Tomato soup recipes


Tomato - no table can do without this red and ripe vegetable! They make all kinds of seasonings, sauces, main dishes, snacks and, of course, soups. Now it will be about tomato soups, which for some reason are often undeservedly forgotten, although tomato soups - this is undoubtedly the decoration of any table and a tasty storehouse of vitamins! By the way, scientists believe that it is during cooking in tomatoes that more nutrients are released.

Tomato Soup Gazpacho

Italy is known for its wonderful recipes of dishes that are famous throughout the world. Tomatoes are an important component of many dishes, such as tomato gazpacho soup. Initially, this dish was prepared only in Andalusia, but now this original soup can be enjoyed in almost any restaurant. In Italy, gazpacho is considered more for a cold drink, and not for soup, and therefore it is often served not in a plate, but in a glass.

Ingredients: 5 ripe tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, 3 slices of white bread, 2 sweet white peppers, salt and black pepper to taste, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 1 tbsp. spoon wine vinegar.

Cooking gazpacho begins in the market when you pick tomatoes. Because ripe and selected tomatoes are the basis of this soup and the secret of its excellent taste. Prefer the most ripe tomatoes, but they should not be soft and overripe. So, having bought the tomatoes, rinse them from the dirt and try the blanching, that is, lower the vegetables for a few minutes in boiling water, and then carefully remove the peel from the tomatoes. Then cut the tomatoes into medium cubes and peel them from the seeds. Exactly the same procedure with peeling and removing seeds should be done with cucumbers, and then also cut them into small cubes. Now it's time to chop the garlic, onion and sweet pepper.

Then remove the pulp from the slices of white bread and fill it with some cold water, leaving to stand for a couple of minutes. Then put all the vegetables in a blender, and place the pre-pressed white bread pulp there to remove all the unnecessary liquid from it. Now turn on the blender, and as it should, chop all products to a smooth mash. Pour a homogeneous mass into another container, but remember that the dishes for this purpose should not be metallic, as the vegetables quickly lose their nutrients when in contact with metal. Now you just have to add vinegar and olive oil to vegetable puree, then put the soup in the fridge. Three hours to cool the soup will be quite enough, but if you wish, you can leave it in the refrigerator for a long time. Of course, tomato gazpacho soup is served chilled and can be decorated with finely chopped vegetables and herbs.

Homemade Tomato Soup

You will need for 6 persons: butter - 60 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Spoons, 1 onion, flour - 40 g, tomato paste - 3 tbsp. spoons, a liter of chicken or vegetable broth, two 800-ounce cans of tomatoes in their own juice, fresh thyme - a couple of twigs, pepper and salt to taste, additives according to their preference - you can add a little small meatballs or crispy crackers.

First, finely chop the onion, and in the pan heat the vegetable and butter. Fry the onions on low heat until a small blush appears for five minutes. Then add flour and tomato paste to the onion and fry for another minute. Next, put all the products in a saucepan, cover with broth and add the crushed tomatoes with the juice and thyme sprigs. Cook the soup for half an hour, then take out the thyme. Using an immersion blender, chop the soup. Then pour it into plates and add the selected fillers.

Spice Tomato Soup

To make it, you will need: 1 bunch celery, 120 grams of butter, 120 grams of vermouth, 16 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, spices - parsley, bay leaves and thyme, 2 liters of chicken or vegetable broth, 2 cups cream, salt and white pepper taste.

Put the celery in a large saucepan and stew in the butter for about ten minutes. Then peeled tomatoes, as far as possible to remove the grains and grind. Add vermouth, tomatoes, garlic, broth and spices to the pan. Spices should be added to the soup by placing them in a small bag. Cook soup on low heat for about half an hour. Then remove the spices from the soup, remove them from the bag and finely chop them to a homogeneous mass, then put them back into the pan. Now you can add cream, pepper and salt to the soup, and then leave the soup for another few minutes to cook until ready.

Tomato soup with pasta

You will need: a pound of tomatoes, 1 pc. onions, 150 grams of pasta, 50 grams of butter, 75 grams of cheese, a pinch of clove powder, pepper and salt to taste.

Peel tomatoes and cut into small slices. Add onion, cloves, pepper and salt to a pan with hot butter. Then chop all the products with a sieve, pour one liter of water and add the pasta, then boil for 10 minutes and the soup will be ready.

Guanmin Tomato Soup

To make this soup you will need: 250 grams of tomatoes, 2 eggs, wine 20 grams, you can take 20 grams of sherry and brandy diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, 10 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of sesame and vegetable oil, 2 grams of ginger powder, salt and monosodium glutamine to taste.

Wash tomatoes, cut a place from the stalk, scald with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into thin slices, then fold into a saucepan. Add chicken or vegetable broth there (chicken broth can be replaced with a cube, then it is not necessary to put glutaminate, it is enough in cubes). Bring the soup to a boil, remove the froth, then gently pour in the beaten eggs with a thin stream and add all the remaining spices. It is more correct to serve such soup in bowls, and sprinkle with green onion shavings on top.

Tomato Soup

You will need: a liter of tomato juice, 100 grams of cheese, garlic, salt and sugar to taste.

Dilute tomato juice with a small amount of water, add sugar and salt to your taste. Over high heat bring to a boil for a few minutes, but do not boil. In the heated juice, add grated cheese and crushed garlic. Leave on the fire for another minute, you should serve the soup with warm white bread croutons to the table, after frying them in butter.

Cold soup with tomato juice

You will need: a liter or a little less tomato juice with pulp, 1 pc. onions, juice from one lemon, 100 ml of tomato sauce, one red hot pepper, 1 tbsp. l sour cream, a few leaves of tarragon, 1 tbsp. l starch.

Add starch to tomato juice, stirring carefully, bring to a boil over a fire until the starch thickens. Then let the juice cool. Peel onion, grate finely and add to the soup, also add lemon juice, tomato sauce and pepper. Serve the soup to the table, seasoned with sour cream and garnished with tarragon.

Tomato soup can be made at any time of the year when you want to diversify your table with such a useful and bright vegetable. By the way, in tomato soup, not only a lot of nutrients, but it is also a good way to lose weight, as it is low in calories, but quickly causes a feeling of saturation.