Neck massage for osteochondrosis


Cervical osteochondrosis- This is a disease in which the dysfunction of the cervical vertebrae occurs. If you have some suspicions about cervical osteochondrosis, it’s time to find out if they have any grounds. For this offer to pass small test for osteochondrosis. Slowly turn your head 90 degrees, after relaxing. If you are experiencing pain or a crunch, it is time for you to consult a specialist.

Osteochondrosis: causes and treatment

The reasons for which develops osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae decently. Injuries, impaired immunity, arthritis, meningitis, tuberculosis, tumors - all this can lead to various diseases of the neck.

Neck massage for osteochondrosis

Treated such ailmentvarious means of modern therapy, diet, gymnastics, trips to the pool and massage. Here it is important to remember that any massage should be performed by a qualified specialist, and not a home healer. You should not joke with vertebras. If the usual back massage at home can still be done without fear for the deplorable consequences, then the damaged vertebrae must be shown to the specialist in massage. Professional massage will relieve you from painful sensations and will allow you to use your neck without any serious consequences for the intended purpose.

Professional neck massage for osteochondrosis

If there is an aspiring masseur in your environment, he may well help you a little to ease the discomfort and pain feeling associated with the disease. A person with a "heavy hand" should not be trusted with this role, because your neck is a rather fragile instrument. You will not do a neck massage yourself, because, as at this very moment, you will have to be in a horizontal position. All movements should be smooth, gentle, not long and not cause pain. Remember that in order to suppress the feeling of pain a little, the massage at the hands of “your confidant” should be short-lived.

Neck massage for osteochondrosis

Neck massage is contraindicatedwith thrombophlebitis, aneurysm, angiitis, atherosclerosis. A bleeding disorder, inflammatory processes in the body, various crises, the presence of warts, moles or eczema are illnesses that are not compatible with massage. In any case, your doctor will tell you in detail about contraindications and prohibitions.

Basic massage techniques for osteochondrosis

This type of massage should be aimed at relaxing the muscles of the neck, shoulders and arms. Subsequently, the mass will improve the blood supply to the spine and intervertebral discs. In case of acute pains, massage is not worth it, only in the period of remission.

The main rule of massage: all actions should be done only with your fingers, easily, effortlessly. And now the massage itself begins.

  • 1) Start directly with stroking your neck with your fingertips - this is what every massage movement should end. Your body should get used to the fact that it will gradually relax.
  • 2) The most effective movement in osteochondrosis is rubbing. Therefore, with your fingertips, do not begin to rub the cervical vertebrae and the neck as a whole.

Neck massage for osteochondrosis

  • Tingling is another massage that is effective for osteochondrosis. But unlike your back, your tingling on your neck should not be painful or very hard. Massage therapist should pinch the skin with small pads of fingers, going from the nape to the shoulder joint for about 3 minutes.
  • Massaging the side surfaces of the neck will also help relax the muscles. In this case, the masseur's palm should lie on the back of the neck, and the index and middle fingers should be slowly massaged with soft rubbing movements.
  • If you want the whole neck to get rid of stiffness and relax a little, for this, perform a few strokes from the lower jaw to the clavicle.

One such "home pseudo-massage" will not be enough. Regularity should be present in your tactics for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. And to provide massage services must doctor. You need to visit a neurologist, spine or chiropractor. They will help determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe the type of massage that you need.

See also:Gymnastics for Dr. Shishonin's neck.

To pull with a disease such as osteochondrosis and cervical in particular, is not necessary. Remember that your illness was formed not one day, but months or even years. Therefore, timely treatment will be most welcome at the very moment when you discover the focus of the disease. After all, massage is the most pleasant cure for anything. But you will find another swimming pool, gymnastics and a long rest. If everything were treated so simply ...