

Cardamom is one of the most popular, healthy and tasty spices.

Cooks give him the third place after such spices as saffron and vanilla.

Cardamom description

Cardamom is a perennial herb of the Ginger family. It has fleshy strong rhizomes. Stems erect, reach a height of three meters. Flower in the form of a butterfly, yellow. Fruit - three-box. Different varieties of cardamom fruits vary in shape, color and size. The seeds are fragrant, black.

Cardamom composition

All the benefits of cardamom is in its seeds.Medicinal properties are inherent to them. They contain approximately five percent essential oil. The oil contains important trace elements and vitamins: sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and vitamins of the group AT, vitamin BUT etc.

Medicinal properties of cardamom

  • Cardamom - the first assistant of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cardamom helps with bloating, improving appetite.
  • Cardamom helps eliminate bad breath.
  • Fruits of cardamom used for colds, flu. It helps with coughing.
  • For women, cardamom is a loyal assistant, it eases painful sensations before and during menstruation. In addition, it relieves headaches.
  • Pregnant cardamom is also useful. Chewing cardamom seeds, you can get rid of nausea during the period of toxicosis.
  • By chewing the seeds, we help the heart to work, refresh our breath.
  • Cardamom essential oil enlivens, relieves lethargy and a sense of apathy.
  • Cardamom is also used in the treatment of skin diseases, as well as in obesity.
  • Cardamom is widely used in cooking. Cardamom is, above all, a spice. Spice for coffee.
  • Using cardamom as a tasty food supplement, we help tone the heart, strengthen our nervous system and immunity.
  • Cardamom is a good tool for the prevention of vision, with only a small reservation: in a duet with honey.
  • Gargling with cinnamon and cardamom will help with sore throat.

Cardamom to improve digestion

For this simple and effective recipe. you will need: 20 gr. cardamom and the same amount of cumin, 10 gr. fennel

Cooking method: Pour the mixture of all ingredients with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for twenty minutes. Consume 100 ml as needed.

About the use of cardamom for weight loss, read the article Cardamom for weight loss.

Be healthy! Use the gifts of nature and natural medicines!