Do i need to wash the rice before cooking and after it and


In the process of cooking there are some details that you do not attach importance to - they are so familiar. For example, cut the cheese with a wet knife or peel boiled eggs only after cooling. But the question whether it is necessary to wash the rice after cooking does not have an unambiguous solution, despite the incredible popularity of this side dish.

Familiar stranger

do I need to wash the rice after cooking

There are about 10,000 varieties of rice in the world, or, as the ancients called it, “Saracen grain”. An impressive figure, is not it? So it is quite natural that there is a huge number of versions of the "correct" rice preparation. But note, they will be true only for certain types of this useful product.

In addition, one should not forget about the division of rice into round and long-grained ones - they are the ones most often used in domestic culinary practice. Many chefs argue that cooking round rice is much more difficult: wash it, do not wash it - it still tries to stick together. But about the long majority of culinary experts defend the point of view according to which it is not necessary to wash it at all. But we will leave the theoretical differences to the professionals and try in practice to figure out how to cook rice for garnish.

4 ways to prepare rice

We immediately stipulate that the rice (both round and long) that is sold in our stores should be washed before cooking - and it does not matter whether you are cooking soup or a side dish. The only exception is cereal intended for risotto. For this dish, amylopectin is needed - rice starch, which is important for gluing grains. So in this case, you can not wash rice. But in the rest of the rice "dust" is better to get rid of. There are several options to do this.

Method number 1


1 tbsp. cereals;

30 ml of olive oil.


  1. Pour rice in a deep bowl and fill it with good drinking water. At this point, it is worth making an emphasis, because the croup has an important feature - it absorbs all the impurities and tastes of the liquid (especially when first diving into it). Then these substances will give rice dish. Fingers raise the rump from the bottom, lightly rubbing the grains.
  2. Drain sediment, again fill with clean water.
  3. Repeat the procedure until the liquid becomes clear.
  4. Pour oil on a preheated pan.
  5. Pour out the “Saracen grain” and fry for about 3 minutes, stirring constantly. The product is ready for cooking.

Method number 2


1 tbsp. rice;

40 g homemade butter.


  1. We wash the cereal several times with running cold water.
  2. In a saucepan, melt the butter.
  3. We pour out grains and warm them for 4-5 minutes on low heat. Rice is ready for cooking. Oil envelops the grain and does not allow it to stick together.

Method number 3

rice will not only give up amylopectin, but will also be fed with water

For this option, the preparation of cereals, we need hot water - 50-60 degrees. Then rice will not only give away amylopectin, but will also be fed with water. That is, then it will absorb less oil, which means that the garnish will be easier.


  1. The glass of washed grains is filled with hot water.
  2. Let stand 20-30 minutes.
  3. Drain the liquid.
  4. Fill with water again, this time cool.
  5. We do so until the grains stop giving away the starch and make the liquid turbid. After that, the cereal can be cooked.

Method number 4


  1. Rinse the cereal with running water 2-3 times.
  2. Send rice to a bowl and fill it with cold water.
  3. Defend for 2-3 hours, drain the water - cereal for the garnish is ready

Cook a delicious crumbly side dish

Boil crumbly rice garnish in several ways.

Steamed Side Dish


  1. 1 tbsp. washed cereals pour 3 tbsp. drinking water.
  2. Put the pan on a large fire for 3 minutes.
  3. Then do medium heat and cook 7 minutes.
  4. At the end of 2 minutes we tormented rice on slow.
  5. Give the dish about 12 minutes to stand in the pan with the lid closed. It will be appropriate to recall here that this cereal does not like “anxiety”, therefore it is not recommended to open the lid of the pan during the cooking process.

In plenty of water


  1. Water volume, 3 times the volume of rice, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the heat and turn off after 10 minutes.
  3. Wrap a warm towel and let it brew for at least 20 minutes.

As in the Russian stove

Pure rice pour cold water


  1. Pure rice pour cold water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. We put on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. After 5 minutes, remove from the stove, let stand 10 minutes.
  4. If necessary, add some water and put it on fire again.
  5. Repeat step number 3.
  6. Put the butter (cream), wrap the pot with a warm blanket and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

As for salt, it can be added to the rice immediately before cooking, or leave the cereal unsalted, especially if the main dish contains many spices.

Rinse or rinse - that is the question!

Do I need to wash the rice after cooking with cold water? It all depends on the purpose for which you prepared it. If for a dish of Japanese or Chinese cuisine - rinse. But it is better not to wash rice as a side dish for meat or fish, since the liquid will “wash out” all the flavor characteristics of the cereals. And another thing: if you are cooking a large pot, then for better preservation of the product, you can substitute the finished dish under the stream. Just pay attention to the fact that the taste after this manipulation will become more watery and fresh.

Cooking a side dish is no less important than creating a main course. If you choose "Saracen grain", then there are a lot of nuances and questions - for example, whether you need to wash the rice after cooking. It all depends on your preferences. But if the cereal after cooking has turned into a solid sticky mass, then this option will very quickly help to solve the problem. True, some part of the taste will have to be sacrificed.