How to sterilize jars


Each housewife tries in the summer to do homework, which in the winter will simply not be replaceable. Thanks to preservation, even in winter you can enjoy fruits and vegetables, while significantly saving the family budget. But for the preparation of blanks need to know how to properly sterilize jars.

Today, there are several different ways to sterilize cans, so that every hostess can choose a more suitable option for themselves.

Sterilization is the heat treatment of glass jars, during which microbial death occurs.

The simplest and most effective way is the processing of cans with steam. To do this, you need to take a pot of water and put it on the stove. As soon as the water begins to boil intensely, the lid is removed and the grate is put on the pan.

How to sterilize jars?

Banks are thoroughly washed (it is advisable to use baking soda or a simple mustard solution), after which they are placed on the grate - strictly with their necks down so that the steam can freely get inside.

Instead of the grate, you can use special spray dividers, which are used during frying. There are also overlays for pans, thanks to which it is possible to sterilize one or several jars at once. For 3 liter cans it will take 15 minutes, and for liter and half a liter, 5-8 minutes will be enough.

If you wish, instead of a saucepan, you can use a simple kettle, of course, if you plan to close only a few cans. In this case, the container will need to simply put on the spout of the kettle.

If the jar has been well sterilized, it will become completely dry and transparent. After the completion of the steaming procedure, all containers are carefully removed and put on a towel prepared in advance. Care must be taken so as not to burn yourself with steam.

It is important to still warm banks to start stacking blanks. After that, marinade or syrup is poured (taking into account the recipe). From the top of the container covered with lids, which must be boiled for at least 10 minutes.

Sterilization of cans: proven methods

  • If you wish, you can use another method of sterilizing cans. It is one of the oldest and few modern housewives use it. First of all, it is necessary to wash all the jars in advance, after which they are put face down on a clean towel (any cotton can be used) and left for a while until all the water is completely drained.
  • Then the containers are placed on a sunny windowsill or in a well-lit place on the loggia. Due to exposure to sunlight, all microbes and bacteria are destroyed. Before you put the preservation in the banks, they should be doused with boiling water to warm the glass.
  • Sterilization can be carried out using the method of boiling. To do this, take a large saucepan and place a wooden grate or a simple plank on the bottom. Further banks are located in a pan, and water is poured (tanks should be completely covered with water).
  • We must try to make sure that during the sterilization process, there is no contact between the walls of the cans, and for this you can put a cloth between them. As soon as the water boils, you need to boil for at least 15 minutes. While the banks are cold, they must be carefully removed from the water.
  • For sterilization, you can use a double boiler, but it should be quite large. This method is the easiest and fastest. Already washed jars are placed in a double boiler and put upside down, the cooking mode is set to exactly 15 minutes.
  • Sterilization can be done using a dishwasher, which can operate at a water temperature of at least 60 degrees. Clean cans are loaded into the machine, and the mode is set at the maximum temperature (not less than 60 degrees), and it is not necessary to use powder or some other additives.
  • If there is a convection oven, then it is perfect for sterilization. This is done very easily - the washed jars are placed on the lower grille, after which a magnifier ring is placed. The sterilization process should take at least 15 minutes, and the temperature should be 120 degrees. If small banks are sterilized, then 8 minutes will be enough.
  • Do not forget that the covers must be subjected to the sterilization procedure. In this case, you can use a steamer, boiling and saucepan with steam. It is not recommended to use a microwave oven, aerogrill, dishwasher.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave?

How to sterilize jars?

To begin with, all the cans are thoroughly washed, and you need to inspect them so that there are no cracks and chips on the glass. It is important to remember that you cannot put completely empty jars in the microwave, so some water is poured. The heating time is set to exactly 2 minutes.

If several cans are simultaneously sterilized, then the timer is set at 3 minutes. Large capacity will need to be put on its side.

Also in the microwave can be pasteurized and blanks. The washed vegetables are placed in the jars, half of the required brine volume is poured, then the container is covered with a plastic lid and a timer is set for 2-3 minutes. Then topping up the boiling pot, the banks are closed with metal lids.

Sterilize the jars in the oven

In the oven you can sterilize cans of various sizes. Washed containers are placed in a cold or slightly warmed oven upside down on a wire rack or baking tray.

The oven turns on and warms up to 150 degrees (not less). For half-liter cans, 10 minutes will be enough, for liter ones - 15 minutes, for 2 liter units - 20 minutes, and for 3 liter units - 25 minutes.

Together with the banks, you can also place clean metal covers on the grille, but only without rubber inserts, since they will deteriorate due to high temperatures.

Regardless of which method of sterilization is chosen, it is necessary to work in kitchen gloves or use tackers, since the banks will be very hot, and there is a risk of serious burn.

Features sterilization banoks blanks

If, on prescription, it is necessary to sterilize the cans already with blanks, then you can use the following methods.

How to sterilize jars?

With the help of boiling water. A towel or napkin is placed on the bottom of a large pot and the bank is placed with the blanks, then water is poured. It is important that the water temperature be the same as that of the blanks. Due to the use of hot liquid the container may burst. Water is poured so much that it reaches the “hangers” of the can, the lid is put on top. As soon as the water boils, the sterilization process should last as long as indicated in the recipe.

With the help of the oven. A jar with billets is placed on the rack or baking sheet, and the oven should be slightly warmed or completely cold. Cover the top of the container with lids, the oven turns on. Sterilization takes place at a temperature of 120 degrees.

If the recipe does not indicate the specific duration of the procedure, then you can adhere to the following indicators - 10 minutes is enough for half a liter cans, 15 minutes for a 0.75 l can, 15 min for a liter jar, 20 min for a 2 liter jar.

Pay attention to some subtleties:

  1. After sterilization is complete, the banks should not be turned upside down;
  2. You should not touch the neck of the containers with your hands, since it is necessary to sterilize them again;
  3. In order not to break the bank, the temperature must be heated gradually;
  4. When using the water sterilization method, it should be heated along with the cans;
  5. During sterilization in the oven, the door can only be opened after the temperature has dropped to 80 degrees.

Each sterilization method has its advantages and features. It is better to choose the one that is best for you. Sometimes the method is indicated directly in the recipe. If this is not the case, focus on your capabilities and maximum convenience.