingredients and boil to a smooth consistency).

To prevent sensitization, you need to keep your house clean, give up harmful products, smoke, do not have pets. Well, if all preventive measures could not protect against allergic cough, it is better to entrust the organization of its treatment in adults (prescription of drugs, procedures) to a doctor. Remember that even over-the-counter antihistamines can cause harm instead of help.