How to cook pasta in the pan


An indispensable garnish for many housewives for several decades in a row remain pasta. This simple ingredient is added to the most exquisite dishes that are prepared in world-famous restaurants. But in order for the pasta to turn out really tasty, not sticky and not burnt, you need to know some of the rules of their cooking. If you still do not know how to cook pasta in the pan, then this article is for you.

Here you will find only useful and necessary information. Believe me, after applying the knowledge gained in practice, you will become just a chef in your home kitchen.

How to cook pasta in the pan and how to prepare them correctly: cooking tips

Perhaps many of the fair sex now thought that cooking pasta is very simple. No recommendations and tips are needed here. But it is not so. Take a closer look at your finished dish: if the pasta is stuck together and sticky, break into pieces and does not look aesthetically pleasing, then read the advice of experienced chefs. The next time you surprise everyone with delicious pasta with sauce or meat.

How and how much to cook pasta in the pan?

What do we advise experienced chefs? Let's get acquainted with their secrets:

  • it is best to choose high-quality pasta made from hard and high-grade wheat varieties;
  • lower the pasta only in well boiling water;
  • before immersing the pasta in water, it must be salted;
  • boil pasta should be in certain proportions with water: as a rule, per 100 g of pasta you need to use 1 liter of water;
  • do not forget that in the process of cooking pasta increases in several times in volume, so use only large pots so that you do not fill the stove;
  • after immersion of pasta in a boiling liquid, they should be covered with a lid so that the water boils again;
  • during the cooking process, the water should constantly boil, but in no case should it foam;
  • to prevent pasta from sticking together, you can add a little sunflower oil to the liquid;
  • not all pasta should be washed with running water, as a rule, only those that have been digested are washed;
  • cooked pasta must be reclined in a colander to get rid of excess fluid;
  • do not drain all the water in which the pasta was boiled: leave about 3-4 tbsp. l., then you can pour this broth into the pot and mix with the already prepared dish;
  • pasta goes very well with cheese and sauces;
  • in the preparation of each type of pasta has its own characteristics;
  • cooking time varies from 7 to 12 minutes, but no more;
  • Before use, it is recommended to warm the colander thoroughly so that its walls do not take heat from the cooked pasta.

Cooking spaghetti: a classic recipe

Spaghetti is perhaps one of many favorite treats. Just imagine the taste of cooked spaghetti with the addition of creamy or cheese sauce! In order for the spaghetti to be cooked properly, not to stick to the bottom of the dishes and not stick together, you need to take into account some features of their cooking. First of all, choose only high-quality spaghetti, and then go to the plate and start creating your culinary masterpiece. Do not forget that per 100 g of raw spaghetti requires about 1 liter of water. A 100 g is enough per serving for one adult.

How to cook spaghetti in a saucepan: a recipe


  • spaghetti;
  • filtered or mineral water;
  • table salt;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l


  1. Take a thick-walled deep pan and pour the necessary amount of filtered or mineral water into it, keeping proportions.Boiling water
  2. Place the container on the stove and bring the water to a boil over moderate heat.
  3. After the water boils, salt it at the rate of about 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of liquid. Add some sunflower oil and mix well.Salt water
  4. If the spaghetti is too long, they can be broken in half. Standard spaghetti put in a pan as a whole.

  5. Over time, the spaghetti will begin to soften. Take a spatula or spoon and gently apply them so that they are completely covered with water.Cooking spaghetti
  6. Cover the container with a lid and after 30 seconds remove it by reducing the heat.
  7. On moderate heat, continue cooking spaghetti for 7-9 minutes.Spaghetti boiled
  8. Ready spaghetti flip out on a colander and leave for a while, until excess liquid is drained.Wash spaghetti
  9. Properly cooked, that is, not stuck together spaghetti, no need to wash.
  10. Put them in a container and pour the sauce or lightly melted butter.

Features boiling cones

Some housewives prefer pasta-cones. They have an interesting shape and look very original as a side dish. To prevent the horns from sticking together and turning out very tasty, they need to be welded correctly. Let's step by step consider the process of cooking pasta horn.

How to cook the horns in the pan?


  • pasta-horns - 1 tbsp .;
  • filtered, boiled or mineral water - 1 l;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • softened butter.


  1. So, you have already chosen the horns. Depending on the type of pasta, their cooking time is not significantly different, so read on the package how much they need to be cooked. Often, cooking horns varies from 10 to 20 minutes.
  2. Pour into the container (saucepan or pan) with high sides of the water in the right quantity.
  3. Put the container on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil.
  4. Then add table salt and mix well.
  5. Put the macaroni in the boiling, well-salted water and stir.
  6. After the water boils with new force, reduce the heat so that you do not pour foam on the stove or hob.
  7. Periodically stir the horns and cook them until fully cooked.
  8. Throw away the finished horns in a colander and rinse thoroughly with boiling water (hot water can be used).
  9. Leave the pasta in a colander until excess liquid is drained.
  10. Place lightly softened butter on the bottom of the container, and then the horns.
  11. Mix all ingredients well. To taste you can add fresh chopped greens.

Pasta Nests - An Unusual Dish

Most often, housewives choose pasta nests if they want to decorate an everyday table with such an original dish. Delicious snacks are prepared from these pasta for the festive table as well, since any stuffing can be spread inside the nests.

How to cook pasta nests?


  • pasta nests;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • filtered or boiled water.


  1. Cook the nest pasta is best in a pan with a wide bottom, in a frying pan or saucepan with high sides.
  2. Put the pasta in one layer on the bottom of the container so that they do not fit tightly against each other.Pasta nests
  3. Fill the pasta with boiling water so that they are completely covered with liquid.How to cook pasta nests?
  4. After the water boils, add salt and some sunflower oil.
  5. Cook the nest under the closed lid for about 15-20 minutes.
  6. After cooking using skimmers, they should be neatly laid out on a dish without breaking the structure.
  7. Inside the nests you can lay out any sauce, meat, mushrooms, fish, herbs or vegetables.

Macaroni will become an indispensable side dish for any meat, vegetable or fish dish. As you can see, cooking pasta is a science. If you have mastered the basic rules of cooking pasta, then you can safely assign the title of chef. Enjoy your meal!