Mask for smooth hair


The beauty of the hair for the girl is paramount and is in the same position as the beauty of the skin and nails. Especially often there is the problem of smoothness of hair - due to external factors, the curls begin to electrify, lose their shape and luster. Are there ways to pacify them and give them a lively, healthy look? Is it possible only with salon procedures to achieve smooth hair, or is it possible to solve the problem at home?

How to make hair smooth at home?

Does combing hair affect smoothness? Professionals have been arguing for a long time. There was no consensus, but several interesting tips emerged that many women successfully use. If you urgently need to arrange fluffed, electrified hair, and there is no time for the headwashing procedure with subsequent drying, you can do the following: put 1-2 drops of your favorite essential or base oil on a wooden comb, distribute it along a comb, and a few just walk her hair. If the comb is plastic, it is better to apply base oil or your indelible agent with silicones. Instant smoothness will remain for several hours, and with good condition of the hair - for the whole day.

How to make hair smooth at home?

In addition to special tools that can improve the structure of the hair, we must not forget about an important, but very simple rule that not all girls follow. To cuticle hair during shampooing and after it was in the closed state, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, although the most optimal is considered 34 degrees. And after the elimination of a balm or mask, it is advisable to rinse with cool (25-30 degrees) water or herbal decoction, or with acetic infusion of the same temperature.

The last nuance, also concerning the procedure of cleansing the head and hair, and also directly affecting smoothness, is the removal of excess moisture with a towel. Some girls are accustomed to actively rubbing strands in their hands, believing that such actions will speed up the drying process. Probably, from this point of view, this is all true, but the hair from such manipulations with it is uncomfortable: the probability of its breaking and disclosure of scales increases, which will lead to dullness. After washing the hair, you can only squeeze the hair gently, blotting it with a towel, and when they dry out a little, smash them with your fingers to facilitate further combing. Trying to walk the comb on wet hair is also not worth it, because and this action will negatively affect the smoothness and shine of the curls.

Homemade masks for smooth hair: recipes

Naturally, oils and vegetable fats — for example, chicken yolk — contribute most smoothly to hair. Therefore, they constitute at least 50% of all components of a particular recipe. All the masks discussed below do not just give a visual result, but also have a healing effect, so they can be used to restore even the most deadly curls. All these masks should be applied before shampooing, best of all at night, in order to be able to influence the hair as long as possible (up to 8 hours).

The simplest mask consists of burdock and almond oil, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, with the addition of avocado oil. Oil masks, unlike most other mixtures, can even be rubbed into the scalp, and not only distributed along the length: they have a positive effect on the bulbs, which enhances hair growth and gives nourishment from the inside. Rub oil more comfortable in the form of a heated and damp hair. It is necessary to wash off twice, using shampoo.

The next option also does not require the presence of rare and expensive components in the refrigerator, but it will be even more difficult to wash it off than an oil mask, since the honey after cooling freezes on the hair. The number of components is indicated for hair lengths just below the shoulder blades.

smooth hair


  1. Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  2. Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l
  3. Castor oil - 30 ml.
  4. Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  5. Avocado pulp - 1 pc.


  • Honey and castor oil are heated in a water bath and injected into egg yolks, after which the mass is whipped with a mixer. Next to the bowl is laid low-fat thick sour cream and pulp of ripe avocado crushed in a food processor. The mixture is given time to reach room temperature, and it is carefully applied to the hair along its entire length. The head must be covered with a bag and warmed with a towel. Keep the mask should be at least 45 minutes., Rinse twice with shampoo.
  • Vitamins A and E have a positive effect on the hair in the matter of their smoothness and luster. They can be bought at the pharmacy, either alone or together, in a product called "Aevit". In any case, they will be round capsules similar to those containing fish oil. To use them, simply pierce the shell with a thick needle and squeeze the contents. You can use vitamins as with your favorite purchase mask, and with any home: they do not conflict with any of its components.

Gel lamination hair gelatin: recipes and recommendations

Gel lamination with gelatin

This wonderful home procedure was especially actively talked about not so long ago, and hardly anyone would say what caused such attention to gelatin as a component of a hair mask. But no matter what the cause, the benefits of gelatin can not be silent: this completely natural component, stretched from the bones and cartilage of animals, is a terrific source of collagen, which allows it to restore muscles and ligaments, heal joints, restore elasticity and firmness to the skin. Undoubtedly, all these positive points can be noted by starting to take gelatin inside. But also outwardly, it acts no worse: the hair after the masks on its basis becomes dense and smooth, due to the filling of voids in the hair, as well as the closure of its scales. True, this effect cannot be called completely curative, since it literally lasts until the next shampooing. But, nevertheless, gelatin carries the minimum leaving properties in itself, which is best seen when working with damaged hair: their degree of dryness decreases, the strands cease to be electrified.

  1. There are 2 main ways of home lamination of hair with gelatin: the first one is quite simple and gives a rather weak effect in comparison with the second one, which takes more time and requires assistance from the outside. They differ not so much by the recipes of the masks, but by the algorithm of the procedure. For the 1st method you will need a warm towel, a plastic cap or a bag, as well as a hairdryer and, of course, the finished gelatinous mass, the composition of which will be described below. The mixture in the form of heat is applied to the hair, is distributed using a simple comb-comb with plastic teeth, the roots are not affected. Then the strands are collected in a bundle, which is tempered with a crab or other clip, covered with a hat or package, and the head is wrapped with a towel. Within 10-15 minutes it needs to be heated with a hairdryer, and if you are comfortable, extend the time to 20 minutes. Then another 60-120 minutes. resemble without heat exposure, then wash off the mask without using shampoo, but you can treat the curls with your favorite balm or conditioner, although usually this is not necessary - smoothness appears immediately. Dry hair is also recommended without electrical appliances.
  2. Method 2 is carried out with the help of foil and ironing for straightening. Gelatin is applied to the hair by strands, each of them after processing means sealed in a rectangle of foil, and it is important to ensure that the bottom edge was closed through a double bend. According to this technology, work on the whole head is carried out, which can take up to 20-30 minutes if you act without the help of others. Then, for each strand wrapped in foil from root to tip, you need to go through an ironing iron heated to 160-180 degrees, and at the end of the heat treatment procedure, remove hair with foil under a terry towel and hold it for another 1-1.5 hours. Wash off the mask without shampoo , hair dry in vivo.

Homemade masks for smooth hair

The traditional recipe for a gelatin lamination mask is as follows: cold water and gelatin are combined in a bowl, brought to a boil in a microwave or on a water bath, cooled slightly, but not brought to a point when gelatin starts to harden. After that, in a 4: 1 ratio, combine with hair balm or your favorite mask. The amount of gelatin and water depends on the length of your hair: ½ bag is enough for short ones, and 2 bags for lengths up to the waist. You should also consider the density.

To keep your hair natural smoothness, be sure to follow the rules for caring for them: do not wash your hair with hot water, do not comb the strands in a wet state, often use natural oils for makeup. And, of course, try homemade masks for smooth hair - it is quite possible that after the 1st procedure you will notice how your hair has changed!