Brazilian hair straightening


Keratin hair straightening is a gentle treatment unlike other straightening methods. Moreover, the technique allows to strengthen the weakened curls. It turns out a double effect - recovery plus straightening.

Keratin hair straightening: technique

The negative impact of the environment, bad habits - all this becomes the cause of the loss of natural keratin by our skin, nails and hair. Their view becomes weakened.

During keratin treatment, the molecules of the substance penetrate into the hair structure, enriching them with necessary elements, protecting them from any harmful effects. Curls are changing for the better, becoming more shiny and unusually smooth.

Brazilian hair straightening

Manufacturers offering formulations and hair straighteners a lot. The straightening procedure begins with cleansing hair from dust and sebum. Then, from a distance of 1 cm from the roots, a special keratin composition is applied along their entire length. Next, the hair is dried with a hairdryer with a brush, without rinsing off. The actual process of smoothing hair is completed with a special iron designed for this purpose. The whole procedure takes about 3 hours.

In fact, keratin hair straightening is their intensive treatment, keratin saturation - that is, protein, of which our hair consists of almost 90 percent.

Brazilian keratin hair straightening

Brazilian keratin straightening (CGT) - not only pacify disobedient fluffy curls, but also make them healthy and unusually shiny.

Why is the procedure called “Brazilian keratin hair straightening”?

Brazilian hair straightening

The keratin formula contains unique medicinal plants from Brazil, as well as many active beneficial components, the main of which is keratin itself - a substance that binds the existing chemical bridges in the hair structure, and thereby restores its structure. In addition to keratin, the composition of the rectifying special composition also includes substances preserving keratin compounds and ensuring their active thermal protection, as well as protection from harmful radiation.

CGT can be used even on very damaged hair without any harm to them. Moreover, thanks to keratin and other plant components, the structure of the hair is fully restored. BKT does not contain any strong chemicals. The action of the special means is so gentle that it can be used for colored hair. In essence, it can be used absolutely for any type of curls. The composition penetrates well into the hair, restoring them, and on top covers the hair shafts with a protective film, preventing their further damage.

What is this substance - keratin?

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews

This is a type of protein with a high content of amino acids called cystine. During the procedure of straightening, keratin envelops hair well and penetrates inside its shaft, providing maximum protection. In CGT preparations - keratin is the "liquid form of our hair." The keratin molecule, due to its small size, penetrates deeply and easily into the hair cuticle, helping to improve its structure from the inside. In combination with other active substances keratin gives hair strength, shine and elasticity. The substance for the CGT drug is taken from the wool of Zealand animals, since it is considered the most environmentally friendly.

Brazilian keratin hair straightening: reviews

  • Julia: I will share my impressions and results. After the summer vacation, I was ripe for hair care procedures and decided to combine them with keratin straightening. My hair was not colored, naturally curly and tired from the sun, dry and thin at the tips. After the procedure, I did not recognize myself in the mirror! The result is stunning!
  • Ksyusha: My hair after keratin has become very soft and shiny. I began to dry them faster and easier to lay. The hair stays clean longer and is very nice.
  • Lera: I set a record for myself after keratin. The laying time was reduced from the usual for me everyday 30 minutes to 5 minutes. Allowing myself to sleep a little longer.

Brazilian hair straightening: photo

Brazilian hair straightening: photo

Brazilian hair straightening: photo

Brazilian hair straightening: photo

Such a procedure as keratin hair straightening will help to make hair obedient, shiny and strong. This method allows not only to make the curls more attractive in appearance, but also to strengthen them from the inside.