Foie gras


What just the names in the culinary world or invented. For example, not everyone knows what “foie gras” is, but most people associate this dish with something overseas, expensive and delicious. Is it really? Is it possible to make a mysterious homemade fugrun without the help of a chef? What types of dishes are there? The phrase "foiegras" in Russian quickly became a single word and partially lost its meaning, because translated from French, from which it came, it means "fatty liver." Initially, the phrase was related to goose or duck liver. Birds were deliberately well fed before slaughtering and dressing, turning their liver into a nourishing cold snack.

But outside of France, the traditional recipe was quickly modified, and the fuagrasto was a dish based on the liver of any bird, even chicken, turkey, etc. The classic preparation of the fuagrapus suggests its serving as an independent dish or using it as a component of other hot dishes. From alcoholic beverages, fuagraobically accompanied by champagne or other dessert wine.

In the historic homeland of the foie grape has several varieties. The whole version of it cannot have more than 2 parts from different copies of the liver, at the same time spices, liqueur and table wines, and vodka on grapes are added to it. The classic fuagrasset combines several different livers, as a result of which the cut of the product shows its marble texture.

For blokufuagravse pieces of liver emulsify, so the texture becomes more homogeneous and externally, and when touched. Also in a dish there can be only 50% of fuagrail more, that this name should remain behind it, and it can be diluted with goose fat. By the way, the associations of this dish with the privileged strata of the population are not accidental. The cost of goose liver, especially increased in volume due to the forced feeding of poultry, is much more expensive than chicken and the like.

Foie gras: what is it?

Separately, it is necessary to focus on the technology of preparation of foiegrads of various types. The most common and affordable consumer is canned, obtained by treating the product with high temperature (100 degrees) in a closed container. This allows you to permanently preserve the liver in a usable or further form of preparation. However, you will need to keep it in a cool place: for example, a pantry.

The half-cooked faguer has a creamy texture, as a result of which it does not lose its properties and taste only when stored in a cold place. To obtain such a product, the liver is sterilized and packaged in a glass or ceramic container. And the most traditional is fuagrass, which can be purchased only on the market. Such a product is not stored, but in most dishes, the recipe requires as the main ingredient it is the raw fuagra that has not been preserved or sterilized.

How to cook the fuagra in the traditional recipe?

The classic formulation of processing goose liverfuagr includes in addition to the main component only 3 ingredients: white wine, pepper and salt. If desired, they can complement your favorite spices. For 1 kg of liver there is 50 ml of white table wine and a pinch of any seasoning.

Preparation of goose liver is carried out through its washing and soaking in cold water for a day. Therefore, the preparation of the fuagraginally begins in the evening. After 8-10 hours, it must be cut into fairly large pieces, which are rubbed with pepper and salt, as well as with any other seasonings and placed in a bowl filled with white wine. Liver will marinate in alcohol for another 2-3 hours.

The next stage has several variations. If you want to get a traditional foie gras, the ceramic container taken out of the marinade fill the pieces tightly, by light pressing, and you need to leave a little empty space where the air will be exchanged. If a fuaurus block is planned, marinated liver is passed through a meat grinder twice, and then the resulting mass is also put into a ceramic container.

In an oven heated to 100 degrees, place a cup with water to create a vapor effect, put a container with a fuagra on the bottom grid and prepare the dish for 30-40 minutes. The fat that the liver will excrete needs to be drained into a separate cup: they will subsequently be watered with ready-made foie gras when it cools to the required temperature. In addition, such an impregnation is a natural preservation for the fuagr, allowing it to be stored for up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Christmas foieces with goose liver and truffle: a recipe

On the Christmas table in France, the foiegra is an indispensable element crowning the entire composition. But it is prepared in a different way than in the traditional recipe: here is served the fuagra, diluted with duck or goose fat, bacon and even pork fillet. However, the goose liver itself should retain about 55%.

Foie gras: what is it?


  1. Goose liver - 800 g
  2. Milk
  3. White mushrooms - 1-2 pcs.
  4. Duck liver - 300 g
  5. Cognac - 120 ml
  6. Pork fillet - 300 g
  7. Spices - to taste


  • Liver is required to soak in milk for 4-5 hours, then get rid of films and other debris, including biliary tract. All fat is cut off at will.
  • Then, white mushrooms are prepared, which are replaced with truffles in the original recipe. This volume of goose liver has 1-2 fungi, which need to be cut and put into the liver.
  • At the next stage, marinating the liver in cognac takes place, and at this time it is necessary to start preparing the other components. Pork fillet is ground in a meat grinder, having previously lost films and bones, the duck liver goes there too.
  • The minced meat must be passed through the meat grinder twice, after which it is combined with salt, pepper, nutmeg and marinade from the foie gras.
  • Now you need to find a round shape that can be placed in the oven, and its bottom and walls lay out a mixture of minced meat with spices and marinade. 0.25 of its total volume should be left for the subsequent "closing" of the dish.
  • The marinated liver is laid in the resulting “pot” of minced meat and is overlapped with the minced meat residues, as a result of which it is sealed into it. So that when baking the dish doesn’t work dryly, 50 g of duck lard are laid on it.
  • Place the fuagranzhe container in the lower grate in the oven, and beneath it a bowl of water to create a water bath. In such conditions, the Christmas tree will prepare for 50 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees.
  • The traditional recipe assumes its further maturation within 2 days, but it is much more important to serve the dish cold, cut into plates 1-1.5 cm thick.

Chicken liver foiegras recipe: cooking features

Foie gras: what is it?

Even with proper fattening, which is not produced in Russia, chicken livers cannot be compared to goose fat. Therefore, in all recipes of foie gras where chicken liver appears, if necessary, butter is added to the ingredient list, which allows you to increase the fat content of the product and the finished dish. And without it, the foie gras becomes easier and therefore attractive to those who are watching the figure or just used to stick to healthy and non-greasy foods.

The classic recipe involves soaking 1 kg of chicken liver in cold water for 4 hours, after which the product is rinsed again under running water and placed in a free bowl. Liver need to pour 500 g of red dry wine, add to this marinade 1 tbsp. sugar and a pinch of salt. If you wish, you can throw there 2-3 peas red pepper. It is necessary to saturate chicken liver with a similar mixture for 12-18 hours, so it is advisable to carry out this procedure overnight.

After the liver is marinated, it is necessary to prepare porcini mushrooms in the amount of 200 g. They are cleaned and washed, and then laid in a meat grinder, where the liver is sliced. It is necessary to grind products 2-3 times until they turn into a monotonous mass. Then 50 g of butter, previously softened, is introduced into them, and the whole mixture is laid out in a ceramic form.

The raw material is compressed, the container is covered with a lid or tightened with foil, and is sent to an oven heated to 190 degrees. As is the case with the traditional French recipe, chicken chicken is prepared in a water bath, so a bowl of water is also placed in the oven. The total cooking time is 45 minutes.

Fuya is always served chilled, and in some cases it is allowed to mature in the cold for 36-48 hours. According to French traditions, the fossil is used with table wine. In Europe, some modifications were introduced, and fruit, nuts and ginger, as well as fruit and wine sauces were the constant companions of this dish.