Lasagna recipe at home


Lasagna is so fond of all countries, that now there are many delicious recipes for cooking it at home. The stores sell frozen dough to make it more convenient for the housewives to cook. At the same time, lasagna is still cooked for a rather long time, so it is better to cook it on a day off.

Homemade Lasagna Meat Recipe


  1. Dough - 12 plates
  2. Stuffing, mixed better - 500 g
  3. Onion - 1 pc
  4. Tomato - 2-3 pcs
  5. Cheese (preferably Parmesan) - 230 g
  6. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  7. Salt
  8. Spice

The composition of the sauce Bechamel:

  1. Butter - 30 g
  2. Milk - 500 ml
  3. Flour - 1 tbsp.
  4. Ground nutmeg - 1ch.l.


  • It is best to use plates that are just enough to soak in water. As long as they reach the condition, you can prepare a filling for lasagna.
  • In the olive oil, fry the onion and add the minced meat, spices to taste, salt.
  • Crush fresh tomatoes a little, add to the mince, mix everything and simmer a little.
  • Now cook the sauce. Melt a piece of butter in a skillet and add flour there, fry. Pour in the milk and mix well until it boils. Add nutmeg, pepper and a little salt. Everything boils for 3-4 minutes and can be turned off.
  • Now that the base for lasagna at home is ready, it's time to collect it. Baking tray, better deep, is covered with foil. Put 4 plates of dough and spread the meat on them, sprinkling with grated cheese and pouring over the sauce. Collect several layers, sprinkle the top well with cheese. Put the lasagna in the oven for 25-27 minutes, the temperature should not exceed 170 ° C.
  • Lasagna must be served in a warm form, decorated with fresh basil, greens or lemon slices. When the lasagna is a little cool, it is more convenient to cut it.

Vegetarian lasagna at home

The main difficulty in cooking vegetarian lasagna at home is that the dough has to be cooked on its own, because it must be without eggs. It may not happen the first time, so be patient, do not immediately lower your hands!


  1. Wheat flour - 200 g
  2. Cold boiling water - 100 ml
  3. A pinch of salt

The composition of the filling:

  1. Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Sweet pepper - 1 pc
  3. Medium tomatoes - 4 pcs
  4. Basil - 1 sprig
  5. Parmesan cheese - 100 g (optional)
  6. Mushrooms - 500 g

* On request, corn, green peas, canned beans, fried eggplants can be added to the filling.


  • Sift the flour several times, add salt and gradually knead the dough with water until it is well rolled. If there is a lot of flour, it will be tough.
  • Roll out the dough into a large rectangle, cut into an equal number of rectangles.
  • Wash vegetables, chop or chop them in a blender. Stew peppers and tomatoes, add basil, spices and salt.
  • Fry the mushrooms in a separate skillet until golden brown.
  • Put on a baking sheet, greased with butter, a few rectangles of dough, put the stuffing on top: pour mushrooms with vegetable mixture, sprinkle with cheese. Optionally, you can add grated walnuts.

  • Collect lasagna from several layers: dough - filling and so on several times.
  • Bake lasagna not for long - about 20 minutes at an average temperature. When it cools down a little, serve it to the table.
  • You can decorate it on top of marinated corn and greens.

Cook new recipes with pleasure, enjoy your meal!