Foot size in centimeters


When we buy shoes in the store, we can choose the right pair, not knowing exactly their size of the legs. Another thing - buying shoes or boots in the online store. Here we evaluate the shoes you like only visually. And if the composition of the material of the upper and the soles can be read in the description, then with the size is already more difficult. And I don’t really want to buy a cat in a bag.

Of course, the purchase can always be sent back for exchange, but where is the guarantee that you guess the size next time. Time passes, and shoes were needed yesterday. In order not to read the tea leaves, the table with the corresponding data will help determine the foot size in centimeters.

How to find the size of the feet in centimeters using the table?

How to find the size of the feet in centimetersThe history of shoes has several millennia. During this time, changed styles and materials for its manufacture. Sewing shoes from the individual gradually grew into mass production. So the question arose of unifying shoe sizes in order to facilitate the selection of a suitable product to the buyer. Today, shoe size is a digital or letter designation based on the sole length. And since, with the same length of the feet, different people can have their widths significantly different, manufacturers went to the trick and came up with the idea of ​​producing shoes with an average fullness indicator.

To date, a unified approach to the designation of shoe sizes has not been developed, therefore there are several dimensional systems:

  • In our country, as well as in most European countries, one is accepted as a unit of size, which in German means a small yardstick. Dimensional system is called shtikhmassovaya. One stich equals ⅔ centimeter. Shoe sizes range from 1-62.
  • Turkish shoe manufacturers use the European system.
  • In the British and North American systems, the size is indicated in barley kernels (barleycorn), which is inch long. Shoe sizes in Britain start at 12 inches. The next size will be ½ barleycorn longer. Americans calculate their dimensions in the same way, only their grid starts from 13.
  • Footwear manufacturers in the US use two standards - regular and FIA, the difference between them is ½ size.

In order for us and you not to get confused in the variety of symbols, correspondence tables have been developed for various dimensional systems.

Foot size in centimeters: tables

Foot size in centimeters: tables

To determine the size of the shoe, you need to measure your foot:

  1. Stand with your foot on the paper sheet and make a marker mark near the end of the big finger and at the edge of the heel.
  2. Then measure with a ruler the distance in centimeters between these marks. The resulting figure is the length of the shoe insole.

Foot size in centimeters: tables

For example, you have a foot size of 25 cm. What is the size of a shoe? Match your measurement data with a table. In the column "Insole length, cm", find a number close to yours (if there is no coincidence, round upwards). The length of the insole 25 cm correspond to the sizes: RUS - 38, EU - 39, US - 9, UK - 6.

Do not forget that you need to measure both legs, and if the data obtained will be different, give preference to a larger size.

Features of determining the size of children's feet

Choosing shoes for a child is a responsible measure, because the baby’s foot has not yet been fully formed and improper shoes can cause its deformation. To avoid trouble with the wrong choice of size, use a special table that contains dimensional data in accordance with the child's age.

The size of the child's feet in centimeters: table

Here is a column with indicators of the length of the insole in centimeters - this is the same foot length. For greater confidence, you can make your own measurements and compare them with tabular data.

How to measure the foot of the child?

To correctly determine the size of the child's feet, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Place the baby’s foot on a clean piece of paper.
  2. Take a sharply sharpened pencil and, holding it perpendicular to the surface of the paper, outline the outline of the foot.
  3. Then, using the scale of compliance of metric and shtimasshen systems, determine the size.
  4. Measurement must be performed from the end of the heel to the edge of the big toe, and both feet should be measured. When choosing the size you need to base on the length that is longer.

How to choose shoes?

Shoes should be purchased only from materials of natural origin with the presence of instep supports and the appropriate size. Consider that the children's leg is growing very quickly, so you should not take shoes close, as, however, and too large. Since quality shoes are quite expensive, it is very important to determine the correct size. At the same time try to avoid classic mistakes:

  1. You do not need to ask the child during the fitting, whether the new shoes are tight or not. Firstly, children are poorly oriented in these issues, and secondly, color and form are decisive for them.
  2. Never figure out the size of the shoe, putting the sole to the foot of the child. The size of the sole is almost always greater than the length of the shoe insole. Therefore, after such a fitting you will get cramped shoes.
  3. Do not try to check the size by putting a finger between the heel of the shoe and the heel. To help you with this operation, the child can simply squeeze his fingers. And the problems will begin on the first walk in a new dress.

Pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Buy and try on shoes better in the late afternoon. At this time, the legs increase in volume to 5% and become longer to 3 millimeters compared to the morning state.
  • Try on shoes and measure the length of the foot is necessary in a standing position, as under the action of your weight it is lengthening from 3 to 6 mm.
  • During walking, the foot lengthens slightly and moves forward, so pick up such shoes, the inner insole of which will be 10-12 mm longer than the foot.

How to choose shoes?

Quality shoes will allow you to work out the right gait, posture and help avoid flat feet. That is why when choosing it is very important to correctly determine the size of the legs.