Folk remedies for dandruff


Dandruff appearing on the scalp is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. The reasons for its occurrence may be different, therefore, having found dandruff, visit a doctor. There are many cosmetic products that are able to get rid of this disease. Nevertheless, many experts often recommend supplementing the treatment with cosmetics prepared on their own. That is why many people are interested in how to get rid of dandruff folk remedies.

The main causes of dandruff

Folk remedies for dandruff: what to choose?

Do not treat dandruff as a harmless cosmetic defect. This phenomenon is a disease of the scalp, which can occur for several reasons.

One of the most common causes of dandruff is improper or inadequate care for the scalp. It can be adversely affected by improperly chosen hair care products, using a hair dryer when drying and too hot water when washing hair.

Dandruff may also appear as a result of hormonal changes in the body. These changes can disrupt the sebaceous glands. That is why very often dandruff appears during pregnancy or during puberty.

A malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause dandruff. Impact, as a rule, unhealthy diet, insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, a violation of the production of enzymes or intestinal dysbiosis.

Stress has an impact on the appearance of dandruff. Changes in the nervous system affect the condition of the hair and scalp and can lead to the formation of white scales.

Another common cause of dandruff is a weakened immune system. By reducing the body's resistance to bacteria, which is regulated by the immune system, the fungus on the skin is able to grow rapidly, forming dandruff.

Folk remedies against dandruff: masks recipes


  1. Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l
  2. Lemon - 0.5 pcs.


Olive oil bath in a water bath. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add to the heated oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.


Apply the mask for an hour before washing your head. The tool should be rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. To make the mask better absorbed, after applying it, first put a plastic cap on the head and then a warm cap. Then wash your hair with your shampoo. This folk remedy for dandruff must be used before each wash of the head.

Folk remedies for dandruff: what to choose?


  1. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l
  2. Onions - 1 pc.
  3. Vodka - 2 tbsp.


Peel the onions and then chop them well (you can do this with a blender). Take 1 tbsp. chopped onion, add to it castor oil and vodka. Mix everything well.


Apply the prepared tool on the scalp and rub for 2-3 minutes. Then put on a cellophane cap and cap. The mask should be kept on the head for 1 hour, then rinse and wash the hair with shampoo. This tool should be used 2-3 times a week.

Mask based on castor oil, aloe and lemon juice can be used if you have oily hair.


  1. Lemon juice
  2. Aloe juice
  3. Honey
  4. Sour cream
  5. Castor oil - all in equal amounts
  6. Garlic - 2 cloves


Mix together lemon juice, honey, castor oil, sour cream and aloe juice. Chop the garlic and add to the mixture. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly.


Rub the mask into the scalp for 5 minutes. After applying the product, put a plastic cap and a cap on your head so that the mask is better absorbed. On the head you need to keep the composition for half an hour, then rinse and wash your hair with regular shampoo. Repeat the procedure should not be more than 2 times a week. Regular use of the mask will help get rid of dandruff and excessive oily hair.


  1. Plantain dry -1/2 tsp
  2. Chamomile - ½ tsp.
  3. Sage dry - 1 tsp.
  4. Nettle dry - 1 tsp.
  5. Oregano dry - 1 tsp.
  6. Boiling water - 1 tbsp.
  7. Oatmeal flakes - ½ tbsp.


First you need to make an infusion of their herbs. To do this, mix in the required amount of dry herbs. Take 1 tsp. mixture of herbs and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Cover with herbs and boiling water, cover and leave to cool until completely cooled. When the infusion is ready, strain it. Strained infusion pour oatmeal. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes to soak the flakes. Then mix the mass well.


Apply the mask to the scalp, rubbing it thoroughly. When the mask is applied, put on the cellophane cap and wrap a towel over the top. This composition should be kept on the head for at least 2 hours. When the allotted time has expired, thoroughly wash the hair. Use warm and cold water first. Do not use shampoo when washing. Hair should be dried without a hair dryer, in a natural way.

How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies: recipes infusions

Folk remedies for dandruff: what to choose?


  1. Grass coltsfoot - 1 tbsp. l
  2. Boiling water - 1 tbsp.


Herbal raw colts pour boiling water and cover with a lid. Infuse 30 min.


Rub the prepared infusion into the scalp with massage movements for about 5-10 minutes. This tool is suitable for the treatment of dandruff owners of dry hair.


  1. Tansy (leaves and stems) - 1 tbsp. l
  2. Boiling water - 2 tbsp.


The leaves and stems of tansy should be well rubbed before the formation of gruel. Take 1 tbsp. l the resulting mass and fill it with boiling water. Then cover the dishes with a lid and leave for 2 hours.


The infusion is used as a dandruff medicine for oily hair. Use hair rinse. Apply the infusion is necessary 1 time in 2 days. In order to get rid of dandruff, you will need to spend about 12 procedures.


  1. Sage herb
  2. Boiling water (vodka)


If you have dry hair, then take 1 tbsp. l Sage herbs and pour boiling water over it. Leave the infusion for 24 hours under the lid, then strain it. If your hair is oily, use vodka instead of boiling water. Means on vodka also should be kept for 24 hours, and then filtered.


The resulting infusion is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every 2 days.

Honeysuckle Compress for Dandruff


  1. Fruits and leaves of honeysuckle - 50 g
  2. Water - 1 tbsp.


Berries and leaves of honeysuckle pour water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then leave the broth over medium heat for another 15 minutes. Cool the resulting product and strain.


While it is still warm, soak a cotton cloth in it. Apply the impregnated fabric on the scalp in places where there is a accumulation of dandruff. The resulting compress should be kept on the head for about 30 minutes, while occasionally wetting the fabric in the broth. The procedure should be carried out until complete elimination of dandruff.

Treatment of dandruff folk remedies will require patience from you. This is not only a fairly lengthy process, but it requires self-preparation of fresh formulations for each procedure. Most importantly, remember that many of the causes of dandruff are inside the body, so it is useful to consult a doctor before starting treatment.