How to cook a delicious porridge


The benefits of a product like oatmeal are indisputable. Oatmeal is on the list of fourteen products that can prolong a person’s life. Consuming oatmeal helps produce a substance like serotonin in the human brain that is responsible for a good mood!

It is also worth talking about how to make porridge so that it is not only healthy, but also very tasty. And, among other things, cook it so that it looks appetizing!

How to cook a delicious porridge?

Oatmeal Cooking Tips

  • If you are preparing oatmeal for a child, it is best to cook it with milk, and add butter. Thus, you will achieve the best taste. But you can cook it on the water. From this oatmeal will not lose anything.
  • To improve the taste of porridge made from oatmeal, you can add various berries, sliced ​​fruit, nuts. Sprinkle with sugar and add a little vanilla. Your child will definitely not be able to refuse such porridge, and you will enjoy it with pleasure!
  • Before serving in the oatmeal, you can add a little cream. It will be even tastier!
  • To decorate the oatmeal, you can grate chocolate on a fine grater, and sprinkle the porridge on top. But it’s worth doing when the porridge is a bit cold and you are about to eat it. Otherwise, the chocolate just melts and the view is lost.
  • If you decide to use oatmeal, for example, for breakfast, in order to improve your health, then it is best to cook it not with milk, but with water. And to improve the taste, just add fruit, nuts or honey to the finished gruel. Salt and add sugar to such porridge is not worth it.
  • For the recovery of the body, it is desirable to eat porridge, made from oatmeal, every day. In extreme cases, at least three times a week.
  • From oatmeal you can cook not only a variety of cereals, but also a lot of other, tasty and healthy dishes! This casseroles, pancakes, meatballs, cookies, salads! You will find many recipes here on this site! Therefore, if you are not a lover of cereal, you can cook a variety of dishes with health benefits.

How to cook a delicious porridge?

Instant oatmeal

Separately, let's say about the popular instant porridge. Prepare such a gruel - easy! Filled it with hot milk or water - and a tasty, healthy dish is ready. In addition, there is a large number of the most varied tastes - with honey, raisins, nuts, fruits, berries, creamy paps. Of course, one should not deny the fact that such oatmeal cereals are useful. But, after processing in production, still some useful oatmeal substances are lost. Therefore, it is best to cook porridge by yourself - from high-grade oatmeal. But sometimes you can pamper yourself with instant cereals.

For example, the Scots, true connoisseurs and lovers of oatmeal, it never turns out such a slippery and bluish, like ours. Apparently, because they somehow cook it in a special way. I wonder how?

Tasty Oatmeal Recipes

If you want to try real oatmeal, the one that is prepared in Scotland, then you should try to cook it according to the following recipe.

Recipe for porridge in spring water

How to cook a delicious porridge?

The recipe is based on one person.

Take about 300 ml of water (Well, if the water is spring water. If there is an opportunity, take a trip to get this water. If there is no such opportunity, then you should buy such water), 50 g of oatmeal (as we remember, premium) and 1 tsp salt.

Put the water on the fire. When it boils, start to pour a thin stream of oatmeal into it. At the same time, with your free hand, quickly stir the liquid. As soon as the oatmeal boils, remove it from the heat and, covered with a lid, leave to stand for twenty minutes. No need to salt the oatmeal immediately. At a minimum, it needs to be done ten minutes after you removed the porridge from the fire.

Tasty oatmeal with greens

Take about three or four tablespoons of oatmeal. Pour them into boiling, salted water at the rate of 1: 3. Bring the gruel to a boil, then add the finely chopped greens. Boil a little, so that the flakes are soft.

And the final, in this article, recipe. Let's try to make kashukrasoty oatmeal!

Porridge beauty oatmeal

How to cook a delicious porridge?

Take three tablespoons of oatmeal. Pour them, in the evening, with one glass of lukewarm milk, water or kefir. What do you prefer? Leave until the morning on the table. Do not clean in the fridge! In the morning, add one teaspoon of honey to the porridge, and a dining room - nuts, berries or sliced ​​fruit.

Mix everything up, and a delicious, healthy breakfast is ready for your beauty!

We reviewed only a few of the oatmeal recipes. You can find a large number of other recipes. When trying, you will find exactly your oatmeal cooking recipe that will become your favorite!

Enjoy your meal!