Cooking cottage cheese at home


Cottage cheese is a very useful product, it surpasses all dairy products in the amount of protein. Cottage cheese as a protein-rich food is eaten by athletes, as well as people during the recovery period after treatment. Cottage cheese is very useful for children and adults..

But it often happens that we do not trust the cottage cheese sold in stores. And to buy a village is not possible - it is not sold anywhere nearby. In this case, you can cook the cottage cheese by yourself, at home. There are many options. The easiest way is to make cottage cheese from sour milk..

The composition of cottage cheese

To make 0.5 kg of cottage cheese you will need:

  1. 2 liters of natural milk;
  2. 2 tbsp. l low-fat sour cream;
  3. or instead of the two previous ingredients, sour milk (2 liters).

Cooking homemade cottage cheese

  • Pour natural village milk into a small saucepan, cover with a lid and leave to sour over 24 hours.
  • To speed up this process, add two tablespoons of sour cream.
  • If you already have sour milk, this preparatory stage disappears.
  • Then put the pan with sour milk in a pan that is larger in size. Pour water into it and set on slow fire.
  • As soon as the water in the larger pan boils, remove the pan with sour milk from the stove. The milk should curl up. Cooling down.

  • Put a clean gauze in a colander or strainer. Spread on her curd milk. Waste fluid flows through gauze and sieve or colander. And in a gauze there is one cottage cheese. It will get a little watery. To make it denser, you need to close the curd with gauze and put a heavy object on top of it. He will squeeze the remaining whey.
  • By the way, you can drink whey, it is an excellent diet drink.

Cottage cheese is a pure product, because it is made from genuine country milk. It can be eaten salty or sweet. You can add sour cream, cream, honey or jam, as well as fresh berries. Home-made cottage cheese is good to use for making cheesecakes and as a filling for home-made baking.

Enjoy your meal!

See also:What to cook from cottage cheese?

Especially for - Margot