What kind of garnish is suitable for fish


Most hot dishes are based on protein products - meat or fish, since these are the most nutritious elements, on the basis of which many recipes for soups, casseroles, and more are invented. However, they always require a certain addition to themselves, which not only makes the dish whole, but also facilitates the process of its assimilation. What rules should be guided by this, which garnish for fish is considered the most successful?

How to choose a side dish for fish dishes?

garnish for fish dishes

In order to answer this question, you need to pay attention to 2 factors: it is the compatibility of products from the standpoint of their assimilation and aesthetics. The latter, of course, is a supplement rather than a fundamental point. But still plays a significant role in the perception of the dish - both visual and taste. The bulk of the side dishes for fish are vegetables, which can be both fresh and thermally processed.

  • Garnishes in general can be divided into simple and complex. In the latter, there may be 3-4 varieties of products, although sometimes this figure increases several times. And, of course, the preparation of such a side dish takes more time and effort, because it is required to take into account both the taste and the effect of the components on the body so that they do not enter into conflict.
  • The most popular side dish, which, however, is not recommended by the principles of separate feeding, is potatoes. For lean species it is watered with butter or cream sauce, for fatty ones it is left without additives. Moreover, if we talk about the rules of cooking, the fried fish should also be fried, but this significantly increases the load on the pancreas and the overall caloric content of the dish.potato to fish dishes
  • What kind of garnish is suitable for fish cooked in the oven? Most often it is zucchini, green peas, celery stalks, lettuce leaves, asparagus. You can use eggplants, but they are recommended for fish, meatballs, meatballs and similar fish mince dishes, and in small quantities, as this is a rather hard product for digestion.garnish for fish dishes
  • With boiled and steamed fish, all kinds of cabbage, beets, carrots, and corn kernels are very well combined. You can take mashed potatoes or potatoes baked in the oven.garnish for fish dishes
  • Which side dish is suitable for fried fish if you want to get a healthy dish? Primarily among the products must be present greens (parsley, dill), as well as onions - they help to better digest such food. Secondly, vegetables should not be starchy: therefore, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and celery stalks are most recommended. In extreme cases, you can limit yourself to a bunch of spinach and a few slices of lemon.garnish for fish dishes
  • Grain and pasta are recognized as the most unfortunate additions to fish, as they are a source of carbohydrates, while fish is a pure protein with fats. It is noteworthy that seafood with cereal can be consumed.garnish for fish dishes

However, there are exceptions from the last thesis, but they concern the principles of healthy sports nutrition. For a person who plans to go to a strength training after eating, it is recommended to combine the fish with complex carbohydrates: that is, rice, buckwheat, barley, pasta, etc. This will maintain energy for a long time and will not cause sugar jumps during exercise.

Summing up, it is worth noting once again that the vegetable garnish is best suited to the fish, regardless of how many components it includes, exactly how they were prepared. The remaining moments depend on your personal perception of the products, and on what effect on the food you want to receive.