Easter curds - the best recipes


Curd Easter is one of the old Russian symbols of the Great Feast. On the sides of Easter is depicted a cross and the letters "XB", which means "Christ is Risen." Easter is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher. It substitutes on the holiday table of the Old Testament Easter lamb and reminds that the time of sacrifices has passed.

The joy at the Resurrection of Christ is reflected in the dishes served at the Easter table. In the Russian tradition, Easter treats were prepared for almost the entire Holy Week, from Monday to Thursday. On Monday-Tuesday they painted eggs, on Wednesday-Thursday they baked cakes, made Easter eggs, and on Saturday they consecrated Easter dishes in the church.

Easter Curds - The Best Recipes

Cooking Tips

Before you start cooking curd pasok, I want to give some practical tips:

  • be sure to eat cottage cheese before making Easter - it should not be sour, and of course it is better if it is homemade
  • Easter cottage cheese should stand out, so you can start cooking them on Pure Thursday (then keep them under pressure until lighting or before serving)
  • If you do not have a pasochnitsy, you can use small salad bowls, lining them with food clips.
  • Lay the film so that the ends hang loosely - it will be more convenient for you to take out the Easter.
  • the shops sell collapsible plastic pasochnitsy, it is better to purchase them in advance.

Cooking Tips

  • for the press it is convenient to use a jar of water
  • put bowl with cottage cheese on plates for serum to flow down

Tsar's Easter cottage cheese

Tsar's Easter cottage cheese

For Easter, it is necessary to take the best quality cottage cheese - fresh, dry and homogeneous. Therefore, buy 500 g of fat cottage cheese, wipe it several times through a sieve (you can skip it through a meat grinder, but this can spoil the taste of cottage cheese). Now put a thick bottom pan on the fire. At first, melt 100 g of butter in it, then add cottage cheese, mix.

When the mass has become more liquid, add in turn 200 g of sour cream and 2 eggs. Boil the curd mass should be on low heat, stirring constantly, so that it does not burn. As soon as the curd mass boils, remove the pan, put it in a basin with cold water and stir until the mass cools. Now add 100 g of powdered sugar and a little vanillin. Before you put the cottage cheese in a crochet bowl, it should be moistened with water and made with gauze. Now bend the edges of the gauze, press down Easter with oppression and put it in a deep plate (serum will flow there). Leave it for a day in a cold place. Then carefully remove it from the Easter bowl, remove the gauze and decorate the Easter with candied fruit, marmalade and raisins.

Chocolate Curd Easter

Chocolate Curd Easter

Curd 500 g wipe through a sieve, until you reach a homogeneous consistency. Grate the half-slabs of milk chocolate and mix with 50 g of sugar powder. Butter - 50 g, hold on the table until it becomes soft (about an hour before cooking).

Now grated cottage cheese and half a glass of sour cream are well mixed and add chocolate with powdered sugar. Moistened with a water bowl we line with gauze or cotton towel, put the curd mass in there, press it down with a load and set it under pressure for a day. Ready-made Easter can be decorated with dragee and chocolate figures.

Curd Easter with condensed milk

Curd Easter with condensed milk

1 kg of cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve 2-3 times. A pack of soft butter and ½ cans of the condensed milk should be whitened with a mixer until white and mixed with cottage cheese. Beat up three yolks with a glass of powdered sugar until fluffy foam. Mix all ingredients, heat the mass in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil.

Add lemon and orange zest, 200 g of dried apricots (or other candied fruits) and vanilla. Now we put the curd mass in a wet form with gauze and put it under pressure for a day, like the previous Easter. From above such Easter can be poured with condensed milk and sprinkled with coconut chips, almonds.

The taste of these pasokes turns out to be gentle, light and unusually airy. Curd Easter instantly diverges at the holiday table, so be sure to cook it for your family. The main thing - cook with mood and soul!