Hair mask with burdock oil


The rapid pursuit of fashion trends, the rhythm of life and the influence of the metropolis affect the beauty of our curls. And now, looking in the mirror, we see that the hair has lost its former beauty, elasticity and radiance. Choosing expensive cosmetics, many people forget that a simple mask for hair with burdock oil has miraculous properties.

Burdock root under a microscope: what is its secret?

Hair mask with burdock oil

Burdock oil is made on the basis of the simplest burdock root. Despite the fact that many are struggling with this weed, in its root contains a whole storehouse of vitamin, mineral, organic micro-and macronutrients.

Burdock oil is considered a truly medicinal product, which has its own indications and contraindications. Dermatologists recognize the effectiveness of this oil, so they prescribe it for the treatment of various ailments of the scalp. And what are the secrets and benefits of this oil extract? Why does it help strengthen our curls and stimulate their growth? Maybe the answer is in its component composition?

And indeed it is. It is burdock oil that contains nutrients necessary for our hair and skin. These include:

  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acid;
  • zinc;
  • ferrum;
  • manganese;
  • oleic, palminto, linoleic and stearic acids.

You can buy burdock oil at any pharmacy. Since it is considered a drug, let's find out in what cases it is recommended to use this oil extract.

Burdock oil is considered a drug

So, trichologists and dermatologists recommend using burdock oil for the following purposes:

  • for the ease of placing hard, curly or unruly curls;
  • to activate the functioning of hair follicles, including frozen ones;
  • for moistening overdried curls;
  • to restore damaged hair structure;
  • against hair loss to prevent alopecia;
  • for the treatment of dry seborrheic processes;
  • to get rid of dandruff;
  • to combat the early appearance of gray hair;
  • for nourishing hair damaged by various factors.

It is not recommended to use burdock oil if you have oily hair. In this case, to wash the oil extract from the curls will be almost impossible, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands can significantly increase.

However, if you look at it from the other side, even in such cases, burdock oil can be used. In order for the masks prepared on the basis of this oil extract to be beneficial, it is necessary to add a drying component, for example, table or apple vinegar, egg yolk or freshly squeezed citrus juice.

A few tips on the use of burdock oil

Burdock Hair Mask

To mask, prepared on the basis of oil extract of burdock root, really revive curls, you need to know and follow a few simple rules for their use, in particular:

  • the duration of the treatment course with oil of burdock root should not exceed 2 calendar months, and the break between courses should be at least 45 days;
  • oil extract can be applied in pure form or in combination with other components;
  • Mask can be applied to wet or dry curls;
  • To improve the effect, the oil extract is recommended to be heated to a temperature mark of 30-40 °;
  • Be sure to create a "greenhouse effect";
  • the duration of one procedure should not exceed 120 minutes;
  • for hair treatment we make masks three times a week, for the purpose of prophylaxis - once
  • wash the curls thoroughly using the usual shampoo;
  • it is recommended to apply clear oil on light curls, and it is better to refuse oil extracts with fillers, as they can give a greenish tint to the hair.

Save our curls: the best recipes for homemade masks

There are many different recipes for the preparation of masks to restore damaged curls. And some girls tend to deceive nature and grow a long braid in a short time. Indeed, burdock oil accelerates the functioning of the follicles, thereby having a beneficial effect on hair growth. Of course, it’s impossible to grow hair by 25 cm per week, but it is quite possible to enrich the bulbs with the necessary vitamins and microelements, as well as create a favorable basis for their growth.

Recipe number 1

The most popular among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is a mask for hair growth with burdock oil. For its preparation will require a minimum of cost and time, and the result will be amazing from the second week of use.

Mask for hair growth with burdock oil


  • crushed mustard powder - 50 g;
  • 50 ml of oil extract of burdock.

Preparation and use:

  1. In a separate bowl lay out the above ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  2. Send the mixture to a water bath and heat it to an acceptable temperature point.
  3. Apply the mixture on our curls, while doing a light massage of the skin.
  4. We do not create the greenhouse effect, and maintain the mask on the curls for 90-120 minutes.

Recipe number 2

As you know, for the full functioning of the hair follicles need to strengthen the rush of blood to them. To do this, you can use a hair mask made with burdock oil and pepper. Due to the increased blood flow, the hair follicles will begin to work more actively and our curls, respectively, will grow faster.

Hair mask with burdock oil and pepper


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 4 tbsp. l burdock oil extract;
  • 1 tsp. powdered red pepper.

Preparation and use:

  1. In a glass bowl lay out one yolk of an egg and add powdered red pepper.
  2. All thoroughly mixed, and then add the oil extract of burdock.
  3. Apply gently prepared mixture to curls, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  4. Exactly 60 minutes thoroughly wash the curls.

If for the first time you did not manage to withstand the maximum time, because it seemed that a nuclear explosion was about to happen on your head, do not despair. Indeed, this mixture is very burning and you will feel a burning sensation constantly, but eventually get used to it, because the result is worth it, believe me.

Recipe number 3

Burdock oil with castor oil for hair

As you know, the best natural remedies for restoring the hair structure, strengthening the curls and saturating them with useful substances are castor and burdock oil. A hair mask based on them is quite simple to prepare. You can stand it all night.

There is an opinion that it is rather difficult to wash the castor oil from the hair in combination with the oil extract of burdock root. To do this, you can use table or apple vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice or decoctions such as nettle.


  • 1 part of castorca;
  • 1 part oil extract of burdock root.

Preparation and use:

  1. In a glass bowl we spread in equal proportions the oil extracts and mix.
  2. For best results, heat the mixture using a water bath.
  3. Apply the mixture on the curls and do not forget to carefully rub into the skin of the head.
  4. Then we wrap our curls with polyethylene, and from above we warm with a hat or towel.
  5. Soak this mask overnight, and then rinse with plenty of filtered and preferably softened water.

Recipe number 4

As already mentioned, burdock root oil extract is not recommended for oily curls, as it may aggravate the problem. However, if you correctly combine the components in the mask, then the oil extract of burdock can be applied to oily hair. The role of the drying element will play the egg yolk. Hair mask, which includes burdock oil and an egg, will be a real salvation for your curls.

Hair mask, which includes burdock oil and egg


  • 2-4 Art. l burdock root oil extract;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Separate the protein mass from the yolk.
  2. Lay out the yolk in a glass bowl and mix with the oil extract of burdock root.
  3. Send the mixture to a water bath and gently heat it.
  4. It is not necessary to heat the mask too much so that the yolk does not coagulate.
  5. Carefully distribute the mixture prepared in locks and skin of the head.
  6. After 60 minutes, wash off the rest of the mixture.

Burdock oil can be safely called the leader among other plant components and oil extracts for hair restoration. Choose a suitable mask for yourself and do not stop in the middle of the path. The first results of such procedures will be given after 2 weeks of systematic use. Be beautiful and healthy!