Wedding hairstyles with bangs on hair of different lengths


Wedding day is one of the most long-awaited events in the life of the majority of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Preparation for it begins almost in half a year. In the image of the bride every detail is important. Hair is no exception. And often, on a par with make-up, she delivers the most problems.

What should be considered when choosing a wedding hairstyle with bangs?

If she has already been chewed together for quite a long time, the girl knows exactly how she can be laid, how she should be handled and what she can’t be built with. But if she suddenly wanted to cut off for the wedding day, then it is better not to risk it. You may not like the result at all. In addition, to spoil the mood with sudden surprises such a change in haircut can pretty.

Women who have gone through a wedding are advised to rehearse the appearance options in advance, to try them out in "combat conditions". That is why it is recommended to pick up several photos of wedding hairstyles at once. With bangs, this is especially true because it is harder to lay. Each of its owners knows that incidents occur even on weekdays, and not only in such responsible ones as weddings.

Wedding hairstyles with bangs on hair of different lengths

The choice of hairstyle, in fact, depends even on the style of the dress and accessories. It is already in itself an ornament. Therefore, congestion in the head should be balanced by simplicity in everything else. In particular, a wedding hairstyle with a bang implies the absence of "architectural frills" with the rest of the hair mass, as well as an abundance of flounces, flowers and ruffs on the dress. The principle of everything and more - moveton.

As for the choice of the bang itself, there are also a couple of nuances here. Small, fragile girls and women look strange with thick straight bangs. They are asymmetric and transparent option. Good will be beveled bangs, one of the sides of which is lost in the total mass of hair.

If you liked a certain photo of a wedding hairstyle with a bang, but there is no desire to change the haircut for the sake of this, then it is worth considering the options, where the front strand of hair, intersecting the forehead obliquely, acts in its role. Many hairstyles allow you to cheat in this way. On top of that, it gives you the opportunity to satisfy your own craving for bangs, and to bypass the fashion trends of wedding hairstyles of the 2014 season. This year, this type of haircut is not at the peak of popularity.

Options for hairstyle

The desire to wear a veil is born to every third bride, especially if the plans for the wedding day include not only painting in the registry office, but also a wedding ceremony in the temple. In this case, you also need to correctly choose this accessory to the hairstyle. Or the hairstyle to him. In any case, you want to achieve harmony.

So, in the presence of a long and lush veil, you should not conduct experiments on hair, competing with other brides in the complexity of styling. Here a smooth and neat hairstyle with a minimum of "highlights" is preferable. But a short veil allows you to create a lush high hair curls or additional decor.

Especially popular wedding hairstyles in the Greek style. The veil of different lengths and pomp is ideal for them, as well as almost any dress. But the most touching and sophisticated image is born with delicate lace, pearls and cream shades.

The classic styling option is the bundle. It can be located in the region of the occiput in the center, and be shifted to the right or left. Looks great on wavy hair, and diligently straightened. Bangs to him can be absolutely any.

Wedding hairstyles with bangs on hair of different lengths

Preparation of hair for weaving is carried out, as in the previous scheme:

  1. A quantity of mousse is applied to the hair washed with shampoo before deep cleansing. After that, the curls are dried using a hair dryer. Then they should be curled with a curling iron and sprinkled with varnish.
  2. The entire mass of hair is subjected to separation through the center parting. A wide strand is selected above the left temple, which must be divided into 3 parts. The essence of weaving is similar to the performance of the French braid. In this case, the strands will be picked up only from above, even if they wind up at the lower link. Thus, below will remain the free part of the hair.
  3. You need to braid 2 braids - one on each side. They connect above the crown at an arbitrary height. After that, the remaining free curls are skipped between the nape and the junction of the braid. Movement from top to bottom, inside.
  4. Next, you need a similar way to form a bundle, which will be fixed with pins and varnish. If desired, it is worth adding a hairstyle in this part of the decoration to match the dress.

In addition, under the veil is well suited and a variety of styling from the 20s, waves and retro hairstyles. They will add elegance to the bride and will not create an image overload. With them, it will be appropriate to completely any veil, which can be supplemented with your favorite accessory.

Beautiful hairstyles without veils

Hairstyles without the participation of veils can be not only high, but also allow you to do something less complicated. For example, they may be based on braids or tail. In this case, accessories are often added to them in the form of pearl threads, a large flower, and lace. The main thing, as already mentioned, is to prevent brute force in jewelry. After all, attention to yourself will attract and bangs.

For example, such a wedding hairstyle with straight bangs is suitable for a young girl with long thick hair:

  1. The hair is washed using shampoo for deep cleaning, moistened with air conditioning. It is very important that it is not a mask that weights curls. They should be dried by tilting the head down and twisting the strands with a round brush brushing brush. Pre-hair treated with mousse.
  2. After the head dries, curls must be screwed. This is best done with a curling iron with a large diameter (27 or 35 cm), or with the help of large curlers on a sticky basis. Hair sprayed lacquer strong fixation. And then the whole mass is retracted to one side, going to the tail and fixed with a thin elastic band. It will need to disguise the strand.
  3. The final stage is to braid the tail with a decorative thread with pearls or rhinestones (depending on which one is more suited to dress decoration). Chelku tweak brushing and fix varnish. Simple, but elegant hairstyle for a young bride is ready. Most advantageous, it will look on dark hair, with a dress cut "mermaid" or in the style of "empire".

Another wedding hairstyle with bangs on long hair - the Greek braid. Her popularity among young brides today just rolls over. Despite the fact that with it you can see every third, the demand for such styling is constantly growing. The most interesting hairstyle looks in combination with soft curls.

Wedding hairstyles with bangs on hair of different lengths

For girls who do not want to keep the image familiar to all brides and choose a short dress with a flying skirt-sun, we can recommend the option of wedding styling with a high pile on the top and a beam in the back of the head. The ideal accessory to it is a satin ribbon of medium width to match the dress and small pearl earrings. The implementation of this option does not require special hairdressing skills.

  1. Clean hair, dried using mousse, combed at the roots in the area of ​​the crown and fixed with varnish.
  2. Curls are collected at the level of the head, held together by an elastic band and placed in a bun. It will be interesting if you twist them before this with a curling iron or curlers. For fastening take long studs.

Chelkatoz itself can become the main focus of the wedding hairstyle. In particular, this applies to its sloping version. Well, if he grows a little. In this case, the bang is required to moisten in the gel, give it the desired shape and put in the direction of the main part of the hair. If desired, you can decorate it with rhinestones. To do this, you need a special glue, which is subsequently washed without any problems with shampoo. You can also put "artificial diamonds" on the most common glue for eyelashes.

Whichever version of the wedding hairstyle with bangs you stop at, make sure that the final image looks harmonious and harmonious, and the chosen styling is strong enough. Then nothing will spoil the long-awaited triumph.