Simple recipe for solyanka


Solyanka is a traditional Russian dish, which is cooked in meat broth with a variety of smoked meats. Solyanka is adored by men for its satiety and abundance of meat products. This hodgepodge is an expensive pleasure, so they prepare it mainly on holidays.

The classic recipe solyanka

This solyanka replaces both the first and the second dish, as it is very thick and high in calories. Be sure to put olives, pickled cucumbers and lemon. Solyanka will be more aromatic if cooked in pottery.


  1. Beef on the bone - 500 g
  2. Smoked meat (brisket, carbonate) - 400 g
  3. Boiled sausage - 200 g
  4. Cervelat - 100 g
  5. Pickled cucumbers - 100 g
  6. Olives - 1b.
  7. Lemon - 1pcs
  8. Onions - 1pcs
  9. Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
  10. Sour cream - optional
  11. Salt
  12. Spice


  • Cook the broth. Remove the meat and cut into pieces. Peel the onions, chop finely and fry in tomato paste.
  • Cucumbers, sausage and smoked sausage cut into strips and put in broth. A few minutes later put the olives, onions, cucumbers and spices.
  • Pour in a little pickle from cucumbers and olives. Try a hodgepodge, add salt, if necessary, boil it to a boil over low heat.
  • From the spices it is good to add bay leaf, peppercorns and ground.

If you are cooking the soup in pots, then first boil the broth, arrange the meat in portions into each dish. There add the fried onions, cucumbers, olives and fill in with broth. Put in the oven to simmer for 20 minutes.

The finished dish should be infused, then pour the hodgepodge into plates or put in pots. Garnish with greens, put a couple of lemon slices and season with sour cream.

Quick solyanka

The advantages of such a hodgepodge are that it is collected from what is in the refrigerator. Of course, her taste is not so meaty, but it is much cheaper, and it is easy to cook it.


  1. Sausages - 4 pieces
  2. Smoked sausages - 2 pieces
  3. Olives - 15 pcs
  4. Carrots - 1 pc
  5. Onions - 1pcs
  6. Potato - 4 pcs
  7. Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l
  8. Gherkins - 10 pcs
  9. Lemon


  • A liter of water to boil (so that faster, you can in the kettle). Sausages and sausages cut into slices, they can be replaced by slices of sausage. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Put everything in a saucepan, add chopped gherkins, pour boiling water and boil over low heat.
  • Peel the onions and carrots, finely chop the onions, and rub the carrots. Pass all in vegetable oil, add tomato paste or a little ketchup, fry until the vegetables turn red.
  • Add fry to the pan, put olives, spices, cook until potatoes are ready.
  • In the plate you can add a slice of lemon, sour cream and greens.

About how you can cook a hodgepodge in a slow cooker, read the article Solyanka in a slow cooker.

Cook with pleasure dishes of Russian cuisine, enjoy your meal!