Scar & scar cream


Scars and scars on the body can appear as a result of various injuries or become a consequence of the surgery. One way or another, most of their owners dream of ending this problem forever. Modern aesthetic medicine and cosmetology is doing everything possible to resolve the issue efficiently and quickly.

How do the scars and scars work?

Speaking about the effect of such drugs, first of all it is necessary to note an important fact: anti-countermeasures have a local effect. This means that even if a particular cream does not suit you, there will be no harm to the body as a whole.

Scar & Scar Cream

As a rule, components creams, ointments and gels from scars and scars Various vitamins, minerals, hormones, surfactants, and plant essential oils are becoming available. Depending on the composition of the drug and the mechanism of its work. Various means of this category can help improve collagen synthesis and normalize blood circulation, have an antibacterial effect, can improve local immunity and normalize the water balance of the skin.

However, they all have one main goal. Such creams should lighten scars, reduce their size and height, i.e. make them less visible. Anti-rubbing drugs also soften scars and eliminate skin tightness. If you start using products on fresh scars (immediately after complete healing of the wound), further growth of scar tissue will be stopped, and itching and redness will noticeably decrease.

When treating scars and scars should be remembered a few simple facts:

  1. Normotrophic scars, i.e. located at the level of the skin, easily treated with creams. Other types of skin disorders are treatable only with the use of complex therapy. Under the complex of therapeutic measures usually understand the use of hardware techniques in tandem with creams, or surgery.
  2. A scar is always much easier to cure, as long as the metabolic processes do not stop there, therefore, the sooner you start the treatment, the better.

Creams and ointments for scars and scars

Creams and ointments for scars and scars

In modern pharmacology, there are many tools that can help in the treatment of scars and scars. There are several popular medications most recommended by doctors and pharmacists. These funds also have the largest number of reviews directly to the patients themselves.

  • The most famous is Contractubex This anti-rubel gel contains sodium heparin, allatonin and onion extract. The components of the drug help slow the formation of scar tissue, stimulate the production of collagen. In addition, the gel helps fight inflammation. Contractubex should be used to remove shallow skin defects. In addition to it, to enhance the effect, the use of ultrasound is shown.
  • Another well-known tool will help not only to cope with the existing scars, but also can prevent their occurrence. Composed Dermatics Silicon dioxide and silicone are available. This tool forms a breathable film on the skin, which protects its surface from mechanical damage. Dermatics can be used to treat scars and scars of varying complexity.
  • Silicone Contents Another Liquid Cream Scarguard.In addition, it contains hydrocortisone and vitamin E. This preparation also forms a protective film. It promotes the healing of damaged tissue. Apply it must be 2 times a day during the entire treatment.

Cream for scars and scars at home

In addition to the funds available on the shelves of pharmacies, you can use creams prepared at home.

Cream for scars and scars at home


  1. Melon seeds
  2. Eggshell
  3. Vegetable oil


Eggshell and melon seeds, taken in equal proportions, thoroughly chop and mix. In the resulting mixture, add vegetable oil in such quantity that a thick gruel is obtained. The tool must be applied to the area of ​​the scar or scar within two months.


  1. Olive oil - 200 ml
  2. Beeswax -50 g


Place olive oil and beeswax (note that the wax should be of good quality) in a small saucepan. The mixture should be simmered for about 10 minutes. Cool the resulting product. Apply the cream on the skin in the area of ​​the scar using a tissue napkin and leave it on the skin (along with a napkin). The procedure should be carried out within 2 months, 2 times a day.


  1. Fruits of Japanese Saphora - 500 ml
  2. Goose fat - 500 ml


The fruits of the sapphire must be crushed and mixed with goose fat, to obtain a thick ointment. Within 4 days, it should be heated in a water bath for about 1 hour. Until the next day, the ointment should be removed every time in the refrigerator. After 4 days, the drug is ready for use. Apply it to the bandage and attach it to the scar or scar.

Whatever means you choose to combat scars and scars, remember that most often they are an addition to the overall complex treatment. In order to permanently get rid of skin damage, contact a specialist who will select the right therapy for you, prescribe the necessary drugs, including anti-rubel creams.